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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. My youngest just crawled out of bed and asked for a fried bologna sandwich and this Mama is going to fix it for him, too!
  2. I'm always looking for a better chili recipe, so if anyone wants to post it or PM me, I would be very appreciative.
  3. Since DH is going to be at work for several days straight and I'm stuck here with the kids, I've decided to go ahead and start a big pot of chili, bake some brownies and maybe some jello pops for the kids. And what are you making for survival?
  4. My husband is already there and will be staying there until it is all over. Took his bag with him. When the emergency is over and the next group can make it in, he gets to come home. So me and the kids are on our own.
  5. I sincerely hope his affiliation (if true) didn't spur this act.
  6. Exactly, but the political spin is being put out there. See WFAL post above. I would ask you to provide your training to make such a determination about his condition as El Zorro said I couldn't do that.
  7. You mean those that agree with you are reasonable/responsible. Guess Labrador is not reasonable/responsible. That's what I saw too.
  8. The guy was NUTS. Sad thing is these people don't have training to prescribe the prognosis of "unstable." My Link
  9. I would agree. Just curious how many people were saying Obama and the government were going to crash the economy? I've got the links to that but I'll save them for another day and another thread. Not meant as an assault. I'm just making the point that others said Obama wanted to crash the economy for his "agenda" and that is why things were so bad and would only get worse.
  10. Pretty fascinating stuff. The idea that the future can slip into the present and clue us into the events coming our way is kind weird but the research does show something is going on. Maybe. My Link
  11. So at least we know that you just looked through the thread, picked a few things, pieced them together to fit your agenda, and then decided that is what I was saying. Good job with the lying. You're good at it.
  12. And yelling FIRE in a crowded theater COULD cause a stampede and harm people.
  13. Thanks for typing out what you wanted me to say. It's all BULL but thanks. Ask LTD if I didn't say that the DEM "traget" list is the same as Palin's. You obviously just didn't read where I said that. It is in this thread. So you can find it. Once again, you're just lying. Over and over we've said the rhetoric on both sides needs to be calmed down. You're lying again. So at least we know that you just looked through the thread, picked a few things, pieced them together to fit your agenda, and then decided that is what I was saying. Good job with the lying. You're good at it. I'm do
  14. That's what we've been saying! The only addition is that we've said MAYBE the rhetoric played into it but we don't know, but maybe it did push him over the edge. HOWVER, either way, the rhetoric needs to be calmed down because it COULD have this effect on people already unstable. How can ANYONE be arguing over that?
  15. NO ONE HAS SAID THAT. Be honest and stop telling that lie. NO ONE IS SAYING FREE SPEECH SHOULD BE LIMITED IN ANY WAY. What is being said is that BOTH SIDES should tone down the rhetoric because that is the responsible thing to do when we know crazies are out there and it could set them off.
  16. Right! Saying that the "targeting" could be an important part of the story that pushed someone crazy (or unstable or whatever you want to say) over the edge.
  17. Selective reading! Be honest for a change, please! Look at the total context of post 27 of what I've been saying.
  18. That's just it. This thread wasn't an accusation against the Right at all. NOT. ONE. BIT. It was about the atrocity and how the rhetoric should be toned down because it might push the crazies over the edge. The Right is very defensive and began to blast away claiming there was an attack on the Right. None existed.
  19. Another misrepresentation of the facts. I didn't say you were FAR right. I said RIGHT. There is a huge difference. Just type out what you want me say because that is the only way you're going to be satisfied.
  20. No, I am not equating the definitions of "Crazy" and "Insane." That is your interpretation. You didn't comprehend what mrnn or I were saying. For the third time, just type out what you want me say because that is the only way you're going to be satisfied.
  21. See, I didn't insult you. I've figured out that discussion with the Right is impossible since they hate the middle and want to destroy the left.
  22. Just type out what you want me say because that is the only way you're going to be satisfied.
  23. Just type out what you want me say because that is the only way you're going to be satisfied.
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