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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. So you would agree it is pretty stupid to vote for a person because of the party?
  2. But we're not talking about other parts of the country. We're talking about Paulding county. The fact is, the only reason she was elected is because she ran on Republican platform. If it is wrong for the Democrats in other parts of the country to vote for a candidate because of a D after her name, then it is wrong here for people to vote for a candidate because of an R after her name. Let's get back to discussing that sad fact here in Paulding and maybe in two years we can get a representative with some common sense.
  3. There are no Ds elected in Paulding.
  4. Would you mind pointing out one of those with the D after his or her name locally in Paulding?
  5. What do we get when we elect someone just because there is an R after her name?
  6. Then you do not know about accommodations because you would know that "special needs" encompasses all accommodations for all needs. If you're the parent, you have the right to utilize a private education. If you chose the public option, the public system has to provide the accommodations, just like it would for any other student with any other needs. Your scenario does happen and that is the school's responsibility to make sure those situations are still covered. And the school would not put a student who would only eat PBJ in the same class. That would never work an
  7. The minority has just as much of a right to be in that classroom. It is call accommodation for a free and public education. It is why we have a 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. Your argument in bold was the same argument used against integration and equal rights for women. They don't have the 14th Amendment in places like Afghanistan or Iran. Have you considered teaching there?
  8. Like I said, one day it will catch up. And you are personally liable for discrimination claims and the company will not pay for that defense or award after the company pays its judgment. Good luck. If you can live with discrimination and breaking the law, you have no right to complain when someone else violates the law. Pot. Kettle.
  9. Don't blame the defense attorney since they are only doing their job to make sure the state follows the law too. Don't blame judges. We don't have enough prison space now. Are you willing to pay more taxes for more prisons? If not, then you have no right to say the judges need to throw more in jail since we have no jail space to put them.
  10. You are the reason we have discrimination laws. Hopefully, one day, those laws will catch up with you.
  11. Yes, you are making it up. Or you read it way too fast to understand what it was saying. Look back at the bottom of the original post and then let's review, shall we? Notice it is NOT Chandler but the OTHER professor who has that whacko idea that Bush was behind 9/11. The OTHER professor. Not Chandler. When the sentence says and his co-author and then there is a dash, the phrase inside the dash refers to the CO-AUTHOR. Now I know you know that but apparently you just read it hastily and didn't catch that. Right? Chandler told the Journal Friday that while he is not a Marxist, he and hi
  12. O.M.G. There was no anti-American rhetoric. There was no belief that the government was behind 9/11. His remarks about education were not Marxist. There were no "associations" mentioned that he is a part of. Do you always just make things up? Saying something is true doesn't make it so.
  13. Did you read what he said and the context he said it?
  14. And you can't tell the difference between an "insult" and pointing out an "ignorant" statement? You honestly don't know that "ignorant" means "just doesn't know" and is not a reflection on the person? When someone disagrees with you, they are "liberal." When you disagree with someone, the other person is opinionated. What a piece of hypocritical work you are.
  15. I see no one's opinion counts but yours because anyone who disagrees with you is "liberal." I also see that you don't understand what "ignorant" means, nor do you understand the context of what he said. You are taking a headline and establishing an position based on that, without even trying to understand what the issue is all about. Thank god you won't have anything to do with KSU because if you did, it would not reflect well on the institution when people read such statements by you.
  16. You are so right but that goes on a lot in a lot of things.
  17. So which is it? Answer the contradiction, please. If you had written the paper from a Muslim position, how should your paper have been graded? You put a Wiccan professor or provost in place and see what happens.
  18. This is a totally ignorant statement. Probably bothered you because you did't agree with them. Maybe your grades didn't reflect a mastery of the material?
  19. You mean there are plenty of young adult novels that are against the things you're against and promote the things you're for. I'm assuming an example would be LGBT. You think it is sinful and don't want any literature in the classroom that would explore the topic for teenagers to discuss. They said the same thing about desegregation and equal rights back in the 50s and look what happened, so I know what you mean. Those liberal ideas can lead to all sorts of things.
  20. The more educated someone is, the more they know. The more they know, the less likely they are to be conservative. Your post is the biggest pile of dog squeeze I've read in several years. You mean you indoctrinated your kids, the very thing your railing against a professor at KSU?
  21. This makes sixteen states that no longer use the death penalty. Illinois had stopped the executions after it had found that 13 men had been wrongly condemned. The fifteen men on death row had their sentences commuted to life. My Link
  22. My typo. I left out "not" before illegal.
  23. Sure it is a distraction. Not illegal though. It is illegal for a teacher to have sex with a student regardless of age. The government is not the moral police. Afghanistan had a moral police that was called the Taliban. Iran has a moral police too. The Puritans had a moral police. Anytime we let the government decide morals, guess who ends up inserting those morals? Guess you gets the book thrown at them?
  24. The teacher is not there to teach values or morals but the subject matter. It's your job to teach the former. Don't pass that onto the state. And before you come down on me for this ... I can tell you I do know several women who paid their way through college and raised their family as a dancer. It wasn't the greatest way to make a living but it was not prostitution, they didn't sell or do drugs and it kept them off welfare. What's the problem?
  25. Today I had to take my father for his doctor's appointment in Sandy Springs. It usually takes about an 1 and 15 minutes but I knew the rain would slow us up today. Left here at 6:30 for his 9AM appointment, figuring we would still have time for the coffee shop next door so I could eat a bit while he wished he could before the lab work. OMG. I pulled into the parking garage at 8:50. That's almost 2 and a half hours this morning! Atlanta and rain and traffic do NOT mix!
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