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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. If you want to see a break down of how your tax bill is divided up among various parts of the government, here is a calculator that breaks it down for you. Third Way Tax Receipt Calculator Audio Version of Story 3:47 minutes My Link to News Story
  2. I'm trying to sleep, but between the beeps from the text messages, robo-calls on the land line and my cell phone, beeps from the emails and the damned sirens going off, it is just too noisy!
  3. Sometimes I think I need someone to do this for me, maybe one day once a month. Think I might just see if my wonderful husband will do this for my birthday.
  4. Now maybe all the people who falsely accused / insinuated wrongdoing by the husband will issue a public apology.
  5. I finished 2 this month already: A Man Without a Country, by Kurt Vonnegut; and 1776, by David McCullough. I'm about to start The Immortal Story of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot in a few days.
  6. Try again. Your argument is a fallacy. You may want to look it up to understand how it works.
  7. I was just showing the fallacy of the argument. Sorry you didn't get the point. Please try again.
  8. Yeah. The overwhelming majority of people wanted to keep segregation and prohibit we women from voting and look what that got us. It is time the politicians started listening to the people.
  9. I don't disagree with that. I'm just pointing out the negative people who are automatically opposed to everything.
  10. Oh, I have no idea. I am merely commenting on the automatic negativity of SOME people toward ANY project, whether it is good or bad or indifferent. The point I am making has nothing to do with this project. None. Not a bit. No idea even what the project is. Haven't even read but three posts in the this thread and those were the last three before my first post in this thread. I am just pointing out that the same people are always against any project that may require any tax money to be spent because they immediately believe all government is bad, evil and disgusting. That any improvement or
  11. God forbid anyone would immediately assume taxpayer ripoffs or impaired quality of life issues... instead of blindly opposing a very well designed and needed regional transportation project.
  12. How soon is the tutor needed?
  13. No taxes to pay for anything. Government needs to have no money. No services are needed. The wealthy only have services they pay for and the rest of us are just lowly serfs. No strategic planning. Don't bring industry because we don't need it. Let other counties have the job markets. I swear. The mentality of some people is beyond ignorant. Thankfully, these people are not in positions to make decisions.
  14. Outliers. Unfortunately, some people are so set on scoring political points they jump on articles and headlines without the context. More people need the tin foil hats, a goodly number of people that post here.
  15. Obviously you didn't read the article. When you do, get back with the rest of us.
  16. Outliers are everywhere. What's your point? We can point to the GA bill that would require sweet tea be served in every restaurant. Or how about the nut jobs that sued (and lost) over insisting they should be able to carry guns in church. Just shows to go that whackos come in all shapes, sizes, causes and places.
  17. Are you kidding? This has to be a joke, right? You're telling me the city won't let eating places have tables on the sidewalks like they do in every town I've ever been in. Sorry, but I can't believe that one. I'm not saying you're lying but this would be the first I've ever heard of something like that and I've lived in a lot of towns up North and a few here in the South before we settled in Paulding. I will do the search and get back with you.
  18. Why can't that happen in Dallas? Is there some sort of law against a cafe having tables outside for patrons to sit, eat and enjoy the day?
  19. The dinosaurs only lived a few hundred years. The earth is only 6000 years old. Everybody knows that.
  20. The problem is that most insurance won't pay for this, as I understand it. Completely silly. It is like when my husband hurt his back a few years ago. The insurance would pay for the pain medications ($50 a month) and physical therapy ($300 every two weeks), but wouldn't pay for an $80 massage that helped him more than anything.
  21. Despite all the evidence that language training (especially at early ages) gives a tremendous advantage to kids for doing better in school and life in general, we still keep cutting the budget for these things. When politicians get involved in education instead of educators, nothing good happens. My Link
  22. Even beginners who have only a bit of training in Easter meditation practices can curb pain. Perhaps we in America can get over the stigma many have about meditation and have some common sense about the holistic approach to medicine. My Link
  23. Get back with us in 3 months and we'll see how the economy is doing with petrol at $4 a gallon. I doubt seriously if any of you will admit your error.
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