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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. We can ALWAYS trust big business to do the right thing, can't we? $4 a gallon for gas is about what is anticipated for the summer driving season. Increased demand means higher prices. The increased demand is due to production increases and that means the economy is growing again.
  2. What kind of drugs have you been smoking? Glen Beck Weed laced with Tea Party propaganda? Inserting politics into every happenstance is a sign of your on-coming delusions. Step away from the television and stop letting the emotionally charged media spin you.
  3. Why would you not give the restaurant your business when the parents and kids were the problem? Did you want the management to kick the parents and kids out? If so, did you tell that to the management? That in and of itself seems as childish as the kids running all over the place. Fact is, if you go to a "family" restaurant that isn't priced high enough to keep out the riff raff, you will get families that don't do a good job with the parenting and the kids that are unruly. High end restaurants do not allow it and will have them removed. So it looks to me like there are three parts he
  4. Wonder what this guys politics are.
  5. Here's what I understood. You were busy with something and had to pick up your son. Someone else is sick. You tried but couldn't fix it. You got someone else to help and the problem was solved. I have no idea what in the hell you were talking about was the problem. It's fixed. Works now. Case closed.
  6. I don't think your DH is going to get a cent.
  7. If the trend continues, the idea of buying CDs or other hard copies of music (even on your own MP3 or iPod) may be a thing of the past. It looks like music will be stored on The Cloud and your access is to Muz is determined by the availiblity or your internet provider. My Link
  8. I love to drink my Bloody Mary on Friday nights! It's a ritual at our house. Right after dinner for my first. Then I usually have another on Friday night and a couple on Saturday night. Only one on Sunday. It is my FAVORITE drink. Anyone have a recipe to share? My Link
  9. This is from the Supreme Court blog. The outcome will not decide whether the company did engage in discrimination, but only whether the lawsuit may proceed as a class-action. Potentially, billions of dollars are at stake. If the Supreme Court says the lawsuit can continue, the world's biggest retailer could be sued by 1.6 million women for discrimination. Audio Link 43 sec My Link
  10. This is disturbing. The Army knows, or should know, of our soldiers who are indiscriminetly killing civilians. What the article is reporting is not war: it is murder. Let's hope our military does the right thing and doesn't cover up any of this but brings these people to justice. America is better than this. My Link
  11. I've never heard of this but since my oldest daughter never played sports, I'm out of the loop on this stuff. Doctors are now saying that those tight clothes they wear underneath their clothing and uniforms are not good for the kids. My Link
  12. A summary of the results of a major back pain study published in the British Medical Journal in 2008. The study showed that the Alexander Technique was highly effective in treating back pain. My Link Audio Link 4 min 7 sec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coVXuDjHrfM
  13. This man changed the world. Literally. My Link
  14. But you know as well as I do this is NOT the gooberment involved in this now as you claimed. So why did you (er, ummm) streeeetch the truth in your post number 18? Making medical decisions with political sound bites is dangerous.
  15. Kids do stupid things. They think a few harsh words are the end of the world. Worse, kids don't understand their own bullying. A good doctor will ask about everything. Now that the world has changed, like it or not, but on-line is as much a part of our world as is Coca Cola and potato chips.
  16. Actually, all those were asked except the cardiac workup. The sex part is a little young being but it was referenced, yes. I see you didn't answer the question. Is there a reason why you use political sound bites to make medical diagnosis? Where is the gooberment in that? But you're NEVER wrong, are you? I certainly hope every doctor is asking those questions and not just assuming the child is OK in those regards, don't you?
  17. Maybe you can help me out here. Where is the gooberment in this? This is about a parent, the kid and the doctor. The LAST thing any responsible parent would do is use political sound bites as a medical diagnosis. But you're NEVER wrong. My God. This is not a GP treating the kid and you know that. It is about the GP looking everything and identifying what may or may not be a problem, just like the GP is not going to treat blood disorders but draws blood each time to check the just in case. At least be honest in the assessment.
  18. Next thing we know, the doctors will start asking the teenagers about SEX? O.M.G! Finally. A reasoned response. +3
  19. Those educated people are all upitty, aren't they?
  20. You think parents know what depression looks like better than an educated professional? Seriously? Well, then! Why don't we just let Witch Doctors treat our kids from now on.
  21. And we used to let men beat their wives in public and force six year old kids to work in factories for 12 hours a day. They managed to survive. Just because we did or didn't do something in the past doesn't mean we should or shouldn't today. We learn more about how to treat the whole person every day. Disparaging something because you don't understand it is the same as resorting to Voodoo when disease does hit. Did you READ the article? It was about more than just depression. It must be really awesome to be able to know and understand what an article is about without reading i
  22. I took my boys to the pediatrician today for their annual check up. No problems, thank goodness. But one of the questions the doctor did ask was whether or not I let the kids use Facebook and other on-line networks. He said it had to do with a link to depression. So what do I find when I get home and start searching? An article that came out TODAY on this very topic. My Link.
  23. Have you given up wearing heels?
  24. What a great idea! People will be able to ride their bikes from the Silver Comet Trail through Dallas and make an afternoon of it. What a wonderful idea!
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