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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That's what I was going to say. I've got bunions from wearing those heels when I was younger. I know now that dancing in heels and all those high priced, bad fitting shoes have come back to bite me.
  2. To Surepip's point, organic is not the same as safer or better. It is a packaging and marketing term. The term is used to raise the price (justified or not) but the term doesn't mean the product is any better or better for you.
  3. It is one of the more stupid laws but GA has done that a lot to display how stupid works lately. Call Braddock? Are you kidding? She does what she is told by the Puppet Master.
  4. My husband was fitted for one a few years ago but never used it and is fine now after making some lifestyle changes. He was in the "moderate range" of sleep apnea, whatever that means but was only getting about half the sleep for the number of hours he was supposed to be sleeping.
  5. That is a law that needs to be changed. Guns on school grounds should not be allowed for any reason, except for law enforcement.
  6. If the judge does something you agree with, he is following the law. If the judge does something with which you disagree, he is being politically correct. Got it.
  7. And we ALL know NO ONE was thinking anything at all about race when that area is mentioned. I prefer banana pudding. Never had that until we moved down here. It should be the state dish.
  8. Sure. We all know what post number 3 was saying. I agree. Thugs do come in all shapes/sizes/colors. But let's not kid ourselves about this when we all know what most people are thinking. Just keeping it real.
  9. I guess post number 3 was just skipped over. What DOES this post mean? So what possibly could post number 3 mean? Maybe the spelling bee?
  10. Round-abouts. A better solution.
  11. The title of the thread could have said, Judge Rules Parent Cannot Indoctrinate with Homeschooling since that is what the father was arguing. Or any number of titles depending on the view being pushed. The court had to decide either for the mother and strict religion in the homeschooling, or for the dad and a public education. It had to be one or the other and from what I can tell, the judge had to figure out what was best for the kid. My Link
  12. It's the Obamacare. It has raised everyone's insurance, including prop and casualty.
  13. So now it is a bad school because there is a larger number of blacks and Latinos?
  14. zoocrew


    If you're a AAA member, the car lock out service is covered.
  15. We have laws against "debtor's prison" in this nation. The case in SC is about child support payments, a criminal matter. The problem is, if the parent has no income, how can he or she pay the child support without a job? Quite a problem.
  16. If they are in jail, how can they pay the debts? My Link
  17. Not enough money to fund transportation and the rest of educational costs. Either have to raise taxes or cut a few more teachers and increase class size to have the buses. Or we could cut out high school transportation completely and make parents responsible for it. Just don't raise my taxes any more. Taxed Enough Already.
  18. I agree with Copswife. The words may have been lighthearted and not meant to be taken like that at all. It could just as easily have been meant to be a joke.
  19. Glad to have you here! Don't let the crotchety people keep you from posting.
  20. Government shouldn't be telling a business to not let the MAJORITY of christians celebrate the season like they want. The business is a private group. The understanding of separation of church and state doesn't mean there is Freedom FROM relgion.
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