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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Could it be only a "small story" because the implication is the bailout worked and makes things look better than what the Right wants everyone to believe? Could it be?
  2. Even when things are working, the Right doesn't admit it.
  3. Quite the opposite. A national standard implies a standardized level of competency and curriculum. Otherwise, we get 50 different state standards and every state teaching a different core.
  4. I'm not saying your daughter is not trying. I'm saying that the test is not like it is an extremely hard test. For some students, test anxiety is a problem. This is a requirement and there has to be a cutoff somewhere. Unfortunate but we have to have a bar set. Tell your daughter I said "good luck" and I wish her the best! She CAN do it!
  5. If we didn't do the bailout and spend the money, there would have been a domino effect of companies that failed because the balance sheets were so intertwined. That would have been near complete collapse and we would have 35% unemployment easy. That is what the reports I've read have been saying. No one liked the fact Bush bailed out the banking system, the auto industry or anything else, and no one likes that Obama continued that policy, but it was absolutely necessary. That is what Biden said.
  6. The test is not hard at all. It is something most high school sophomores could pass if they just listened in class. Mostly basic stuff. Not all that hard, as I've been told.
  7. Wow. This shows you didn't understand what Biden was saying or the finance behind it. Just wow. Right now I don't see any of the GOP possibilities as having a real chance at beating Obama, especially as the economy keeps improving. But Newt would make a dandy nominee.
  8. You mean the personal issues? Not joking at all. We're voting for a leader and not a brother-in-law. As for Newt, I think he is capable of carrying the GOP torch and will present a solid front against the left. He is more than capable of holding his own in a debate.
  9. What issues were there about Palin's personal life that were an issue? I don't remember any being a political issue but if they were, I dismissed them just like I would for Newt since those sort of things have nothing to do with how well or how poorly he would govern.
  10. The guy's personal life has nothing to do with how well or how poorly he would govern, or act in the capacity of a police officer, or determine how good a doctor or nurse he could be. The whole "personal morality" tag is an excuse to not vote for someone, IMHO. Other than that, I think Newt would make a dandy GOP nominee.
  11. The economy is certainly growing but that doesn't mean everyone, everywhere, has it easy. The economy is expanding not just here in the US but worldwide. Unemployment is always the last thing to come back and when that starts looking good, it means the next down turn is right around the corner. That's what every article I've read is saying. That's not propaganda, but the way the economy works. The article was very good and talked about all that. Did you read it? If not, give it shot because it explains some of the questions you bring up.
  12. Free enterprise. Surely you're not advocating rent controls?
  13. I already predicted that Memorial Day will be the peak of gas prices, barring something unforeseen. Gas won't hit the $5 mark anytime soon, unless something major happens. But gas prices in the $3.50-$4.50 range will be common from here on out because of the growing economy. The GMA story is the same as the article I linked.
  14. Economic growth worldwide means the demand for oil is only increasing. That means higher gas prices. It will take a really high price to cause people to cut back on consumption. My Link
  15. From what I hear, the graduation test is not all that hard at all.
  16. A weak dollar is not necessarily a bad thing. Economics is such an intriguing study! My Link
  17. DeKalb police wrote fewer tickets to protest furloughs. That cost Dekalb $2 million. My Link
  18. Why? Because we are America. We're not like them. We have to show fairness even to our enemies if we want to have any credibility. Otherwise, we are no better than he was.
  19. Thank you for doing the right thing and not trying to scam the taxpayer. There are many (most) who do the right thing but there is always that small group that try to play the system and steal from the honest people.
  20. Never use any apps or sharing of info on Facebook. Never. It is not a good thing. Never.
  21. I was talking about all of the attacks on Obama for the last 5 pages.
  22. The SOB is dead. My husband even woke me to tell me the news last night. Everyone should be happy. The politics of attacking Obama on EVERYTHING is getting old. Give it a rest.
  23. Grocery shopping early. Fixed lunch for the family. Cut grass all day. Fixed dinner. Washed clothes. A mom's work is never done.
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