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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Exactly the kind of crap the insurance companies do all the time. Now they are saying the National Health Care is what is causing premiums to rise, even though the premiums have been going up LONG before the plan was voted on, and it is not even in effect yet. Sad thing is that people believe what they want despite the facts. Sorry you have these sort of problems. This is why we need a single payer system.
  2. National Healthcare is not in effect yet. How long have premiums been going up? My husband's coverage is $1200 a month for all of us with a $5000 family deductible / $2500 individual deductible. Co-pays are $100 per doctor visit until the deductible is met, then it drops to $50. Now we are worried his employer is going to drop the coverage because of cost.
  3. If you're not a paying member but use the site, I would certainly not do business with someone takes services from someone without paying.
  4. War always increases gas prices no matter who it is, America or otherwise. Economic policies can do it too, America or otherwise. I give you a Half Star since you are not saying the president intentionally sets the price higher or lower but his policies can touch the price up or down (but you're not saying he sets the policies for the purpose of changing oil prices). Anyone else?
  5. Yes, it is a scam. The tickets are real but you have to pay a processing fee and print off certain forms from the internet on certain days of the month, mailing them in certified mail and then then pay the taxes yourself. And it's an $8000 travel price tag for the 2 hour, high pressured sales pitch. It is a scam of big time proportions.
  6. Talk about half truthes! A fund raiser is a PRIVATE EVENT. You people don't believe in PRIVATE EVENTS getting to pick and choose whom is allowed? There is a huge difference in a PRIVATE FUND RAISER and a PUBLIC PRESS CONFERENCE. And before someone brings up the Fox News thing a few years ago, Obama did NOT bar Fox News from any press conferences. The White House simply did not give any interviews with Fox News. Big difference. The White House can grant interviews to whomever it wants to, as crappy as a move as it is. It's a low thing to do but it is far different than barring a reporte
  7. 53% of Americans now support same-sex marriage and the number grows each year. Before long, anti-gay rhetoric will be as much a dinosaur as a T-rex. Let's hope so! Who cares what someone's sexual preference is? All Americans should be treated the same and given the same status as all other Americans.
  8. I'm so glad my kids got into scouting instead of any sports. At least it is politics and a few people that give everyone problems, but we just talk about them and don't let it bother the kids.
  9. A few member names, please? That way we can verify by just asking those members.
  10. Seems like we hear about this in the lives of politicians all the time. My Link
  11. I'm sure other politicians have done this just like Deal has but it doesn't make it right. It's childish. It's against our American ideals. It's despicable. It's politics.
  12. The extreme right wing press wouldn't touch the story either.
  13. You fail to understand the purpose of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The funding makes sure that the arts, local programming, alternative voices and other news options are presented without the commercial influence, an influence that tends to give people what they want to hear just because that drives the advertising premiums. Giving people the news with a slant because that is what they want to hear commands a larger audience and that means more money for the commercial media. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is to serve the public with the public good in mind, something comm
  14. Don't tease us like that! Pictures! Please!
  15. I did a search and couldn't find any posts from any members. Maybe you can name a few of the members and then we can ask them if that is what they said or not?
  16. WSB did a story that said Delta gave Platinum and Gold upgrades to several of our state elected officials. Clark Howard said these are worth $10,000 - $15,000 each per year. And some of the officials were on the state's Transportation Committee and the Economic Development Committee. But I'm sure these elected officials don't consider any of that when they regulate Delta or other airlines. And the Supreme Court thinks it is a good idea for corporations to be able to invest directly into campaigns? My Link
  17. Saying something that is not true doesn't make it true. Can you please name some of these people and find a post to back it up? Thanks.
  18. And corporations can keep being unethical. Contracts have to be fair in order to be binding.
  19. Not true. Really, really, way off. Less that 6% of NPR's funding comes from the government, and even that money is funneled through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. My Link
  20. Where did I say I disputed your number? Gas prices are SUPPOSED to go down during times of low consumption, like when we are in a recession. When there is little production going on that needs petrol, and people are not driving as much, that means prices go DOWN. Since we were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression, low prices are expected. Since we are now producing again and consumption here in America and world wide is up, gas prices are up. It is a GOOD THING because it shows the world economy is growing again.
  21. Would you please name those people? Could you please link to a post or two for some supporting evidence?
  22. Because consumption and production was at depression levels. This is one of the most ignorant statements ever.
  23. Who in their right mind sees this as a political topic?
  24. Can't we just ignore some of the Paulding inhabitants? It do. The room mom at my youngest boy's school is Church Lady For Real. I ignore her. I also ignore the local radio alk show host who no longer entertains but just whips people into an emotional frenzy. So no. Anybody should be allowed her but that means we should exercise our right to just not respond to some because it is like talking to a bowl of soup.
  25. I would call the Jerry Springer Show and let them fight it out on national TV.
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