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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. I've watched it a couple of times. They always have it on TV, when I take my son to his ortho appointments. It's not bad, pretty informative .. and that one doc isn't hard on the eyes I don't know why, but she just creeps me out. I swear she's really a man
  2. You are right. I can't argue with you. And I go to great extremes to keep myself and my family healthy. I don't give my kids juice at all. IMO, it's just sugar laced with the " it's healthy for you " label. For health, my kids eat apples. I know such a simple concept. That being said, even organic apples, I don't really trust. We are surrounded by chemicals. It's in the air that we breathe, it's embedded in our clothing, it's in the ground that we grow our veggies, it's in the water that we drink. We as society have created our own demise. Technology, isn't always a good thing. The proble
  3. I know your pain. This is one of the reasons I refuse to watch TV.
  4. I cried for about an hour this morning, when I read he had passed. I still have tears in my eyes. I love the show and it won't be the same without him.
  5. I was gonna say .. this is the green revolution ... everything has a use. I can think of allot of uses for crown royal bags
  6. It's the way of the future. Everything is going to be virtual .. it's just a matter of time.
  7. I was all about boys and wanting kids. And we know how we get those. She's just like me. She wants to be married by 18 and have babies. However, she is picky .. it has to be a french man. Maybe that will be our saving grace lol. Men will walk by and she'll be all " he's hawt " All of the rest of us are like " where did you get THAT from " lol. Yeah, we're considering locking her in her closet until she's 40.
  8. Why are there so many uped parents in this world ? I swear it really makes me think I am from another planet.
  9. I've gotten to the point where I'll only donate to Bird Mom's. It is sad that cannot trust most charities.
  10. We've never had to have the " talk " with any of our kids. We're a very open family. We discuss pretty much everything. We keep it age appropriate, but they are all well educated on the subject of birds and bees. I have an 8 year old that worries me. Boys are going to need to run for cover. She is my mini me ... and that scares me lol.
  11. I'll say a little prayer for you and your family. Times are just so tough right now, for so many. We've been through a very rough year as well. I would try for some house cleaning. Most companies train you, your off nights and weekend, and they pay pretty decently. I'll keep an eye out .. if I see anything, I'll let you know. "Tough times never last, but tough people do." - Robert Schuller
  12. LOVED it !!! All we were missing was a tin roof
  13. My ex husbands father succumbed to MS. He was diagnosed at 40 years old. My ex husband rides his motorcycle every year for MS. I can't think of a better reason to get out and ride.
  14. I would go with the bedding ... nothing says happy anniversary like a weekend in new bedding
  15. OOooo my 15 year old son is infatuated with zombies. We must do this for his 16th birthday. Thanks for the tip
  16. That's my oldest son's problem. He can do math equations in his head that I could never dream of figuring out. Just don't ask him for directions to the nearest Walmart or anything for that matter. He has no common sense at all. Despite being raised by me " I'm the opposite ". It drives me nuts.
  17. My boys all loved paintball at that age. Skating, Stars and Strikes .. ect.
  18. People love to jump to conclusions. There are many reasons why kids have a hard time making friends. My oldest had a hard time, simply because she was light years ahead of her peers. She was my little 8 year old going on 40 lol. Autism, ADD are just a few things that can make kids feel isolated. I have 3 daughters. Out of the 3, one of them is a social butterfly. We can't all be social butterfly's
  19. Because Georgia is one of the least pedestrian friendly places I've ever lived in. And we wonder why so many people here are obese Seriously, out west where you have bike lanes and side walks .. the obesity rate is FAR lower. I think there my possibly be a connection.
  20. A friend of mine talked to the manager at Kroger at crossroads. She was given a BUNCH of boxes.
  21. We use home remedies for everything. Our family doctor jokes about how healthy my kids are. How rarely she ever sees them. I can count on one hand how many times ANY of my kids have taken antibiotics. We only use them as a last resort and as my doctor tells me, that is why they are as healthy as they are. We also use NO antibacterial soaps, wipes ... nadda. Not all germs are bad ... when you kill all the germs, you're also killing the good ones. You know, the ones that fight off the bad ones. Not to mention the chemicals in those soaps and wipes will do FAR more harm to you than those germs wi
  22. So, we had ants attack the kitchen the other day. Food everywhere ... and what do the ants go after ???? My CELLPHONE My oldest son looked right at me and said " well mom, they are from Georgia " Oh thank goodness we don't have one of those We don't have an HOA and every time someone new moves in, I get nervous. LOVE your drawing Let us know what you find out. My biggest issue is the people parking on the street, directly across from my driveway. I have teens learning to drive and yeah, their backing up skills aren't all that good.
  23. My daughters would LOVE to join the Girl Scouts. I have tried several times and was told that there was nothing in our area. I was told if I wanted them in the scouts, I would have to create my own troop. Which I don't have time for.
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