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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. Full Story One of the most interesting post-Irene stories that I read this week was about something called the “Waffle House Index.” The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) actually looks to the Waffle House chain of restaurants as an indication of which areas in the mid-Atlantic and South were hardest hit by a disaster. It may sound silly, but FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate says that if the Waffle House in a disaster-hit area is closed, “That’s really bad. That’s where you go to work.” The Waffle House has made it a policy to be open for emergency workers and customers
  2. IQ has nothing to do with how much money you have. Georgia is no harder on it's poor citizens than any other state that I've lived in. It comes down to those who are willing to work 3 jobs to keep their families fed and those who would rather just stand in line. The man or woman working the 3 jobs looks down on the other for a few reasons. Most of all people who aren't lazy do not understand those that are. My oldest son .. his skin crawls literally when people don't put their shopping carts back where they belong. He has no understanding or patience for lazy people. I have been poor
  3. No matter what your IQ is .. it's what you do with it that matters.
  4. My IQ is 168 ... I was born in Kentucky. My kids also have VERY high IQ's. I think it's more about genetics.
  5. This is going to sound insane .. but then again I probably am lol. But, we got rid of ALL of our cabinet doors about 3 years ago. I repainted them years ago and it came time to do it again. I got a bright idea of just getting rid of them. It was a little weird at first .. however, I NEVER want cabinet doors again. We love it ... it's all nice and open .. you want something, you just grab it. It's also MUCH cheaper than replacing them.
  6. I have 2 daughters in that age range. 9 and 8 years old. We are home schoolers. My daughters are always looking to make new friends We live further south near the Douglas county line.
  7. I don't eat chicken or any other meat. However, Yo .. guess what .. everything causes cancer ... nobody is getting out alive I'm all for not eating animals .. it's what I do. However, to pull the cancer causing reason really is just like closing the barn door after everyone's eaten all the chickens.
  8. Many people are eager to point out " what's wrong " with kids that have ADHD. Nobody ever points out the advantages. As my daughter has grown with her ADHD .. I have just become in Awww of her and what she can do. Our society seems to think if someone is different they must have some " disorder " and they certainly need to be " fixed ". Less pills, more patience and understanding is what kids need. But then again, that's just too much to ask for allot of parents.
  9. I have my 6 kiddo's to help me, if I need it. Most days, I don't need help. I get up at 5:30 every morning. I cook, clean, home school the kids, and other fun stuffs. We try to make cooking a family thing. It's nice because I believe my kids are learning great survival skills that others simply don't have the time to learn. I have found over the years that time is what you make of it. It all depends on what is important to you. Different strokes for different folks
  10. There's nothing like it. I wouldn't live my life any other way.
  11. Yes I absolutely agree .. and I go out of my way to only buy locally. However, I have never purchased an " organic " item in my life. I make everything from scratch. Even the crackers my 8 year old eats are made in my oven. Granted it is time consuming, but I feel that it's well worth it. For organic cleaning, I use baking soda and vinegar. Yet, the organic industry has many expensive things you can buy .. if you see what I mean. We live a very simple, organic life .. just without all the expensive organic stuff if that makes sense.
  12. Our home is split 50/50 .. some eat meat, some don't. However, High Fructose is absolutely banned. We also eat nothing with preservatives. It's all fresh and home made here. As far as living to a 100 goes. My dad once gave me that same argument. For the last 5 years " since his heart attack " he hasn't been able to leave his house. Other than to go to the doctors. He's miserable, sad, depressed. I'm sorry but that's not how I want to live my life. I choose to be healthy so that I enjoy the time that I do have here. I truly believe that we are what we eat.How we take care of ourselves when
  13. I am a vegan and I believe Food Inc has some good info. My oldest daughter recently watched it . Granted she was already a vegan. She started talking about how everything HAD to be organic and GMO free, gluten free .. ect. She and I had a very long conversation about who paid for that movie. Who gains from it ? I explained to her that every corporation is corrupt. They may start out with good intentions however, money creates greed. I don't eat animals for ethical reasons. I don't do it because some video or company says that I shouldn't. Food Inc generates fear .. and nobody should base their
  14. I found this new food blog and Wow! can this lady cook I follow her on twitter to make sure I see her latest recipes. She is just too awesome for words. Her recipes also all come with weight watchers points. Gina's skinny recipes
  15. I agree. I think every politician starts out with good intentions. I believe power corrupts, no matter the initial intent. I think limits would be a very good idea.
  16. I've gotten 2 speeding tickets in my life. First one I was going 75 .. the speed limit .. and then the limit changed without warning to 55. I was slowing down and I got a ticket for going 10 over literally inches after passing the 55mph sign. Second one was for going 8 miles over the limit .. on the Freeway The cop admitted that he just wanted my phone number but he had to have an excuse to pull me over. So yes, there are serious traps out there and no you don't have to going more than 10 mph over the limit.
  17. nasty head cold going around ... it took us a few weeks to get over it.
  18. Now that the mornings are cooling off again, it's time for this old lady to get back in shape. I'm usually there around 9 or 10am. I usually have a few of my munchkins with me ... well actually as they are growing .. I'm now the munchkin
  19. Yup, I do. Like mentioned above ... unless there is some reckless driving. I know I'm a very safe driver .. yet even I have caught myself speeding without realizing it. We've all done it. A courteous warning has saved me from a needless ticket a few times. I like to pay it forward
  20. I dunno, when it comes to personal life, I just find it amusing. Imo, he isn't the brightest light bulb ... but last I checked a nooner isn't a crime There are many cops doing far more illegal things. Hopefully he just gets a good spanking
  21. Global Green USA is looking to give away $65,000 in school renovations to one lucky grand prize-winning school. That school will also receive an additional $65,000 worth of technical assistance. Four runner-up schools will get $2,500 to use towards green school renovations. What can your school do with the money? There are lots of possibilities, including putting in a school garden, improving energy and water conservation features, upgrading energy indoor environmental quality, or even installing a green roof. To enter, think about the eco-improvements that would work best at your sc
  22. That is very sad and pitiful indeed.
  23. Same here I love opening windows, letting in the fresh air, hearing birds sing without a glass window muffling them. Spending time outside, raking leaves .. oh the things I can do in October
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