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Everything posted by Teatime

  1. Hubby says they are all the rage at work. He says allot of guys have made the switch I'm thinking about getting my mom one for Christmas this year.
  2. You are an excellent parent! You handled this wonderfully! Kids aren't perfect, nobody is. I think I make more mistakes than my kids do lol. We all have to live and learn. Communication is key to everything. Denial is the enemy. I'm very very glad your kiddo is okay. I'm very happy that you chose to talk to them about it.
  3. I got my very first and hopefully very last ticket for running a stop sign a couple of years ago. I was driving in heavy snow and didn't see the stop sign . Luckily, nobody was hurt. Not everyone does it intentionally
  4. There is a guy on Craiglist in Kennesaw. He fixes broken ones, and resells them. We bought 2 from him last spring ... both were in great shape Edited to add here is one of his computers: atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/sys/2563321117.html
  5. I've been a vegan for Many years now. High cholesterol runs in my family, mine is very low As I told my oldest daughter, Genes don't determine your future, you do.
  6. Nope, all 3 of my daughters throw on their tshirts and jeans ... life is simple here
  7. Honestly, I would be thrilled to do anything that I don't already do every single day. A break from the monotony would just be awesome. I'm not hard to please.
  8. Hubby made Chinese tonight. We had homemade noodles, soup and shrimp fried rice
  9. I wouldn't put it past them to try to do it. However, actually doing it is a whole other matter.
  10. I'm very sorry about your mom My uncle lived, miraculously. They told us not to rush getting to hospital, that we wouldn't make it in time. We made it and he lived. He was sick for about a week. He refused to go in and someone found him unconscious in his truck. It is nothing to toy with. Now, if he as much gets the sniffles ... he's down at ER.
  11. Just go hang out at Cowboys .. you'll learn in no time and for free After my divorce many years ago, I hung out at a country nightclub for awhile. I was a line dancing fool and I had never done it before lol. I went to a new years eve party years ago. They had 4 different rooms with 4 different types of music and dance. They had country, ballroom, swing, and your regular hip hop. I never had soooo much fun in all of my life. Just going from room to room lol. I love them all
  12. My husband and oldest son had it few years ago at the same time. That same year, my uncle nearly died from it All I can say is LOTS of Hot tea, honey and lemon. For some reason it made all 3 of them feel much better. I hope your hubby bounces back soon.
  13. Yup ... saving a life just may save yours
  14. I like that very, very true. Mark, I don't know you personally. From what little I do know, You seem like an awesome person with a great spirit. Keep your chin up
  15. The companies that managed to stay above water, are trying to make sure they stay that way. The economy is very unstable. Another thing is .. people are desperate for work. If you can get one person to do the work of 3, why not ? I'm not saying I agree with it, but it's just the way it is. Human's are very greedy, it's going to eventually be the downfall of mankind.
  16. For all of you judgmental idiots ... My son got his GED because he was Homeschooled. Not because he dropped out or because he had behavior problems. He took that GED and went to college and joined the Military. I would also like to add that if the school system here didn't SUCK so terribly bad ... we wouldn't need to homeschool. My other kids are going through online to graduate, as we didn't like the GED process. But it is not pointless to get and it certainly isn't useless.
  17. We've never had a bedtime for any of our kids. That being said, all of them are passed out by 11pm and up by 8am. Since we homeschool, they can sleep in a little later. But not much later
  18. Not I'm Obama's biggest fan .. but you can blame the Patriot Act on this one. Shortly after it was implemented, we got Georgia state photo ID cards for our kids. To prove that they were indeed American citizens. Their health insurance required it. A birth certificate was no longer sufficient. But, what floors me, is that all you need to get a Georgia state ID is your birth certificate. I swear it just gets dumber as time goes by.
  19. We've had runny noses and sore throats in the house, but that's about it.
  20. I've had many gay friends throughout the years. I have family members who are gay. Like you mentioned, one was married for 25 years to man. She came out, they divorced, and they've been best friends ever since. I used to live in Guernville California. For those that don't know, it's a pretty much ALL gay community. When we moved there with our small kids .. we had no idea it was a gay community. I looked out the window one day and saw couples " same sex " holding hands. At first I was like, OMG lol. But, as I got to know them, what awesome people they were. That town was the nicest and friendl
  21. I'll believe the economy has improved when I see it myself. When my husband gets back the 20% in income we've lost. When food prices go back down. When my teenage daughter can find a job, any job. When my property value goes back up. Reading bullsh#t propaganda in the media and believing it, isn't my style.
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