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Everything posted by CreativeOne

  1. Just a friendly neighbor shameless bump to get this to the top to see if anyone else has information for you RR!
  2. SO .... did you get one?!?!?? Boss Hogg was sure being generous last night and wanted to make sure you were rewarded LR!
  3. glad to hear it wasn't worse!
  4. good to see you around her again & to know that you are doing great!
  5. Your dinners sounds great! We are going to have a very loaded salad with ham, avacado, red onions, green peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc .... with cheesy garlic bread
  6. NP .... I know I've read where salt can be used too. Your thread reminded me of a pan I put to the side because I "needed to deal with it" and forgot .... Here are some articles I researched, I hope it helps both of us http://whatscookingamerica.net/Information/CastIronPans.htm http://www.panman.com/cleaning.html http://www.essortment.com/food/castironcookwa_sesk.htm more: http://www.goodsearch.com/search.aspx?keyw...ning%22%2c+rust Let me know who it turns out!
  7. I've heard about the coke usage, but never tried it ..... wonder if just some baking soda & vinegar would work too?
  8. Sloppy Joes & Onion Rings, Fresh Cantalope and red wine for me which is a PERFECT balance (not to mention the cheese chunks I'm having as an appetizer)
  9. I understand what you mean, but to me manure decomposing usually has a more grassy smell with it (been-there-done-that), that smell is something more vile rotting .....
  10. hmm .... use the red & black shades for everything (using the real colors of SP, not variations (ex: if the red is a true red then don't use maroon). Get silver frames and candles in a silver or silver tint to highlight the diamond theme, maybe have a bunch of silver tinted glass marbles/leaves/glitter around. Sprinkling (LARGE FLAKE) glitter around the base of some very ordinary candles/holders would be a great centerpiece on tables -- or something like branches/strings/raffia/the holders sprayed in silver tinting would also highlight the additional theme. Sounds like a great event
  11. OH MY Zoo... you are so talented! I hope you sell out
  12. A deep Maroon Red also is great with silver & black, not so stricking as a blood red but comes across as a lot more subtle on the red "hint" Where do you want to go with the "living the dream" theme? The thoughts behind your "slogan" should be able to push the decorations as well as where you want to go with the colors. Black, Silver & Red works together, but the big question is "what is the statement you want to make with these colors" and "how do they tie into the theme". Once you answer these types of questions, the rest should fall into place. GOOD LUCK!
  13. Got up (WAY) early and got some laundry going, straightened up, researched some vacation spots, made grocery list. Went to shelter and loved on all kinds of wonderful creatures. Participated in a couple of adoptions, helped a few to get ready to take a new friend home. Went grocery shopping, came home put it all away. Did a little laundry and prepped dinner. Sitting here catching up and doing some more vacation research while also checking on some work related activities which were going on today. Gonna go get a glass of wine and have dinner. Hoping to be able to read a bit before
  14. I got a huge whiff this morning as I went north on 61, around Mustang drive is where I got stunked -- :bad: Don't know what is causing it, but it smells like something is rotting (and not anything like when trees/leaves/grass decay) .... I feel for the people living in that area.
  15. Congrats Penguin and Best Wishes to Dustin & Charise!
  16. I have a recipe for JD BBQ shrimp, wonder if they are similar?
  17. you are very sweet! I hope your party is a great success. I get too late home to enjoy much but I know you will be a great hostess for everyone who attends. best wishes to you and all of your friends -- party on!
  18. Hope you have lots of fun!
  19. continuing good-positive-fast-healing-thoughts!
  20. Not completely sure yet, still trying to figure out what we have that is the easiest/quickest/least work item to fix. ^^^ Already have that going!
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