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Everything posted by CreativeOne

  1. Have a wonderful evening out Mr&Mrs Subby! We are going to have some grilled cheese burgers with the fixin' and some baked spiced potato wedges.
  2. there is also a group who will come in and clean, for free, for cancer patients. ask anita about that too. good luck and best wishes to your sisters Mother in Law, your sister and the entire family as she goes through this.
  3. and the saga continues (or is that the world/stomach turns) .... http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/tv.accesshollywood.com/tv.accesshollywood.com-charlie-sheen-rips-two-and-half-men-lashes-out-against-alcoholics-anonymous?nc
  4. heard they saw a bit of foam fall off and will be looking for any situation but other than that, all indications it was a perfect launch! Last mission for Discovery ..... then onto the Smithsonian as they have first dibs!
  5. GO DISCOVERY! Just had separations of boosters .... and they are going Beautiful launch!
  6. just heard that there are "computer issues" which may delay launch .....
  7. JJ ... you just need to find your distraction items and go for it. These can be hard candy, gum, pencils, walks or ??? They say the first 10 days are the hardest until the major nicotine gets out of the system, but you still need to find your distractions (believe me I know). Best wishes and stay determined -- it is really the best thing!
  8. Hey P! I don't think you will get spring anytime soon --- so please stay warm & dry! Not looking forward to commuting during the "storm"
  9. DANG! That really suxs! I would say that "I can't believe someone would actually" but that wouldn't be true because someone actually did ...... Hope they get caught.
  10. ^ was going to suggest you purchase a "bag" of them next time your at the resturant (or just stop by). Some places will actually allow you to buy their "supplies". These, I'm sure, are shipped frozen and cooked on site, not actually made on site.
  11. There was a place on 278 (dallas) which had some parked outside -- east of Bill Carruth, west of 61 on the north side of road -- just can't remember name for the life-of-me and DH ain't available to ask ..... I remember seeing one on here not too long ago .... Sorry not a lot of help, am I?!?!? What a great present and hope you find a great one!
  12. open a photobucket account, upload the document there and then just paste the IMG link here
  13. if you are older than that .... do you HAVE to have one? Yea to CJ MOM!
  14. noticed that a few weeks back and wondered why ..... hope an answer is posted.
  15. So sorry to hear LPPT. May she be at peace and your memories help ease some of your pain. (((HUGS)))
  16. Thanks for sharing your story every year .... I use it to remind others to be a donor and my desires to be one as well.
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