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Everything posted by highcreek

  1. this morning news stated the parents were being charged. apparently they were keeping the raccoons as pets. Have those two sterilized immediately! Don't take a chance they could further pollute the gene pool.
  2. What D***A** votes themselves a tax increase????? Especially in the middle of a reccession????? I guess the same people that after witnessing the the Obamma, Pelosi, Reed and the democratic congress that followed and supported them in lockstep fiasco the past 20 months can still vote for a Democrat... Harry Reed??? Are you kidding me?? Who voted for that guy??? unbelievable... Roy Barnes?? How did this guy get even one vote???
  3. With the exception of his name, Casey Cagle, in the story you've linked to there's not one single fact in it. Even at the end of the story the "reporter" or not much of one, probably just some whiny liberal hack, states "Not sure if this story is true..." .Not defending the guy, however maybe you should use a little bit more reliable sources.
  4. unbelieveable that this sillya** topic has gotten 42 replies, well, 43 now. I'm glad someones life is so wonderful that THIS trivial gripe is important enough to post here.. just gotta get that off your chest ..wow..lol! just be glad they even cut it. btw, I'm sure you there's something you do that annoys your neighbors just as much as this does you.
  5. lol.. It only gets worse C.. If it was before yesterday... don't ask me...
  6. ..... that's the first thing I thought of ...lmao and...what's up lucky charms?
  7. majicjack "as seen on tv"... you have to have dsl and it plugs in like you would plug in a digital camera to your computer.. plug a regular house phone in the other end, take about 5 minutes to register and for 19.95 you have phone service all year..you can either get a random number with you picking the first 6 digits corresponding to your address or for another $ 10 use your own number.. your computer must be running but you do not have to be logged in to the internet for it to work..not sure how it works but it does...available at radio shack for 39.95 and that includes the first year of s
  8. I have one for a over a month now.. I'm not sure how this is working or how long it will but I'm using it until this company goes under... The phone quality is better than the regular phone line I had before and you can't beat the price. That's why I wonder how long it will last since it's so cheap. buy from Radio shack, if it doesn't work or you don't like it you have 30 days to return for a full refund. when you go to register you can get a specific number if it's free and I think it's a $10 fee. and you register your address so you still have 911 service. why everyone doesn't do this , I do
  9. Oops!! Maybe next time I should remember to be more politically correct and sensitive before stating the obvious...
  10. Stop for a minute and analyze the name of this "disorder". Throw out the disorder and just look at Oppositional... defiant..All children are oppositional and defiant to some degree or another. It is how parents deal with children that determines whether or not it's a disorder. So, here we go to all the therapists and psychologists who invent a name and disorder for normal child behavior. The next phase in the "ADD", let's get more therapy and drugs for small children fad. A more appropriate name would be.. "lazy timid parents who fail to discipline their children disorder".
  11. what makes me wonder is all those who cried foul about abu grab then watch this fruit do the same thing they did there on broadcast tv. ...actually appplauded it.. Wow what a crazy world we live in ..
  12. The social security administration does have fraud investigators. I know one of them and he admits for every one they catch there are 100 getting away with it.
  13. This is not new... I worked for a company years ago that was selfinsured... After numerous work related injuries (slips and falls), an investigator was hired. One guy who had been out of work for 6 months with a "back injury" was filmed bowling in a league..lmao He was prosecuted for insurance fraud and sentenced to 2 years in jail and ordered to pay restitution... dumba$$..lol
  14. just as a side note to this Pubby...My father,who manages properties for a group of investors in Raleigh,N.C.,witnessed a judge dismiss a foreclosure with predujice because the mortgage holder could not produce the orignal paperwork. The foreclosure rate is very high there and this homeowners loan had been sold numerous times and original paperwork could not be produced in court by the foreclosing attorney.. The judge was very irate at the sloppiness of the procedings and dismissed their foreclosure case. He also informed the homeowner the procedures to follow to become the legal and sole owne
  15. As terrorists committing an act of war on the U.S. there should have already have been a military tribunal and execution by firing squad. They have absolutely no rights to U.S. civillian court. This trial will be a circus and an invitation for all the flaming liberals to put the U.S. on trial. Watch this circus unfold and our nation's defenses deteriorate under the direction of a weak administration. Absolutely pathetic.
  16. dammit girl!!! This is gettin good.. cared?? not sure about that but I actually laughed out loud when I read the Topic line.. curiosity here.. your sig... tool, the pot??
  17. unbelievable... I think the only comment that fits here is ..WOMEN!!.. wow .. A guy would never even think of this topic nor care.. clothing from an ex??? you're kidding right ???? lmao!!!
  18. ok, now there's a black guy, a white guy and a white chick arguing in a bar. And, when a discussion about something stupid gets out of hand, the black guy punches the white chick but not the white guy???? something about this says ... flaming....
  19. Or use a throwaway cell number or a majicjack number..Which majicjack works well btw.. lol I traded a lot of stuff on the web a couple years ago when things were better and what you look for is a buyer who lives within an hour of you, has cash and you inform them of exactly what you have. NEVER take a check! I have sold things to people in other states but then you have to be really cautious and utilize wire transfers of cash. Then you need an account for this purpose and someone you know well and can trust at the institution who can verify funds are legit and in your account. Those stupid
  20. As someone who has traded infrequently on craigslist , I will tell you a helpful hint. If you list in your ad of things to sell what the inquirer should put in the subject line of an email to you , you'll save yourself a lot of trouble. Then those who just generate spam normally won't take the time to follow instructions and those who are truly interested in what you have for sell will use your phrase in the subject line of their email to you.then just delete any emails without your phrase in the subject line. also, you should have an email address you use just for craigslist stuff. hope that
  21. In terms of energy savings , I have recently switched the gas logs in my fireplace over to a electronic gas heater with a thermostat. Amazing the amount of savings. Sure, you miss the flames but I'd rather have cheaper heat. In terms of recycling, all metals go to the scrap yard. As for the CFLS, I am not epileptic, but I can see the tiny flicker in flourescent bulbs and it is highly irritating to me. Also, those bulbs contain mercury, the stuff we used to play with as kids and now is considered hazardous waste if you break a bulb.. Those tankless heaters are nice, but in a way like replacing
  22. I REFUSE to purchase anything labeled "green" and try not to purchase items from businesses that have a "green" policy. I find it offensive to my intelligence that my power company sends me a letter asking if I would like to pay more for my electricity if it is certfied green. I hope that other Americans wake up and see "climate change" for what it is. A SCAM!!! Higher taxes, less freedoms, larger government. As inhabitants of the Earth, it is our responsibilty to be good stewards of our environment. However, to make the ridiculous claim that we as inhabitants can affect the weather of our pl
  23. While this is a great and uplifting story and I wish them well.... Aren't you the least bit curious why someone who has just lost everything they own is buying lottery tickets? Talk about having your priorities screwed up... wow !
  24. Apparently there's a reading problem or a reporting problem, these were his EMPLOYEES NOT CO-WORKERS. If that doesn't matter to you, then good luck to you if you ever work at a company that ignores or even condones this behavior. There would have been no attempt to extort money from him had it simply been his coworkers. That would have not been a story and a non issue. What humor of his is there to like? Insulting people is just not funny.
  25. Again, this was not simply a "co-worker" but his employees. And, just spitballing here, but I'd venture to guess that most pcom posters don't have 7 figure incomes, are tv celebrities, and sleep with their employees. They probably also don't go on tv and crack jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughters being sluts either. That's kinda apples and oranges. As far as his "deadpan carriage" of humor, it's been dead a while.
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