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Mrs. Avalon

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Everything posted by Mrs. Avalon

  1. My husband is a Marine and he has taught our boys to be respectful of the flag. It does my heart good to see our boys pop up and place their hands over their hearts every single time they hear the National Anthem. I imagine had my hubby decided to be a career Marine, my kids would have snapped to attention anytime they heard Taps as well! I absolutely adore the USMC!!!
  2. Please Please tell us the rationale for not letting gays marry! It disgusts me completely when stupid tools like these two can have a multi million dollar media wedding extravaganza and my gay sister and friends cannot marry! What the devil??!!! And please, please don't start the silly oh the sanctity of marriage crap!
  3. Praying for your sweet daughter. I remember her when she was a little girl going to Hiram to watch her big brother play football. She was so beautiful! I am so sorry you are going through this!
  4. I had the surgery early in the morning on 8/31. I spent the night at St. Joseph's and came home around 11:30 on 9/1. I had a little nausea in the hospital with the morphine pump I had for pain. It was more of a situation where I hadn't figured out that if you eat too many ice chips and hit the pump button you're going to feel like hurling. I never did get sick though. I also didn't have to hit the button too often either. I had some pain in my chest - felt like I was bruised. I didn't have difficulty breathing at all. I did have difficulty swallowing - like a sore throat - the first
  5. I just had this surgery done two weeks ago tomorrow. I only had two discs removed/replaced though. They were both herniated. Dr. Plas James with Atlanta Spine is my surgeon and he was wonderful. Surgery was at St. Joseph's and they were great too. Dr. James is so cautious about recovery that he ordered a home health nurse for me to come and do care on the incision sites until they were healed-which was really by the end of week 1. I have a LOT less pain. The numbness I was experiencing in my right finger is not completely gone yet but the doctors say that is one of the last issues to go afte
  6. Terrible to REQUIRE any US Citizen to purchase something - period! There cannot and should not be a law requiring people to buy anything. If they were to pass this who's to say that some crazy other new law is passed requiring me to say, purchase a scooter because it gets better gas mileage and is better for the environment than my car? The Constitution allows Congress to regulated commerce, not MANDATE purchases. The government cannot tell us what to buy - period. Futhermore, it is not my responsiblity to pay for or provide healthcare for others which is exactly what this Individual
  7. Thank you, voice of reason!!! When your doctor says you cannot go back to work until after your check-up at 6 weeks postpartum, that qualifies for short term disability. Many, many companies include short term disability in their benefits package. So please don't get all bent around the axle folks about "government handouts" and someone wanting something for nothing. I personally have money taken out of my income each month to pay a Long Term disability premium in the event that God forbid I need it.
  8. Mr. Fincher deciding to come back to Paulding to be principal at PCHS is the BEST THING that could EVER happen to this school. I am thanking God tonight for this decision and that my son will get to be a part of this school. I have known Coach Fincher since I was in high school and NEVER has a finer man walked this earth.I had the privilege of volunteering for the mentoring program he began at Hiram High School and LOVED being a part of that. Eddie Fincher TRULY cares for students, teachers and their families. He didn't have to come back to Paulding County. He has felt a calling to make a di
  9. Your suggestion to "show the governor" by not playing the lottery in an attempt to keep Hope funding at its current levels is a self-defeating suggestion. I heard about the NAACP considering this on the radio yesterday and almost ran off the road laughing at how ludicrous the suggestion was. "I'll show you! You say you don't have money now for HOPE in its full glory, I just won't play until I GET MY WAY!" That makes no sense whatsoever. I have a son who is a freshman in college and he has the Hope scholarship and an academic scholarship as well. While having to come out of pocket next year
  10. I have been reading posts and awesome reviews for Marc and Riley's Auto Detailing for a long time. I've always wanted to get my car detailed and just never done it. Well today, Marc got my car and she was not a pretty thing at all! He just brought her home this evening and I can truly say, she hasn't been this pretty since the day I bought her almost 4 years ago! Thank you so much Marc, I will definitely be inviting you back over to take care of my car again!
  11. Nuh uh! Not if they keep running those 4-wheelers up and down the road. Least that's what they said last night when they were blowing up the road! Funny thing though, that slush was a solid sheet of ice this morning!
  12. How hilarious is it now? We have an inch of snow and it just started good about an hour ago. The system called it perfectly.
  13. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. There's a special place in hades for men like John Edwards.
  14. Ok. Then what is going to happen when the government "looks" at the rate increases for certain insurance companies and doesn't feel that they were reasonable? Do you think they are just going to pat little Johnny the Insurance President on the back and send him on his way? Puhleez!
  15. This ENTIRE post said what I struggled to articulate yesterday. Thank you for finding my words for me!
  16. YOU GO GIRL!!! It is a civil right - period. I spent last weekend in South Georgia with my sister. When we were introduced to a friend of our Aunt, he asked us if we were married. I said "yes, for 16 years." My poor sister stuttered a bit and said she and her partner have been together for 13 years. WHY did she have to stutter? Oh yeah, because she, as a lesbian woman is being denied the same CIVIL rights that I as a heterosexual woman receive. She can't legally marry in Georgia and couldn't answer yes to that "are you married question." I felt so horrible for her to feel like she coul
  17. Spunkywoman, you all are always in our thoughts and prayers but most especially on days like today!
  18. Fantastic photo! Wonder if that cash is from selling some of the stolen property they have accumulated? Good to know the face though! Now I know who to send the evil eye to!
  19. Wow! Wonder what made that person turn to a life of crime now! Guess we'd better board up that area at the back of the neighborhood that leads into Carrington Point huh? I"m just wondering what we'll do when these people get out of jail. Will they resume their break-ins or do the smart thing and stop now that everyone and their brother knows who's been doing it.
  20. I'm sure the law will deal with them just fine. But for the record, this bunch of "Mill Pointe Scume" wasn't from Mill Pointe not even the lady who owned the house. She inherited it when her father died. They moved in just a bit ago. Most of the residents of Mill Pointe have been here a long time.
  21. What's so disgusting to me is that they have a very, very young beautiful daughter who lives there with these stupid criminals. Who's going to care for her as obviously these people aren't fit to be parents. I knew in my heart that this was where this crap was coming from. I hate that I was right.
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