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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale A Tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship...................... The Professor was always my fav. \ Anyone else remember when that show was in actual prime time?
  2. Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale A Tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship...................... The Professor was always my fav. \ Anyone else remember when that show was in actual prime time?
  3. Downton Abbey's back on which makes me very happy.
  4. Poor Anne - can't you set her up with a heater in the garage?
  5. You might want to try calling them again. There's a chance you could get through this time.
  6. Is there a local office where you could just show up in person and take care of matters?
  7. I do a combination of the two. My recipe also calls for rice krispies in the mix.
  8. The tackle shop there is great and I think can hold its own, as it has so far. Much better selection on fishing stuff than Academy, Walmart, etc.
  9. A certain number of days before Daylight Saving(s) time starts or ends depending on the phase of the moon. Also, it depends on whether you live in just plain Dallas or within the city limits of Dallas. I thought everyone knew this.
  10. It would have been nice if the Paulding Neighbor had made it clear that the Sunday Sales voting was for City of Dallas residents only - not Dallas residents. Hubby and a bunch of other people showed up to vote only to be turned away.
  11. Is it true that the only place to vote will be at the new courthouse, all will all polling locations going to be open?
  12. That's the thing - these shows with Jamie aren't reruns. I apparently spend way too much time watching The Food Network.
  13. 2 weeks in a row now she's been on her son's show "Home for Dinner with Jamie Deen". The "original" air dates are for today and last Sunday. I was glad to see that when they cancelled her shows they didn't cancel his, and now I wonder if they're trying to somehow work her back in. Just found it interesting in an I need a life kind of way.
  14. http://www.snopes.com/photos/supernatural/mermaids.asp
  15. A lady I used to work with came in a few months ago going on and on about this "documentary". At the time I did a search on Snopes. I couldn't find the exact link, but if you'll note on a lot of those reviews on IMBD you'll note that Discovery had a tiny disclaimer at the end of the show that it was for "entertainment purposes only".
  16. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1816585/reviews
  17. Any one else old enough to remember making it? Or any one else remember when snow was clean enough to do it? Hubby brought home some store bought ice cream last night that was labeled "snow cream". It was pretty good - just brought back memories of actually making the same stuff after wearing 3 layers of clothing to go out and play. I'm talking West TN early 70's. OK, talk amongst yourselves.
  18. The one that starts with I and ends in A. I just got a little aggravated on the phone with some young guy in a call center in that particular country calling my husband re US retirement issues. Yes, I'm on the Federal DNC list, but I guess I need to update that. I try not to be nasty with people on the phone, but when it's obvious that people from foreign countries are calling to ask US citizens if they can help, well......................
  19. WOW, thanks for all the replies! I cook with cast iron all the time, cornbread, bleakened steak, etc. Just never quite sure how to clean the pans without ruining them while keeping them seasoned. Thanks!
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