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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. No meat (or eggs) for me, regardless. Applesauce! Good idea. I've bought some soup and yogurt and such. Thinking I may need some cream of wheat and other stuff.
  2. http://youparklikeanasshole.com/
  3. I'll be paying $192 in office for the top two. I think the bottom two were $300-500, but I can't remember. I was sent to an oral surgeon that time. I have better insurance now. I made it through the weekend ok, but it's really coming in now. I have to be careful how I chew, and I'm rinsing with warm salt water. I tried Orajel last week, but it seemed to make it worse. I wonder what they'll prescribe or suggest for pain. I also have to be careful in class not to get punched in the face. But then again, that's always a good idea.
  4. It is annoying. That's why I changed the setting on mine to only flash the lights, no beep.
  5. The one that is coming in is coming in sideways at the very back of my jaw, sort of at the hinge. It is not in a place where it can be cleaned, so there is no way I can leave it there. The other will probably come in eventually, so I might as well get them both out. I had the two bottom ones removed after they both started coming in with one impacted. I had crappy insurance then, so I couldn't afford to be put out for it. I remember the crunching.
  6. And I'll be getting both sides removed. I think I'll just medicate until my appt next week.
  7. Before going out of town, where I'll want to eat, drink and be merry?
  8. I'm 36. How many days did it take to mostly recover? I'm just wondering if the recovery would be worse than the pain now, which seems to get worse at the end of the day (after eating all day, I guess, or perhaps all the fruit and such I eat). I have good pain meds, though. I might be able to reschedule for today or tomorrow.
  9. I'm about to go out of town, and one of my top wisdom teeth is coming in. The dentist offered to remove both in office yesterday, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be recovering from that while away from home. He said the top ones are not as bad as the bottom ones, which I had removed about 15 years ago. Can anyone vouch for that claim? I just hope the pain and irritation don't get worse until next week.
  10. Interesting. QuiveringDaughters.com Exploring Patriarchal Authoritarianism in the Christian Homeschooling Family & How it Affects Women
  11. Or none? Some "normal" people can't seem to accept that.
  12. I feel bad for the female children being raised in that environment. I understand it is their choice and their beliefs, but will the girls be allowed to choose NOT to be brood mares?
  13. Yep. I had to go about...5-6 houses down the street. One morning I was running late, and was locking my dead bolt and the bus driver passed my house, rolling to a stop long enough to yell that she couldn't stop, and left me on the car port. I had to run to the top of the hill to meet her before she left my 'hood. (I know she doesn't represent all bus drivers, but she was a true piece of work. She even lied about me to the principal once in middle school. He believed me, though.)
  14. Jealous. I want to learn German and Spanish.
  15. The signs say "Slower traffic keep right."
  16. I use Avast & Firefox, but haven't seen anything. I block ads, though.
  17. Some people don't like to have their picture taken, or are self-conscious about their smile or teeth, or think they look goofy when they smile....
  18. I get them, too. I could ask the same about Facebook requests. Do I know you?
  19. People who get defensive about MY choices in life (no kids, vegetarian, whatever). (FYI - I don't give a sh%# what you do, just keep your bad kids away from me.)
  20. As always: bad grammar misspelled words
  21. Cokes (and IBC Root Beer) w/o HFCS. (Yes, I know there are Mexican Cokes.)
  22. Hiram Walmart gives me anxiety attacks. I am not even kidding. Felt like I was having a heart attack.
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