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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. I've watched that one. And it is strange. I'm more bothered by all the litters of kids on shows on that channel.
  2. I'll probably check it out. I watch Big Love, my in-laws are LDS, and I am fascinated with it - the wacky (IMO) origins of the religion, the polygamy debate, etc. I have read 2 books about women who escaped Warren Jeff's compound (Escape and Stolen Innocence: My Story of Growing Up in a Polygamous Sect, Becoming a Teenage Bride, and Breaking Free of Warren Jeffs), and a few true crime books relating to LDS/FLDS (Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith, The False Prophet: Conspiracy, Extortion and Murder in the Name of God, and A Gathering of Saints: a True Story of Money, Murder
  3. YES! Church, magazines, whatever, I ain't buying what you're selling. And it's usually on Saturday mornings or weekdays when I'm working at home, in my pajamas. Also: screaming, crying, whining kids cats hacking up a hair ball
  4. I dunno. My gut reaction after reading about it is bunk. I'm O+, and a vegetarian. I eat a TON of carbs (but I get plenty of protein, etc.), always have. Eating too many calories makes me gain weight. I was miserable on a low carb diet (before going veg).
  5. Death and taxes? Oh, that would be inevitable.
  6. 500 calories a day is VERY unhealthy, and dangerous.
  7. I'm on what I call the "do the math" diet. Burn more calories than you take in. Yes, it means counting calories (and sweating like a hog). Yes, it's a pain in the ass. It's working, though.
  8. Of course. She could come back without him, if that is the concern (him getting in trouble). Or, she could be sticking by him for that reason. Or she could be worried about getting in trouble herself. We don't know. Either way, they have to come back eventually, whether that's voluntary or escorted by the authorities. Obviously they haven't thought it through.
  9. Having been in a similar situation as a teen (no "abduction" though), I'm so glad my Dad was talked out of going to authorities. I was 4 years younger than my boyfriend, who is now my husband. Things could have gone very, very wrong. Of course, when it came time for him to come talk to my Dad, he did let a friend know just in case he was taken to jail. But if it is truly an abusive or coercive situation...
  10. This. Don't make him stay if he doesn't want to. I'd be more worried about his help after the baby is born. (And I personally have vowed never to attend another baby shower again. Ever. ~shudder~)
  11. Breakfast - banana pineapple smoothie and Kashi hot cereal Lunch - soup Dinner - chocolate chip pancakes with lots of syrup (and very small bites) I was appalled at my lack of fruits and vegetables today, so I blended up a peach with some ice a few minutes ago. Not bad. Also, the socket started bleeding again a while ago. I tried their suggestion of biting down on a tea bag. I think it's stopped now. If not, I have more gauze. I think leaning over does it, though they never mentioned that as a possibility.
  12. Yeah, I have smoothies nearly every day. I had some Amy's soup for lunch. Tuscan Bean and rice, or something like that. (I keep forgetting why I don't like the no chicken noodle soup. Too onion-y. Blegh.)
  13. My Dad used to take me to a military dentist when I was a kid. The toy I got to pick from the drawer was not adequate compensation.
  14. Oatmeal isn't cutting it. What can I eat on my off diet day, pasta? Pancakes smothered in syrup? And I should have taken my pain meds sooner.
  15. I think they all differ based on area, and who you've dealt with, etc. I had Comsuck for years, and they declined every year. My signal was so bad that I had to unplug the box toward the end, because it wasn't strong enough to run through it. We had numerous calls over the years, replacing everything we could in the house and yard, yet they always assumed it was a problem in the house. And the cost for this crap. I got fed up.
  16. Done. They only took one, because the other was "not in yet." Fine with me. The worst part was the way he had to stretch my lips and face to get to it. Ouch. But my nose and even below my eye was numb. Just took some pain meds and antibiotic.
  17. Love love love U-verse. Hate Comcast.
  18. Back in 2008ish, i saw a car with no less than 8 McCain/Palin stickers. Wow. And they were all the same sticker. I hate them, personally, so I don't put any on my car. But I agree with Póg mo thóin.
  19. I drove a Ford Bronco for a week once (never again), and I ended up parking as far out as I could, away from other cars. Same thing now when I drive my husband's (extended cab, long bed) truck.
  20. I think the strawberries and blueberries I eat nearly every day have been irritating it.
  21. One of my neighbors in my childhood 'hood had peacocks and chihuahuas. I'll take the birds over the dogs all day long.
  22. Do they have a chia Mr. T? That would be awesome.
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