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Everything posted by Cathyhelms

  1. Wow!! you mean this actually stayed in the cafe considering who started this thread???? LOL
  2. The people that own the Bullock Spings Manor on Buchanan Hwy are doing a free thanksgiving dinner for the community, for families and the elderly. Perhaps they could use some help serving, they are wonderful folks. Here's their web site: http://www.bullockspringsmanor.com Here is their FB post about it.
  3. Cathyhelms


    Here ya go Mrs. B: caul fat Pronunciation: KAHL Notes: Look for this in the meat sections of Asian, French, and Italian markets. Caul fat from pork is considered superior to caul fat from lamb. Substitutes: thin strips of bacon (for wrapping meats before roasting) Cook's Thesaurus
  4. Cathyhelms


    A fatty membrane that surrounds organs!! Natural sausage casing??? Nope, not me. LOL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caul_fat
  5. Anita, I have seasonal allergies. Spring and Fall are horrible. Like someone else said it takes a couple of days, maybe even a week for claritin to work for me but I take it diligently during spring and fall. Usually around Memorial Day and Christmas I can stop. I take the generic form of Claritin - loratadine that I get from Sams, it's 1/2 the price of the name brand and is exactly the same thing. It does wonders for me. It does not make me tired at all. Good luck!!
  6. I can't help, I've had one computer for about 7 years, my laptop for 5 years and the one at my office for about 3. My son is my IT guy so I just let him handle it. Grandson plays several games on the laptop here but so far so good. It doesn't hurt that everything gets updated, often. I will say the processor speed and the video card help lots for playing games. Make sure you get the top of the line, especially the video card. Maybe one of the real geeks will be more helpful. Good luck!! PS, it was great seeing you the other day!!
  7. Winter in Minnesota, just what you wanted.
  8. Cathyhelms


    Yep Nationwide Envelope will provide 25 jobs now and 40 in the near future. It's not real close to the airport but I guess that's a beginning. How long has the airport and the 4 lane been there?? http://www.piworld.c...ng-county-ga/1#
  9. Bite your tongue woman! No snow, not yet!!
  10. Good for you and them!! You should be proud.
  11. Are there any liquor stores in Villa Rica or will it just affect the quick shops and grocery stores.
  12. It's over on business 6 near West Metro Produce & Meat Market. There's another one behind the Taco Bell/next to Sports Authority in Hiram. I didn't know there were any liquor stores in Rockmart?? Where are they??
  13. I just refer to them as additives, compliments of George Downs. LOL I think Wallace's and Briar Patch just smoke 'em.
  14. Yea, yea, yea......... that's what I said 50 lbs ago!! This metabolism slow down after 50 is a b*tch. LOL
  15. LPPT, that's not fair. Yes I disagree with how this was handled, same way things have always been done in Paulding County. Economic Development is not the question it's the perception of Economic Development that's different. We voted on the reservoir many years ago, before the Airport and before the Courthouse was built. Blake Swafford was heavily involved in the Airport Development and is now all over this toll road. How about we move forward with what we must have for real economic development, like water and sewer before we go off on some other tangent to get another, build
  16. You said in two short paragraphs what I've been trying to say for two days. LOL I guess because I have first hand knowledge of these things happening over the past 20 years, it gets stuck in my craw. I remember just last year when we were told we needed to pass Splost for the Parks and Rec. I fell for it only to have the millage raised a couple of weeks later anyway. My taxes went up, not down. My property values have decreased nearly 50% and I'm paying more. Oy vey. Thanks for your rational and very wise input in this.
  17. So tell me surepip, what do you know about this private company that wants to "buy" this toll road?? Do you know who's interested, who the officers are and where they stand financially?? What happens if this private company goes belly up before completion of this project, or 5 years after?? I wonder if it will be sent out for bid?? Or has the bidding process already been done?? Do you have any of the pertinent, rather important details??
  18. ROTFL!! Thanks for the chuckles inspector!!
  19. I do have some more questions..............has anyone looked at the "Private Company" that wants to own this road?? Who are the owners of that company and what is their financial condition?? What happens if the company goes belly up?? Who takes over the road?? Do the people that support this know??
  20. Your poll is going to be skewed, the questions prevent many from participating. 1. I don't think Paulding County is ready for another road. Not until they get the infrastructure up to par. Water and Sewage being first and foremost. 2. If a connector were to be planned West, if you place it too far out, the extra gas and time delays wouldn't result in much savings. The 61 corridor would make the most sense. 3. It won't be dead until they kill the bill. It will keep rearing it's ugly head just like the airport and courthouse. When the county officials want to build it, it
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