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Everything posted by celeste

  1. Nope. Getting a fresh turkey and picking it up tomorrow.
  2. If you don't mind a nice little drive, The Smith House in Dahlonega is where we always go if we're not staying home.
  3. Now that's just plain crazy. I do have a Mac and love it and don't smoke in the house. I really don't know how they could refuse to warranty unless it is specifically written in the warranty itself.
  4. On mine you can adjust the picture size to fit the screen. That would probably be a good question to ask your salesperson though.
  5. celeste

    Women ONLY!

    Same here. My wedding ring is actually a wrap but it does go on 1st.
  6. My daughter saw it last night and said it was great!
  7. I'll check it out for sure! How cool! BTW, we had a great time last weekend at Paisano's and I think the men may have been even more in awe of your magic than the kids...if that's possible. DH was still talking about you last night. Although he had seen your show before he really enjoyed the close-up and is still shaking his head trying to figure out how in the world you did the cup and ball trick! I may now actually be able to get him to go out for dinner more often on a Sat. night!
  8. Good lord! I have a few friends in that sub. Hope the girl is okay and that the dog and owner are held responsible!!!
  9. I prefer the plain old primer look personally......
  10. What kind of info are you looking for in particular? I don't have a 9th grader but an 11th grader and a 5th grader.
  11. I'm lost on this one......
  12. I haven't yet but good idea! I guess it hadn't crossed my mind. Mine will be driving independently in Feb. God help me!
  13. Well those are hideous but I'm not above wearing a pair of rain boots. I would probably prefer a more subdued pattern or no pattern at all. Croc boots ROCK!
  14. With a Keurig! I don't drink coffee but DH does and you just throw that little pod in there, put your cup underneath, push the button and voila!
  15. That would be more of a question for my 16 y.o. DD! I have no idea about those things!
  16. Lucky day for me! 13 is my lucky number and what is better than a Friday?? O.K....well Sat....but anyway!
  17. No personal experience but just talked to a friend the other day who has some. She uses them on her treadmill as well as just wearing around. She said that she can definitely tell that she has gotten a mini workout just by wearing them by the slight soreness of her muscles the next day. She says that they are very comfortable and her feet never hurt after wearing them like regular shoes do. I think I may get some myself.
  18. I heard of this story on the radio but hadn't really been following. Your link is broken but would be curious to see what the other girls had to say. Just cause I'm nosey like that!
  19. EVERY year as a child when it was still up on top of Rich's downtown. Would love to take my kids sometime!
  20. I, too, had a wonderful home birth with both my daughters by my side. My oldest one cut the umbilical cord of her brother. I don't have a problem with the doll, personally. (Or the cloth pads, btw!)
  21. That is one funny dude!! One of my fav. comedians ever....
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