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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. Oldest can sit in my car without a booster (she's 7.) The strap comes across her chest and her knees bend at the seat edge. My husbands car, she has to use a booster because the strap comes across her chin and her legs dangle. lol
  2. Thanks y'all Feel mo bettah, Blondie!
  3. Which are those? And do they have different kinds or is it just a plain wrap? (I'm not a fan of plain ones. lol)
  4. Anybody else tried the Flatout wraps to make Pizza? I just made one with the Italian herb ones, added mozz cheese, turkey pepperoni & mushrooms. SO. GOOD. (and low carb!) Recipe here.
  5. Nope, I haven't read hers. :: writes down name :: I lurrrve historical roms. My favorite author is Julia Quinn. Currently re-reading her When He Was Wicked. So awesome.
  6. What about Scott Antique Markets? Their next weekend show is March 11-13. Ooh, and I forgot Lakewood 400. I miss the one downtown
  7. Which BDB book is your fave? Mine is still Zsadist's story Lover Avenged. I don't know why. lol Have you read her Fallen Angels books yet?
  8. Are you talking about Freemont Street? http://www.vegasexperience.com/
  9. craigy ferg hit the head on the nail for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WigGPO6EJ20
  10. bbq pork, green beans, corn on the cob & mashed fauxtatoes.
  11. Aw, I like him. Hope he's ok. I read he has to be at the taping today to get into the top 12. Too bad they can't make an exception for hospitalization.
  12. something or someone? never mind, lets not take this thread there. I love knowing I'm not the only crazy person having messed up dreams!
  13. I used to love Star Crunch - but my faves now are oatmeal cream pies.
  14. This is his picture on Ellen. Just looks a bit more grown up, honestly.
  15. LOL You win for pregnant lady dreams!
  16. LOL borked = broken in a major way.
  17. I had to sleep in my recliner last night. Our bed is borked and we couldn't get it back together in time for bed. zzzzzz. I had the most beeezarrr dreams. one involved being in school where one of my high school friends was breaking up with one of my online friends -- and I knew about it. Therefore the online friend got so mad at ME, he invited me to go shopping and poured red kool-aid into my radio and my whole car locked up. Then I had to take special classes in school to make sure I wasn't craycray - and my 3 year old was in day care. So in my psychological exam class, they had her
  18. I really hope this is true. We loved that store ETA: Hubs said there's signs all over the parking lot saying they're reopening soon :yahoo:
  19. my sister bought hubs this keyfob that when you whistle, it beeps to tell you where your keys are. Sounds GREAT, right? No, when the kids talk, it beeps. and beeps. and beeps.
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