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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. ha! she told me about that.. she's actually the least sickly of us all (so far.) Get with the vit c!! I'm the SAME WAY. No, it can't be a common cold fever, ZOMG IT'S SPINAL MENINGITIS!!
  2. ... also -- don't google symptoms and end up on WebMD while you're eating.
  3. We're bogged down here at casa d' Pog with fevers up to 102, coughing, snotting and aches. My youngest is the worst so far. I'm just stoned off Mucinex. Dh had it last week and the urgent care said she had been seeing lots of viral upper respiratory infections turning into bronchitis. Be aware. Wash your hands and take your vitamins
  4. That's crazy. I've been down there before and know exactly where that is. lol Strange to see it like that!
  5. In New Hope -- Dallas Acworth Highway/East Paulding/Bobo Rd/Old Cartersville area. Here's a neat site too: http://themoonlitroad.com/hell-hole/
  6. Holy Wow! That's kinda awesome in an, "I don't want to get out in it but it's really pretty" sort of way. I want one more dose of snow before winter is over. (yes, I am sick in the head.)
  7. that's awesome. *and one of the main reasons I don't look outside at night. LOLOL* Thank you for sharing!
  8. Yikes, RR! That is scary. I live in New Hope -- (near the hell hole) and won't look out the windows at night. LOL I just get this weird feeling someone's watching me. Thanks y'all
  9. Just call it story research I'd love your ghost stories of Paulding even though it will scare the bajizny out of me. If you have links to sites (other than the moonlit road & haunted paulding, because I have those ) I'd appreciate it. SO what have you seen?
  10. Yeah there's no chance of getting out empty handed. I'm bringing the clan of kids and my sister... LOL
  11. Yeah, Britaini called me Saturday. Now let's see if I can get out of there with my books and barely anything else instead of like last time lol
  12. I totally would. Tote or T-shirt (if it were black ) I have a thing for black tshirts. lol
  13. No problem Keep an eye out on those websites for cheap deals - they do sales and .99 cent book promos too!
  14. Yeah, if you're in it for the money you're in it for the wrong reasons sorta related, Books on Board just named one of my publisher's as publisher of the week
  15. I have a ton more legit sites if you can't find anything on those. I just have to ask, as an author, please don't download freebies unless they're out of copyright (before 1925 - like literary works) or legitimately free. Contrary to popular belief, most authors don't make a crap ton of money on books. Please don't pirate. /soapbox
  16. Books on board is awesome! I also suggest Fictionwise.com Ereader.com omnilit.com allromanceebooks.com
  17. I actually said to myself, "hey it's more vegetarian that I thought." hehe
  18. "break and bake" - yeah right. Break and EAT.
  19. LOL she just wanted it for herself. You know, they have "please don't eat raw cookie dough" on the package now. I always laugh at it as I'm shoving pieces in my mouth.
  20. It was her mom's child she gave up at birth, not her Dad's.
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