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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. Just curious of what you're reading these days? I'm working on Knight of Darkness by Kinley MacGregor. It threw me, because he's talking pretty slang-y/modern with a Merlin & the Round Table setting. But so far, so good. I really like Sherilyn Kenyon's voice in these books. (this is her other pen name.)
  2. James rocked. That is all.
  3. Haley butchered Blondie. urgh.
  4. Is it wrong of me to keep waiting for Paul to fall while he's flailing around?
  5. Thanks for the reminder!
  6. I totally didn't hear anything else. I guess I'm losing it. LOL cattywompus = cattycornered.
  7. I'm sad I don't get to use it more often lol heya!
  8. I'm cattywompus behind New Hope Baptist off Bobo Rd.
  9. It made me pause to listen for a boom/crash. Thankfully, nothing. lol (yeah, naps are my fave too.. :: looks longingly at the 3 year old, who wants nothing to do with naps :: ) MSGA, are we, really? I never knew that.. huh. This one seemed to be headed toward Cartersville though.
  10. I'm over in New Hope - plane just flew over the house so low it cast a HUGE shadow over the house. A car drove by and slammed on the brakes to look up. EEEK.
  11. Same as dookey. (dookie?) Scottish slang for poop.
  12. Oh dookey reminded me of my all time despised word. Jobby.
  13. From the Paulding Neighbor. I'm unable to find anything on pcom - but from what I remember, his fees to defend himself against Dallas ended up costing him his business.
  14. And what happens when you realize a lot of those you thought were men are actually women? and vice versa? Yay for pseudonyms.
  15. LOL I read it everywhere and I just twitch. I don't know why it bugs the mess out of me.
  16. I don't know if you're talking cats or dogs, but for my cats - I use Revolution. It cures pretty much everything that ails them. lol They had ear mites - gone. They had fleas - gone. One of my cats has a mystery fungus (?!) that she gets because of a weird allergy that the vet can't figure out. It's naaaasty. Revolution cures that too. It's crazy.
  17. I'm gonna annoy Blondie, but I grind my teeth when people use the word mayhap. I can't stand it. I also can't stand roiling.
  18. I'm lamenting the fact that Kenny Loggins... er.. Paul.. will be on another episode. feh.
  19. Awesome! We were in a booth toward the back - it was fine for my family, but the tables did seem on the cafe-size side when we passed them. Yay about the pizza! I can't wait to try it. My fave Italian place will always be Scalini's but this is awesome to have right around the corner MeiLan, the fettuccini is usually what I end up getting at most places but wanted to try something different. Now I can plan ahead for next time. YUM.
  20. Martino's at Crossroads? We stopped in there a couple of weeks back because we didn't want to drive to Town Center hell to eat Italian. The menu selection was HUGE. Dh had Ravioli, I had Stromboli & the girls had spaghetti. It was ermazin. I want to go back and try out their pizza. It looked and smelled great. Anybody else?
  21. Oh that would suck so hard.
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