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Everything posted by Tahoe

  1. Oh just shut up with your nonsense....we all have real lives. Your post is so mean. Don't knock it till you see it or try it....I've been across that big ole' mud hole with some of the sweetest young boys of Burnt Hickory!!! Some of the most prominent business men in Paulding and surrounding counties and also Paulding County policial figures have their own trucks in the mud bogg at Wesley's. One person being our fearless Sheriff Gulledge! His daughter has her own truck....Why don't you go up to him and tell him to grow the hell up and call him a pig???? Hmmmmm....
  2. Thats crazy.....we shouldn't have to abide by ANY of their practices when it comes to him. I can't believe they have already disposed of the body. None of his beliefs should even be considered, because he and his army sure didn't care about the innocent Americans on 9/11.
  3. With all the storms headed our way especially during the night, Paulding has a Code Red Alert Notification System. It will call you in the event a tornado or severe storm is near your area. Please take the time to register your address and phone number in this system. I pray that everyone is safe tonight.... https://cne.coderedweb.com/Default.aspx?groupid=WxSRv7451rcU7YEWUILhFA%3d%3d
  4. Those poor guys pave at night so you won't be inconvenienced during the day with traffic....
  5. Yeah and the species name is feelip
  6. Instead of griping about everything the board does.....what are some changes that you could suggest?
  7. What is so sad about this entire thing is that the kids have a tarnished relationship with their mother....by reading the article the dad is the one who filed charges. He now has custody of them. He should be ashamed of himself for subjecting those kids to that....it seems that maybe they could have worked it out without getting the courts involved. I couldn't imagine putting my kids through that for the last 3 years.
  8. I am really likin' Nitro..... Pubby talks to much in his posts...politician more than a reporter.
  9. Wrong, he posted at 5:41 about it. See the comment below at 5:31. Just pointing it out. No big deal now...... Monkeytail, on 14 February 2011 - 05:31 PM, said: I'm Blondie's sister. The house is just around the corner from me. One house is completely gone. Another is destroyed but still recognizable as a house. House on the other side has all the siding and windows melted on the side that was closest to the fire. One person is unaccounted for, and unfortunately we passed the coroner while walking down the street and overheard someone mention time of death Posted 14 February 20
  10. Ummm....sorry but there is nothing winey at all about me, thank you very much.....if you will look at my post I highlighted his comment "If they're good, you'll get mayberries and possibly more." I am talking about that comment, not the picture one. Got it? Bite me.....
  11. REALLY????? How tacky to say with a situation like this...typical news chaser.
  12. It will not be known as the West Hiram Parkway or Bill Carruth Parkway. It wil be the East Hiram Parkway. http://dallas-hiram.patch.com/articles/paulding-officials-attend-east-hiram-parkway-groundbreaking
  13. I was raised in a Baptist Church too... so my thoughts growing up and as an adult is no pants in the church. Me personally, it feels weird to wear pants in church. In my opionion, things today are to laid back, some churchs you could go to church Sunday morning then leave and go straight to the lake with what you had on at church. While I do feel that being in church is far more important that what you have on, I still feel that the sense of "respect" should be exhibited. My boys haven't wore shorts to church since they were 7 or 8 years old, and especially not flip flops or sandels.
  14. Why didn't she stay at the DA's office with District Attorney Donovan?
  15. Hehehe....if you only knew where I worked then you wouldn't be saying that.
  16. Actually....I am at work. Bitchy mood??? No just fed up with idiots that think they can get out and ride in this crap then blame GDOT and PDOT.
  17. I would have just keep my "rant" to myself considering it sounds so stupid and had made you look ignorant. Its the idiots like you that are in the commericals of what "NOT" to do during a winter storm. I can't believe that you would hold our DOT workers responsibile. Those guys do the damn best they can with the situation. You get out there and try to do what they do. Thats why the news is telling everyone to stay AT HOME!!! Public Service Workers are damned if the do and damned if they don't.
  18. NO school....my friend is a bus driver, they just called and told them. NO school....my friend is a bus driver, they just called and told them.
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