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Everything posted by Tahoe

  1. OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!! This freaking star/sticker crap, you do good and you will go to Dairy Queen on Friday....throw that crap out the window. I always told mine you may not make straight A's and get on honor roll every semester, but by gosh you can keep your mouth shut, behave and be respectful. Of course, he learned that at home first......
  2. That my fellow paulding.com friends was a snap shot of who all voted for Obama.....
  3. My thoughts exactly! How unfair to fault him because he was a defense attorney. What other kind of attorney could he be?????? The fact that he has been on both sides of the defense works so much more in his favor than someone who hasn't done any criminal work. He is more than likely going to have a leg up when he comes up against a criminal case. Plus, I feel that Dick will be a more hands on DA than the previous..... Our DA's office is a mess. I served on a jury this year and it seemed like to me that the ADA just picked the file up before he came into court. He didn't even know the victi
  4. Yeah and I am sure that some of you here on Paulding.com bought a house in a subdivision during that time.... So, don't talk against the county issuing building permits. Also, some of you were probably real estate agents, insurance agents, appraisers, worked for survey firms or in some field that supported the building industry. So don't blame the problem on the County BOC...they weren't the one enabling people to come to paulding. The banks, mortgage lenders, etc. were the funding source for these builders.
  5. My feeling is that Austin and Graham along with the new County Administrator has a better direction on where the county needs to go and what needs to be done than any other past Commissioners have. The past guys got to rule during the HIGH good times....these guys have came into play when tough decisions have had to be made and balance a budget with ALOT less money and depression times. You all need to give the current BOC a break....they are just like you and me. At least they have got out there and tried to do something to help this county instead of hiding behind a screen name and Bitch and
  6. Aww Come On' Animal.....don't get your feelings hurt over little ole' Madea's comment.
  7. I almost spit coffee all over my computer..... TOO FUNNY!!!!!
  8. That doesn't make any sense.....collect more taxes on a value that is lower???? If taxes are raised and your value is lower then it's pretty much a wash. Values are based on current market values. As of today, all market values stink! What do you think that was caused from???? Well, over inflated sale price of land and homes when the building market was booming, sub prime lenders loaning every Tom, Dick and Harry a mortgage....Its not ALL the counties fault. They are just trying to maintain public services, debt service and maintenance of what is there now.....
  9. Tahoe

    open house

    I have one in 9th at NPHS and one in 7th at SMMS. Everything went great! I love our schools! It was hot at SMMS.
  10. What ever happened to this story? Is the GBI still investigating?
  11. How often are you updating the numbers? I just saw on facebook where SPLOST is over 50%
  12. This may save her life.....
  13. I just saw her waving to people as they drove by. She was holding one of her signs.... People, quit getting crap started. Do you really not have anything better to do?
  14. I'd like a ring side seat if that were the case..... My bet's on the Sheriff.
  15. Who blocks the road off? Isn't this a little dangerous. Cedarcrest is a busy road.
  16. If I rent from the one in Dallas, can I return movies in Panama City? We are leaving and I got to get my kids some movies to watch. I didn't know if you had to return them to the place you initally rented from.
  17. Oh yeah...and the bill for alignments, etc..that is MY tax money that is paying the damages! Thanks!!
  18. Can't wait to see people on Channel 16.....making an arse of themself complaining.
  19. They are patching from 61 to Harmony Bridge. They are re-paving from other side of Bridge to Cedarcrest. From what I heard, they had plans to repave when they built the firestation. That is why the left the "bumps" so they could tie into the new paving in front of the firestation. The paving got delayed not by PDOT choice. It wasn't meant to happen that way. Give those guys a break! Wrong....see my earlier response. Really? That's nice to say about them.....
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