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Everything posted by Tahoe

  1. City of Brawell and Polk County....
  2. Ok - agree to disagree Good night....
  3. You are so very right.... don't get me wrong I hate taxes, I hate that my house and land value has decreased pitifully. But the economy is what it is....I don't want my taxes to go up any more than the next person, but if there is a tax that EVERYONE can pay, then so be it. Property owners can't bear the load alone....Money or no money the county still has needs to take care of the population that is here...We have to do the transportation improvements to control the traffic that is here. Our sheriffs department needs specific items, our fire deparment has needs and we have a outdated 911
  4. Yes, I know every legal citizen has a right...not all should....LOL!!!
  5. Your funny..... FYI - we are talking about COUNTY issues and not CITY OF DALLAS issues....big difference if you know what the hell your talking about....SPLOST don't have a damn thing to do with the fountain in Dallas or the street lights in the City of Dallas.
  6. Nevermind....you are talking about the City of Dallas....See what I am talking about, you don't even know the difference between City and County. And to think you have voting rights....just like all those goofballs that voted Obama in office....UGH!!! People are really dangerous.
  7. What freakin' fountain????
  8. Surepip - see what I am talking about....they don't understand the funding of the airport, what the county budget consists of or how matching funds from federal or state are obtained. They probably haven't even looked at the county budget or would understand it. They just automatically say "wasteful spending at the county, no new taxes" and its a renewal....
  9. Yes and look what all we have accomplished with it....
  10. Okay, I edited it with No options....so now Y'all can particpate in the Poll.
  11. I don't see how I trapped anyone....you either "use it" or "you don't". Simple as that...If you don't then you don't "click" anything....
  12. This is where the miscommunication comes into play....SPLOST is NOT for county maintenace, you can't pay the light bill, fill a pothole or pay the county employees with SPLOST money....it's for building NEW MUCH NEEDED PROJECTS...yes, there is a General Fund - that money is collected from me and you as Property Owners/Taxpayers. I am sure up north there is SPLOST too..... Do you shop the mall in Cobb or Douglas or go to Walmart, Home Depot? Guess what you are contributing to Cobb and Douglas's SPLOST. Do you eat in Cobb or Douglas? Guess what you are contributing to their SPLOST.
  13. Well sorry....I designed the Poll just like I wanted.....It's not a YES or NO poll, its a "Have you used this" Poll - so if nothing applies to you then you don't answer....Either you have used the road/intersection, benefited by having it, or you haven't ever used. I don't want to know what you HAVEN"T used....
  14. Really??? I bet you would be one to hit a pothole then blame it on the county for not fixing the pothole and then want them to pay for ALL your damage... May I ask if you are a property owner in Paulding County or do you rent/lease?
  15. So you can HONESTLY say that you have NEVER travelled any newly paved road OR go thru any of the intersections listed... WOW you must be a hermit.
  16. I assume general funds or who knows it may have come out of some old farmers pocket that owned the land.... Most roads in the county were built years ago. Cost, population and red tape wasn't like it is today. We are not living in the 1900's anymore.
  17. See that is how uneducated you are.....Early voting is going on now.
  18. It was location questions, not are you for or against SPLOST.
  19. 61 is a State Highway, not county. Can't use SPLOST for salaries.....
  20. FYI - Voting Date has been changed to August 1st.
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