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Everything posted by nicholascolephotographer

  1. You are so correct. This is one reason I posted the subject. Now, think of what may happen if an unelected official with a big home on Cape Cod sees the destruction of a minnow's habitat down stream from a local "Mudd'n" event in Paulding County, Georgia, USA. If the water was pumped in there would be a cry against the waste of natural resources. If a local creek was used ----- think of the charges that could be brought for befouling the balance of nature. And we have not yet considered the actions of "Clean Air" groups who might see this as Co2 pollution beyond need. With
  2. Unelected bureaucrats making rules for us to live by. This is a good read from CNN news.. This is how freedoms evaporate.
  3. While photographing for the Capitol City Opera today at Oglethorpe University I lunched at a SubWay in Brookhaven. As we left I noticed a couple who had just gotten out of their car stop and look down by the edge of the building. The girl covered her mouth as if she was troubled or getting sick. The couple returned to their car and left. What they had seen were 3 Cedar Waxwings on the parking lot. One on it's side as though dead and the other two in a catatonic state. Not moving but blinking their eyes and breathing. Their friends were eating all the berries on the holly bushes at the
  4. Prayers for you, your daughter and your families.
  5. Prayers for your family as things happen we can't understand. WE must trust in the Lord to get us through with the hope, confidence and piece only He can provide.
  6. Prayers for this man's family and friends from a Viet Nam vet. The need for defense of our freedoms continues.
  7. Carol, I hope you have an easing of the pain quickly in what ever way is good for you. I went through shingles a couple months ago and it was like a yellow jacket and his friends stinging on the side of the rib cage. I got medication early and am now well. Can't imagine the hurt you are going through. Get well soon.
  8. Congratulations Joe. You have impressed my grands and they loved it. Thanks again. Interesting. On the same page we have a local getting a great award from the Brits and a story of local friends moving to England.
  9. Prayers for you and your family at this time. May His Peace be delivered to all of you.
  10. It used to be that you had to go to a professional photographer who had the proper equipment and Polaroid film to take the passport pictures.....and that was not so long ago. Here we find ourselves out of another job. I can't take the time and materials and do this for $8 to $10 which is advertised all over town. This is why I am changing my focus to photograph special needs children and copy and restoration of old photos. Few people work in these two areas while many are in the general photography and passport segment. Bon voyage !!
  11. I don't have an appointment until noon today - Saturday 1-30-10, so I won't get to Dallas before that time. I have some photos to pick up from the lab in Marietta to deliver this afternoon. Please call to let me know you are coming for your Valentine's sitting. 678-770-COLE (2653) or 770-443-7355 I'll see you with your best smile. Nicholas
  12. I don't have an appointment until noon today - Saturday 1-30-10, so I won't get to Dallas before that time. I have some photos to pick up from the lab in Marietta to deliver this afternoon. Please call to let me know you are coming for your Valentine's sitting. 678-770-COLE (2653) or 770-443-7355 I'll see you with your best smile. Nicholas
  13. I don't have an appointment until noon today - Saturday 1-30-10, so I won't get to Dallas before that time. I have some photos to pick up from the lab in Marietta to deliver this afternoon. Please call to let me know you are coming for your Valentine's sitting. 678-770-COLE (2653) or 770-443-7355 I'll see you with your best smile. Nicholas
  14. I have several times still available today. Call me. 678-770-COLE (2653) 770-43-7355
  15. I am so sorry to hear of this. God calls us home in His time and we are never ready to see a loved one go. May you have His peace which passes all understand support you and your family at this time. My prayers are with you.
  16. How special is this for your child to design their own Valentine's Day card.
  17. In 2 weeks you will be sorry you didn't have this done.
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