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Everything posted by ivylove

  1. What if a stray bullet hits one of the children, at the start of his shooting session, before they have time to round up the children and force them to come in, making them give up their "rights", so he can excercise his?
  2. Would you be willing to take this "chance" with your kids?
  3. But likewise, her children should have the RIGHT to collect rocks, on their property, WITHOUT having the fear that they will be shot.....even by accident!
  4. CC You may be underestimating the power of a magic mom, protecting children she loves. I hope she gets a hold of this guy and goes crazy! Ever encountered a momma bear in the woods, protecting a few cubs?! This isn't between two men. I am thinking this is between a crazy old man and a mad, momma bear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27IW08mC3zE
  5. If they sound the same, then how are the parents and children to know the difference? Either way, it is wrong, in my opinion, to be shooting or even pretending to shoot near children! Unless the two have a distinctly different sound, they have to assume the worst!
  6. Why should her kids not be able to get out and enjoy a beautiful day in their OWN yard? I agree that until they get this resolved, maybe they should take the precaution of keeping the kids in. But if he wants to target practice, he should have to go to the shooting range! I admire her FOR confronting this idiot!!!! More power to her!!
  7. I thought it was illegal to be shooting a gun in a residential area, anyway? You mean it is not? Can I get out in my backyard and start shooting? I have some woods behind my house.
  8. I would love to see more doctors that use a Holistic approach to healthcare. http://www.holisticmed.com/whatis.html http://ahha.org/rosen.htm
  9. The Angels using their sledgehammers? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJWJE0x7T4Q
  10. You guys do know that there is a female condom also available for sale now?
  11. Spend more time with your kids? Talk to them. Teach them. Love them.
  12. Well, I am all for birth "control", if that is truely what this pill is. I don't think a younger teenage girl needs to get pregnant, and have a baby. Maybe they could give the pill along with some sort of counseling requirement?
  13. I am thinking that if a 12 year old is having sex, she might need some counseling as well?
  14. I think both sides need to "lighten up" and laugh......this was funny, no matter how you feel about these issues. Look here.......the big guys know how to take it all in stride.....and laugh at things. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rboByPlU4IM
  15. Ditto that! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BFPGv392N4 Ever been around any courthouse on divorce court day? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmAwcMNxGqM
  16. And I don't think marriage is necessarily about "love" and spending the rest of your lives together either. You don't need a contract with the government to love someone and be faithful, in sickness and health....etc. I have know of many "married" people, who didn't love each other and were not good to each other or faithful.
  17. Why does the government have to be involved in the marriage contract?
  18. With a name like ButterflyLion, I visualize that you may have, not only the power to fly....... hence the Butterfly But also to roar....... hence the Lion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4xpDuf84A And in the times when you are feeling weak, just try and think of this: Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VauzhTAuoFw I hope this helps to give you some encouragement.
  19. And......maybe in the near future, the doctors will be able to "print" you out some new kidneys. http://www.ajc.com/videos/news/national/future-organ-production-a-possibility-with-3d-stem/vt6Sr/
  20. People with HIV and Hepititus C, infected by this dentist, can move to Georgia and even to Paulding County. Also, this is important to know to raise awareness that this kind of thing can happen, so that if someone sees or knows of this going on in other places, they realize and recognize it, and report it.
  21. BL, You are definitely now in my thoughts and prayers also. I have read, on here, in previous post, where you have mentioned your kidney problems and health problems. It is hard enough just to deal with health problems! It sounds like this man is a complete jerk! However, it is scary, especially when you have health problems and no way to support yourself, to even begin to think about leaving. (kinda the old "devil you know, vs the devil you don't", thing) I sense you feel "trapped", by your circumstances. But, it does sound like there are a few people on here willing to give you some
  22. Sending up my prayers for your quick recovery BL.
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