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Everything posted by ivylove

  1. Plus, it doesn't help that the SS Trust Fund was used as a slush fund, help fund tax cuts for the wealthy, help fund wars, and was just outright STOLEN! I guess welfare wasn't. Read this: http://ampedstatus.org/how-your-social-security-money-was-stolen-where-did-the-2-5-trillion-surplus-go/
  2. This is what I was going to say.
  3. Well, I guess I am a conservative, capitalists, who believes in socialized medicine.
  4. Maybe, if we have some type of universal healthcare, in place, people can get the help they need, BEFORE their conditions become chronic and/or disabling! The pre-existing condition thing, is already a big improvement, in my opinion. In the past, if someone had to quit, or lost a job, due to a disability, and lost their insurance that came with that job, they could no longer qualify for insurance in the future. And, unless your disability magically clears up, or you, (or someone else who is willing to pay for you), are independently wealthy enough to afford to continue paying your medical bi
  5. This will mean that the US will now have nationalized, universal healthcare!
  6. Do you mean Government "showdown"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGCwGrpcH1U
  7. Hey former Geek, I could so go along with this idea! lol
  8. Praying for these people. Especially the child involved.
  9. Back to the "good ol days", scenario, it seems to me that now, that loaf of bread is 70 cents and and my Grandad's is still making a dollar an hour. Meanwhile, the company/corporation etc. keeps the difference, without any of the "trickle down." And gas, housing, etc have also gone up. But you probably can buy that shirt, a little cheaper, at Walmart, because it was made in China. And they will work for 10 cents an hour. ??
  10. You know Mojo........ It kinds seems, to me, that the rich and their corporations,(with their record profits, offshore tax havens, cheap overseas labor, etc.) have been stimulating their growth, at a mind boggling rate, and sticking it to the rest of us.
  11. How about this idea, for keeping money circulating to local businesses? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP0iSnygyhU http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/business/july-dec13/berkshares_09-05.html http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2012/pf/1201/gallery.community-currencies/index.html
  12. cmorg, What would be your suggestion/s, as to how to resolve this?
  13. Why couldn't they just work out something with the other systems, and have some "set" prices, etc.? Maybe form some type of mutual partnerships, that would be in the best interest of all parties involved?
  14. Oh, I see you guys have decided to send in your mojo, which, of course, the other side will have to resist, and make their counterpoint. (Just having a little fun here, and laughing with both sides.) Point - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTv9AhCuSU4 Counterpoint - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjq8nP1l7tU However, I do see what you guys are saying here. I remember my grandaddy talking about the "good ol days", when you could get a loaf of bread for like 10 cents, but then he only made like $1.00 an hour or something. Where as today, the hourly wage has gone up, but th
  15. Thank you yathink?, for posting this info! I am very excited about this!
  16. Progress. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPOSdiqPtok
  17. Yes, you are right gog8tors. We are talking McDonald's here, I suspect one of the biggest, richest, employers around. I am sure they can "find" a "little" money, at the top, to re-invest in their own business.?! Maybe cut a few corporate perks, profits, salaries? And I would think that their employees are one of their most valuable business assets. I don't know if they need to pay $15 an hour, to all employees, but certainly something would seem to me, to be on the menu. And I understand, completely, your logic about the small, local, vet not being able to pay more. I agree, they proba
  18. At some point, when company's no longer need to hire "real" people anymore, who is going to have any money to buy all this great stuff, that all these robots can mass produce, so cheaply? I guess, if that happens, then most of the population would just have to get on some sort of government assistance, for survival. And this government assistance will, of course, have to be paid into the government by the corporations, because they will be the ONLY ones left with ANY money to pay ANY sort of taxes. The middle class will be slim to none, and what is left is just the rich and the poor. And th
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