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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Mikey


    Some info here. Housing law, generally, here.
  2. Congratulations, Hornets! It was nice to drop back in and see old Band family and friends. Great work Cheerleaders and Band of Gold!
  3. The deadline to apply for disaster unemployment benefits is October 26, 2009. DUA is a federal program established to help workers whose primary income is lost or interrupted as a direct result of a disaster declared by the President. DUA differs from state unemployment insurance in that it also provides benefits to self-employed business people, farmers, diversified farming operators, loggers, commission-paid employees and others who are not eligible for Georgia’s regular unemployment insurance program.
  4. Old Alabama Road at Maxham is open again for you, my fellow commuters. Please be considerate-- the homes and businesses along the road are heavily damaged. Slow down and think twice before rushing anyone along.
  5. Is there a model train club here in Paulding?
  6. It IS government's role to deal with public health and welfare. Debris and waste can cause disease.
  7. Call the State Insurance Commissioner's office; if she actually paid a premium, contact a lawyer for advice on whether the insurance company is now bound by its agent's promises and collection of the premium.
  8. 11 Alive is reporting the 120/92 area is being evacuated- a dam is breached and water is heading to 92-- BUT channel 11 has only 3 sentences for the story. So take it for what it's worth
  9. Is that the pond with the large water wheel just before Hardy?
  10. Squishy, puffy wet feet here. Major annoyance and water damage, but the main living area is unaffected, and we have our health. We'll clean up and be OK.
  11. The boys stopped to rescue a woman and then became trapped. Who says today's generation of teens is worthless? Glad they're safe.
  12. School employees received automated calls this morning
  13. No thank you. This is miserable. Sorry to rain on your parade.
  14. People should not drive at night-- you often can't see that a road is flooded. If you have kids out, tell them to stay where they are.
  15. This would be easier to follow on twitter. Use #PauldingFlood hashtag.
  16. The rain has been heavy here n the Hiram Sudie area for quite while.
  17. Only 3 easy payments of $19.99. Satisfaction guaranteed. And if you respond within the next hour, we'll send you a second Grill on Wheels free. Just pay Shipping and Handling Payments. But wait! We'll throw in the 75 gallon Industrial Barrell Deep Fryer, complete with galvanized steel lid, hazardous waste decals, and sludge trap.
  18. The one cart that had all four wheels that worked.
  19. I take the 477. It drops me off and picks me up in front of the AJC on Marietta-- almost in front of my office! Love it. The bus will stop for you at MARTA bus stops. The 477 goes to midtown, but passes thru downtown (5 Points MARTA) and turns left on Marietta and right onto Spring up to midtown. The 470 goes by the Fulton Justice Center and up MLK and also stops at the Federal Center and 5 Points MARTA and continues on . I recommend the bus. I try to take it 2-3 times a week. Go to www.xpressga.com and go to the COBB Community Transit link to buy passes online.
  20. He didn't express any "beliefs"; at best, he expressed disinterest and lack of intellectual powers.
  21. John Ward Road in west Cobb --reported by 61 motorists in past year WSB TV Story Here
  22. First, get a good outdoor grill-- you can use it much of the year here. There's a ton of BBQ restaurants in town. Everyone does BBQ. You should try them all. We've had a few restaurants that served very high quality food and wine, but they don't last here. You'll have to drive into Cobb or Fulton for anything but chain restaurants or BBQ.
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