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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Ding!!! You are right about the salt. I have always used Kosher until I told my Dr. about it. I had the difference explained to me,and I promptly bought iodine salt. Vitamin D was also prescribed too. Hope you feel better soon Moonie.
  2. Sen Scott was invited. He turned the invitation down. My link sorry emy_sirius, must have been too slow!!
  3. That's a lot for the job. I just think is all a ploy anyway. McDonalds will never be Unionized. Never ever.
  4. Now that's funny. I don't care what anyone say's, that's funny.
  5. Sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in. I don't think they would all be out protesting for what they think is nothing worth fighting for. I am not in their shoes? Are any food service workers out there in p.com land? I would love to hear your opinion on this subject.
  6. What Dana said. That is exactly what I was thinking before I read her reply. My mother always told me "this too will pass". Thanks Dana.
  7. That's a good one. Thanks for the laugh. This is the way I feel.
  8. I have always just had to show my DL to pick up or see my grand daughter at school. Yesterday I got a call from her school. They lady asked to speak to her mother, I told her she wasn't home, and that I was her GM. The lady checked the record. I was on the call record, so she told me what happened, and how proud they were that my GD did what she did. A boy had patted her on the no touch area, and she reported the boy. The teacher went on to tell me the boy was disciplined, and the parents were notified of the infraction.
  9. I hope he can deny appeals, that is what he wants, to die as the murderer he is, and as soon as possible. He thinks he will die a martyr. No virgins for him.
  10. I am so glad I checked this thread. I am also so glad someone took the time to pray and have that prayer heard. Congrats to you!!
  11. I was a t Walmart last week, and I noticed the Paula Deen items have been replaced with Rachel Rays items. What a difference a week makes.
  12. Turn a blind eye to the chemical warfare and atrocities going on in Syria, and around the world. That is what everyone wants. Except me. Really, the UN needs to take action. The time is now.
  13. Pulling and praying for you to feel better soon. You didn't name yourself "Spunkywomam" for nothing!
  14. This pollen has been reeking havoc with me, Not even Zyrtec has helped. The fact I broke a rib yesterday hasn't helped. every single sneeze is like being shot in the side. The pain is unbearable.
  15. He will get shot if he comes to my house. Thugs not welcome here.
  16. I saw her perform in her underwear at the Omni waaaaay back in the day. She really gave a great performance. There are new drugs that are a great benefit to Parkinson's now. I saw a new treatment for it somewhere in Europe. A man went in shaking, and came out cured. Something about sound waves or something like that. Can't find the link, but it was on AOL a couple of weeks ago. Best wishes for a talented woman.
  17. HAHAHA! I got a maberry one day and a got a bullet the same day. Someone on the inside doesn't like me. IMHO
  18. How are you? It's safe....I think.
  19. This is so tragic. I am outraged about this, where is the justice? Will there ever be any arrest? And if LE do find these thug murderers, I hope justice is strong and swift. The death penalty is too good for these hood rats, no matter how "youthful" they are. God Bless This war hero. May he find rest and peace.
  20. Do they really charge seventy something dollars for screen replacement? You can go on Ebay and order the kit for less than thirty dollars, and do it yourself. I understand some people would be intimidated by doing a self repair on an iPhone, but its a pretty straight forward process.
  21. Yeah! hoping for little ducklings soon. Pictures please!!!
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