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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I, myself am not anti-growth. I am for openness in our County politics. It's as simple as that. I have not seen anyone speak out in opposition to business growth around here, or on other sites. People want to be heard by the county commissioners. They want to be allowed to voice concern over their quality of life here in PC. Lumping people together as "rabid" is unfair. What is wrong with your opinion being heard? What is wrong with voting on such an important issue such as the expansion of the airport? Why? I want my voice and vote to be counted. That is the American way. Let the people
  2. Thanks for clearing that up WHITEY.
  3. I am delighted SCF, AA and the BA are having a public meeting. It's just too bad they have decided to hold the meeting during the time most people will be at their jobs. Having the meeting later in the evening would prove to be a much better time for all who wish to attend. Even the voting polls stay open until 7:00 pm so everyone will have a chance to cast a ballot. I have to wonder, why so early?
  4. Michelle wasn't too pleased with her husbands behavior either.
  5. I received a call back from Amy too. No meeting. She did mention people had been calling about the meeting. Maybe someone will get the point that citizens want to be informed and inform.
  6. What a sweet baby. I don't think she could take a bad picture. I love the close up pic, she is darling.
  7. I called and had to leave a message. I hope they return my call, I am very interested in attending the meeting. Thanks for the heads up BB.
  8. That's funny. My parents knew the owners, the Alversons. They built their home near ours in the 70's. Mr.Alverson loved frog legs so, he had these huge type of frogs shipped from Texas. When he put them in the "frog pond" the snakes ate all of the frogs.
  9. Cathy Helms gave a great, true and heartfelt speech. I agree with every word she said. Kudos to Cathy for speaking.
  10. That's such wonderful news Smoke. I can't tell you how happy I am for Spencer and your family. Awesome!
  11. My oldest brother worked there in the mid 60's. I still have and use the pizza pans my mom bought from Gino's.
  12. I don't know what happened to the options for voting on the poll questions. The options were up, I don't know why they are not still up for voting. HMMMM?
  13. Anyone remember Gino's pizza, located by Cobb Center?
  14. Merry Christmas everyone. I love seeing all of the beautiful Christmas trees. Thanks for posting!!
  15. I went to Belmont Hills Elementary in 66. I was in the first grade. My parents had a problem with the principal at Kennwood elementary, Mr.Livingston. I attended Kenwood later on after my brothers went to Nash. Speaking of Howards, that was the last place my dad and I had lunch before he passed in October. This is the house I grew up in until we moved to PC in 1970.
  16. I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I have a sweet dog and he is a family member. I can't imagine him being hit by a car, and not coming to his aid. That poor Molly, It breaks my heart when people don't care for their pets. I will be by my sweet Scruffy side when he takes his last breath. I dread that day, but I will be there for whatever he needs. We have dogs around here running free. I always worry about them. They come to my neighbors and my house looking for scraps. We don't know who they belong to, we don't live in a neighborhood,so it's just a sad thing to see the
  17. My link For those who don't know please see my link. Its short and sweet. As far as the government goes we are all equal in our religion period. Respect that. My link A Christian nativity scene and a Christmas tree at the Florida Capitol will be joined this week by another symbol of the holidays: a homemade Festivus pole. The pole, which will be nearly 6 feet tall and made from emptied Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans, will be erected by Chaz Stevens, a Deerfield Beach resident
  18. I knew the Hembree brothers. I am sad to hear of Dennis passing. My brothers as well as the Hembree brothers are older than myself. PM on the way to see if you know any of my kin.
  19. I think it's time to drag out Emily Post's book of etiquette regarding passing out informational flyers to the public at a public event. My link
  20. I grew up in Kennwood back in the 60's. I remember fatboys, the hotdogs were my moms favorite. I remember Sandy's Hamburgers, across from Cobb Center. I loved shopping there and then going to the Rexall Drugstore lunch counter. Brothers attended Nash and Pebblebrook.
  21. Ha, ha, ha, ha ha....Ehhhh, ehhhhhh! Deeeelicioooous.
  22. That in its self is promoting his own reputation, and therefore his agenda to the people of PC. Why him and not an elected city official announce the floats such as the Mayor? To me, that is grandstanding.
  23. I wonder if the starch opponent BB has read this letter? If not she needs to. So does every person in this county. Has this letter been published in the New Era? if not, why? Everyone wants to believe in the politicians they support. Sometimes those politicians you think you know personally are the ones who disappoint the most.
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