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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Christmas Eve: ham, beans, potato salad, all the usual fixins including sweet potato pie Christmas morning: sausage casserole, biscuits, ham, jellies, eggs, coffee, juice, sweet potato pie Christmas night: steak, baked potato and whatever the MIL throws together. I'll take my own sweet potato pie
  2. Oh my!!! He looks amazing.
  3. It depends on the job. My husband's family is strongly against any form of facial hair. They've always said a man with a beard is either hiding something or from something. Bearded men aren't trustworthy. Until I heard his grandmother say those things I never had given facial hair a thought. It really doesn't matter to me but I guess those words must have sunk in a little. I probably wouldn't want to give my money to a bearded banker. Man, I wish you hadn't asked this question. Now I've learned something else about myself that I don't like. I think I'm gonna go wrap some
  4. I use picture protectors in my binders. You can get the refillable plastic sleeves. Whenever I make a new recipe I write the instructions on a 3x5 card and slide it in a picture slot and then slide a pic. of the item in behind the recipe. I always make 3 copies so each of my kids can eventually have a full book. Digital cameras and photo printers are great for this. I could just as easily type the recipes but I choose to hand write them. My grandmother did this for me and as far as I know I am the only person with samples of her handwriting. My cookbook from her is priceless.
  5. Have you been sewing a lot of fleece or Terry cloth? If you have it may just need a good cleaning and lube.
  6. Tell him the Easter Bunny got confused. Walk in the room wearing a pair of bunny ears and present him a six pack of his favorite brew. That always cheers 'em up!!
  7. Snow would be the absolute best Christmas present.
  8. I bought my oldest a sewing machine. She's always wanting to have her clothes altered so now she can do it herself! I'm not looking forward to going out in the rain but I've got to head out to Joann's to sign her up for classes and to buy sewing notions. I guess I'll have to pack my SCUBA gear.
  9. My weak spot is the elderly, especially when they are alone. My kids have come to expect it. When we see a little elderly lady hobbling across a parking lot they know the drill. We help her load her groceries and take her cart back to the store for her. One of the best compliments I've ever been given was at Red Lobster. When my crew and I were seated I could see an older couple near us cringe at the sight of three kids. When we went to leave the waitress told us the couple had paid our bill because we had the best behaved children they've ever seen in a restaurant. We wer
  10. Yes, I've done it and I've had it done for me.
  11. Grumpy ass people who want to ruin my cheer by not returning a sun-shiny smile. Sorry, I just had to.
  12. Whew. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that way. Way too much fun could be had with that title.
  13. Me too. I'm sure it's a great story but I cried a river recently and I am drained. I will say that I appreicate the warning.
  14. Are you just trying to reach a personal goal or do you get some type of atomic mayberry when you hit 5K?
  15. My family room tree only has ornaments with bears. I've collected them all my life. I have Pooh bears from my childhood, Alaskan bears from my honeymoon, even drunk Buffet bears from Key West. At last count there are around 340. My parlor tree is covered with crimson poinsetias (sp). My breakfast room tree is decorated with antique spoons and child sized cooking utensils. I have my grandmother's first cooking set with cake pans similar to those used in an Easy Bake oven. I love a country kitchen. My tree in my bedroom has all the decorations my children have made. My kids all ha
  16. Everything is what you make of it. One of the best parts is I spend more quality time with my whole family. When I worked I would spend the evenings cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry. Now, I'm able to do those things during the day which leaves me time to enjoy my family in the evenings. Another advantage is shopping. I can get my grocery and Christmas shopping done early in the day without having to deal with crazy crowds. I can do something for myself without feeling guilty about taking away from family time. I play tennis and poker with my friends while the kids are at sc
  17. Thanks Boss. I AM feeling the love. Another mayberry for me!
  18. 'tis the season! Share the love.
  19. Is there a certain type you need? I may have one you can borrow.
  20. Not quite. I hope to be finished by tomorrow night though. One side of the family decided to draw names and I just got our name/assignmnets yesterday.
  21. I just giggled imagining those words come from your avatar.
  22. I'd star bump you but I can't figure out how to do that anymore. Do we even still have stars?
  23. Uh-oh! What did you do? I still have mine. Maybe yours have been misplaced? When I click on my profile I see the count under my non-existant picture. I hope you find them. They're hard to come by.
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