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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. My first thoughts are that I pray Tabby can find hope from this story. I do not know her personally but I'm sure that just knowing her son is alive would be the only thing she would focus on. She and her missing son are on my mind everyday.
  2. I use plastic cupcake pans that I've saved from the grocery store. They work great as mini greenhouses because you can close the clear lid on top. I just line the cupcake indentions with a newspaper cup, add dirt, and start the seeds there.
  3. Allegedly, CL is notorious as a great place to sell stolen items. Low ball offers are made to help the seller remove the heat. True story: I had an item stolen from our business. The responding officer said, "You'll probably see it on CraigsList before the day's over."
  4. Many of my customers have their bank send payments directly to my business. February payments mailed and post marked on Feb. 1 did not arrive until some time between the 9th and 12th. Dependability and promptness are rapidly disappearing.
  5. I wouldn't suggest a dadgum thing. I am no longer a paying member so I don't feel I should make suggestions even if I could.
  6. Take it and be grateful. Your grandmother could spend her money anywhere but she has chosen to give it to YOU. Be honored. Buy something special for your child, something you wouldn't normally splurge on yourself. Or, open a bank account and include the deposit receipt in your Thank You note.
  7. Deer don't like kale. If you plant a few among your pansies, the deer will leave your pansies alone.
  8. Heritage at Brookstone is great.
  9. buffets Belly buttons People that walk barefoot in a store People that let their kids crawl under tables at restaurants People that pee on the toilet seat
  10. A few years ago we were getting ready to paint our house. I went around and took pictures of homes that I thought had great paint schemes. We used the color examples to help us decide. When we narrowed it down to one I mailed a letter to the home owner and she graciously gave us her old paint cans so we could get the color recipe.
  11. brownies nuts pickles olives stuffed jalapenos
  12. Are you sure they're frolicing? They may be galavanting, lollygagging, or scooterpooting.
  13. I am impressed that I read this here BEFORE I heard it on WSB channel 2. My first thought was that they must be getting their news from PCom. Go team Pcom!
  14. I am just north of downtown Cartersville. I had to lock my storefront doors because the wind gusts keep pulling them open.
  15. We did that for 2 years. It was ok. I found I was doing all of the actual teaching and the classroom days were spent taking quizzes and tests. Some classes were better than others. I suggest you review several weeks of lesson plans before you make a decision.
  16. Both of the ones I mentioned are online programs. Students are still considered public school students since it is paid for with tax dollars. Students will graduate with a true high school diploma from the State of Georgia.
  17. GCAHS is really good but I think it's full. Provost academy is pretty good but new in Georgia. They've had several bouts with growing pains this year.
  18. Heritage at Brookstone is wonderful.
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