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halo 2

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Everything posted by halo 2

  1. No amount of money can fix stupid... A traffic signal is pretty simple to understand and operate through. No judgement on the person who died as that is really sad. Its as simple of an intersection as possible to go through. I do have my own personal issues with the HEAT police as they are simple giving tickets and enforcing very slow roads to increase their income. Aggressive Driving is not anything under 50 MPH unless there is a school involved.
  2. I do.. i understand and I thought it was a little overkill.. i know that Jerry saddled David Austin with this payment and had his fingers in the final price of the project somehow as well. I think that David has done pretty good with the Poop Storm he was handed. Things were done crooked as they ever were in the prior admin. I am not a fan of all the board members by any means as i think they are pompous and a little too big for their britches myself but I have found that David Austin has been easy to reach and has made time for us small guys often.
  3. In the past with every school that has been built I have read how dumb it is to build a building that is immediately full or over crowded. We all said.... Build for the future not for right now. The county has combined a lot of its offices their which has actually made IT better for us. No more figuring out where to For this and that.
  4. Correct me if I am wrong but...... Wasnt the courthouse and the county offices purchased and built PRIOR to Mr Austin taking office? I think that he has done a pretty good job at dealing with a government that has lost a massive amount of income due to the economy collapsing and Mr Sherrin having practically giving this county over to HOME BUILDERS in an attempt to create the bedroom community that has little tax base yet has a population that likes to think we have the same opportunities as Cobb or any other county with a corporate tax base.. PC was doomed from the start about 15 years ago wh
  5. Funny thing is that the road has been incorrectly marked for ever. It should be marked 45 due to the 85th percentile and also width and shoulders of the road. The reason it hasn't been changed is because of the requests of the Hardys. I hate it as well but I seriously was 3rd in line and going downhill. Just thought 49 isn't much on wreckless. I was making fun of me doing 49, I didn't get a superspeeder ticket. Sorry for confusion.
  6. I thought it may be our HEAT units out giving tickets to the SUPER SPEEDERS doing less than 50MPH in the county!!!!! Yea, I was one of them and I think it sucks to get a ticket for under 50 anywhere there is not a school zone.
  7. I put in 10 applications from there and from career builder and most of them had over 250 appications sent in already. Problem us that there are a few of the Hit and Miss jobs but hundreds of people dying for the one or two jobs.
  8. Guess Ill be an Imbecile and Moron for a while because I Despise the BS spin that the libs are saying. I think both parties have lost their direction and neither believe in SMALL GOVERNMENT. Its all about the money spent and the money brought in and SHARED if your a democrat. Just because there is hatred and names calling spewed by your post, this doesnt make you seem more intelligent.
  9. WE CANT BRING IN NEW BUSINESS HERE IN PC!!!!!! We would have to watch the PC Natives hold meetings and gatherings to protest anyone building anything new here... This is a bedroom community and no one is willing to have the county pay for sewage lines, or widen a road or put anything near their own property... have we not learned this from all the other things that have been protested and brushed off as "it wont help me" so who wants it here?
  10. Libs blame Bush for the economy YET say that Obama can't do anything to fix it since he is Just the president. I get amazed at the double talk
  11. With China being the super power and cintroling the actions of the world. The economic collapse world side will devistate those countries and the rest of us. We don't have the GDP or any other kind of financial support to pay for the moochers and lazy folks who take and take and rob the working class daily. Just watch the spiral
  12. Your biased as well as the rest. You overlook as much if not more than the rest of us. I like you a LOT and I like the fact that you allow us to play on your site but you refuse to look into the broken mirror of your own party as well. I know both parties suck and both parties play the blame game "which is evident in this post and ANYTHING that comes from Obama's mouth" which blame anyone but themselves. Its amazing that the dems had the entire country for 2 years with NO ROADBLOCKS due to numbers controlled in the senate and the house yet they did NOTHING to get us out of debt or pay a DOLLAR
  13. Exactly!!!!! as long as there is a Link or Bookmark to prove the opposite point then your just "fartin in the wind" around here.. No one believes reality... lol
  14. I will be voting for JEFF.. the reasons are several but I do get tired of seeing Sam Clark get 250,000 dollars in subsidies annually along with his other charges for Ambulances and who knows what else.. If Jeff gets the same... Good for him and I just wish the county would spread the wealth some instead of us voting strictly because "well i know him and he did good once for me".
  15. Cuts in education... LMAO Oh my, now I have read almost everything..
  16. Hey Dr.. I use Waste Industries because they recycle as well. i think its 16$ a month and i have two cans, a trash and a recycle. BTW... hope your LEDS are working well still
  17. I agree with Johnny, Jeremy came to my house friday, took down a HUGE tree up against my house with NO PROBLEMS. Also grinded 5 stumps and had it completely done in a 24 hour period... They were professional and were a legit business as they are one of the largest tree companies in the country. PLUS he is a MEMBER here and a PAID ADVERTISER on the site as well. If you like PCOM, we should use PCOM advertisers. PLUS YOU DONT PAY UNTIL THE JOB IS COMPLETELY DONE AND YOU ARE SATISFIED>
  18. Are you actually stating that MORE SUPPLIES will equal cheaper prices???? WHAT???? Say that the whole "supply and demand" issues that have worked in this world in EVERY Case is STILL WORKING??? Im sure glad you have LINKS because without them.... your argument is void. LOL.
  19. i can accept the fact that public corruption is NATIONAL as well as local.. Look at the corruption in washington and the white house!!!! Seems to me that its a lot larger of a problem than anyone is willing to acknowledge.
  20. Lawyers and Television and MONEY has gotten us in this mess.. I for one am sick of the criminals becoming victims... BTW.. i do think that Dumbarse in Florida should be put in jail for being STUPID and going against what the 911 Operator Told him to do.. but thats not really the point here...
  21. I hope someone gives them "lead poisoning". I HATE THIEVES!!
  22. I will be voting for Mr. Austin and I didnt vote for him the first time. I appreciate his demeanor and think he has done a super job considering that the majority of PC residents cant handle change, growth, or business coming in and always try to "keep growth" out of Paulding. How is anyone going to make a HUGE impact when there is resistance 24/7 from residence that are not willing to work or vote for changes yet expect everything that "cobb Residences" have?
  23. Sounds like Jasons True colors are showing. I guess its more important to be an arse than to be civil and adult. Although you can see in his actions that he is NOT from PC. What a childish way to act.
  24. They have good coaches. I coached with 2 of them at Hiram before they moved. I still coach the Hiram Hornets 8 YO team and we make sure that parents know that HYDRATION HAPPENS THE DAY BEFORE..... You can't overcome dehydration afterworda.
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