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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. From what I've heard there are 3 Civil War Battle Fields in Paulding County. What has me surprised is that there isn't anything remotely close to a museum, Civil War memorabilia store or events like battle re-enactions unless I have missed them somehow. Such a history rich place and not one thing to draw visitors.
  2. Ugh, I tried to get a video of my Abby talking but, of course, she gave me this look "who is the dumb one here" and wouldn't talk or even look at the camera. She just turned her head away and IGNORED me the entire time! So no videos from this zoo.
  3. Or you can compare Italian mafia and Russian. Doesn't matter, still mafia just like one country's terrorists are same as another one's.
  4. Last time I checked, this was a free country and anybody can move anywhere they want to. Sorry if it bothers you and everyone else who would like to keep Paulding all to themselves but I doubt people who want to move there are going to ask your permission, especially because you don't want to see that road, or another road, or the airport, or anything else that is going to be built to accommodate the growing population.
  5. Great, I was just in NJ and I missed it. I always miss all the fun hhurrmph!
  6. My daughter got her driver's license today and that makes me happy. Because she is impossible to live with unless she gets to be independent. She wouldn't even let me hold her hand when she took her first steps as a baby. imagine what is was like all this time driving with her as a teenager and having a permit? Yep, I am happy.
  7. You can also try coca cola, it seems to remove even the toughest baked on grease from the block. It might be that when you reconnected the battery you jump started the sensor. If that's the case then I would definitely replace it before going on a trip because it will not last and may get into another hissy fit at a very inappropriate time.
  8. Ahh got ya! Thank you, I'll try to call this week!
  9. I've heard you mention before about industrial buildings and you bringing that and other ways of attracting businesses and jobs to the attention of commissioners. I tried messaging you about it a while ago because I have some questions about it but your inbox is full or something. If having the airport as general aviation which would mean some of those things you've mentioned on rebuilding and maintenance of aircraft, why hasn't that happened then? Is it a question of Delta holding the reigns of the business or the inexperience of the PCAA on the matter?
  10. It is painful when it acts up. I have to watch her when it gets cold outside and keep her bundled up after her bath summer or winter until she is completely dry or her joints will get inflamed. The vet didn't put her on meds that she has to take on daily basis, only on as needed basis. So far the hip dysplesia hasn't been hindering her much from running around and throwing herself on the ground to roll or play with my other dogs. That's why the only thing I can think of is separation anxiety because she always has to have me within sight.
  11. She's been to the vet just recently and other than her hip dysplasia, which she's had for years now, everything looks fine. I know she mopes around when I'm gone and I usually get a call from my daughter telling me my other daughter is being impossible to the other 2 dogs. She shadows my girl like a substitute until I get home. But it's starting to worry me with her not going out or drinking unless I insist on it and take her to the location. If this is a behavior problem, I'm afraid it can lead to dehydration or kidney problems so I'm constantly "reminding" her. I can't even walk away wh
  12. She is 7 and this didn't start until about 6 months ago. I have been travelling more than usual these past 2 years and I'm wondering if it's starting to catch up with her. LOL I am thinking she's "taught me" rather than her age and health. Sheesh how do I unteach her?
  13. That's what I pretty much thought. I don't happen to agree with Delta opinion though. While much can be accomplished with them, I think most of it would be what benefits Delta and not the Paulding County residents which would make the current commissioners seem like harmless little mice.
  14. Mojo, if the bolded out was something that could be changed, then what the chances of the making it profitable would be realistically?
  15. If I knew how much it would cost and what it takes to get it there you can bet I would be applying for that position in a heartbeat. Neither I know it, nor do you because we're not qualified or trained to know that. Once again, the airport is already there. Your commissioners are trying to take a business that has failed and turn it around into something that will work instead of it just being a failed business that's not going anywhere. And once again, maybe instead of demanding that all plans on this airport cease at once and for all, the entire thing abandoned and sitting there f
  16. I have 3 dogs. They constantly follow me every where I go. Well, 2 of them do, one doesn't care what happens and will sleep the entire day. Unless there is food or treats involved of course. If I go from one room to another, those 2 will be fighting on who's beside me. If I sit down, they are right there with me within an immediate distance. If I pet one, oh boy, there are some serious butt manoeuvres in action to push each other out of the way. That's all great though. I've been used to it after all these years. Only, one of those now, my mutt who has declared I am her human an
  17. There is nothing you can do about it being voted down and built anyway now. There are some things in life you just have to accept, make the best of it and move on. Nobody said you have to like those things. Sadly, when it comes to government it happens every minute of the day. I don't trust any politicians exactly for the reason you've stated above: they take advantage of people. Unfortunately, you can't vote them all out either at this point because those who are waiting to replace them aren't any better or more honest than the ones before them. The entire system is corrupted and it wou
  18. The fact is it was voted down and it is here. Accept it. Live with it. It won't go away. Make it work and utilize it. Fact is that FAA reimbursement will cover most of the costs. Fact is you live in a world where nothing is FREE and everything COSTS a dime to a taxpayer. Fact is that it failed as a general airport so why not make it a commercial so it can make money.
  19. YW Now, I've never met Blake either and despite my pro-airport opinion I don't believe he is doing a good job or knows what he's doing at all. And we'll see I suppose what documents he provides for the committee as they have requested. The simple solution is to hire someone who does know. As far as county explaining everything... Here is my take on it. I do believe that to a point they must disclose what is going on. But, if they started blabbing out all the corporate secret plans and deals, I would trust them, oh about 0% as would those who even entertain the thought of doing
  20. The fact that it was kept a secret from his has been discussed plenty of times before. I still believe that there was a reason not to trust him. In this recent meeting he alleges that 3 of the AA members have disclosed their opinions about the success/failure of the airport but he wouldn't say who or exactly what was it they said. That's nothing more but gossip and being anything but transparent. More like leading people astray for his agenda just like he did with all those videos at the airports about the noise. And yes, BB and I had a wonderful time meeting up. She's a wonderful
  21. I saw this video on Facebook. And I was really floored by the "transparency" of Todd Powell. But then again, it wasn't anything unexpected or never seen before. Allegations and nothing but once again.
  22. If the pills make you howl louder, I'd like some please.
  23. Ha, even scarier, I was thrilled to get one back in the early 90's. A waterproof with all extra functions, bells and whistles included for a whopping $60. I splurged half of my paycheck on that thing and never left home without it. Stradial. Sometimes you leave me speechless.
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