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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. Dinner, although was raised with supper. Made some homemade cream of mushroom soup. Weather has been perfect for something warm and comforting.
  2. Not necessarily correct about the hidden past part or abusers absolutely having the history of previous abuse. If you're going to educate the public about manipulators, then you need to know a bit more about the subject. Typically, abusers/master manipulators have a personality disorder which they may have been born with or developed over a period of time. They don't just begin abusing every person they meet since most of them are quite intelligent and will "try out" and "perfect" their skills over time. They will practice different techniques on different people to see what kind of a r
  3. Not all abusers have history of abuse that has been recorded. However, many victims of abuse tend to subconsciously pick one partner after another who is abusive in one way or another until they break the cycle because for them it is a "comfort zone". You really can't judge all of these celebrity marriages and divorces as media hypes up too many of the details and blows them out of proportion.
  4. "Hocus Pocus" And my favorite one to still tease my daughter merciless about is "IT".
  5. I looked at their prices for some of the products I normally buy from wally and I didn't see much of a difference. In a long run, and I mean like months or close to a year, a dollar here and dollar there plus gas to go to the store might save me couple of hundred dollars but I can get the same savings with coupons too.
  6. I'm getting over a cold so tonight is an easy one. Tossing some wings in the oven, adding rice later one and maybe a salad. For desert a Pepperidge Farm cake with a cup of coffee outback in this gorgeous weather, smugly smiling at my blooming flowers as I feel so at the right place and at the right time.
  7. I love the smell of freshly cut down trees. I know I'm a wacko but I'm coming over to smell. You can listen to the chain saw.
  8. We went today. Weather was great and we had a wonderful time shopping and playing some games.
  9. Was that pleading before or after the demands that he presented that had to be met as a starting point? Somebody comes at me with such demands cloaked as pleading and I'm going to first get pissed off and insulted and then, after listening to the ridiculous terms, laugh the person out of my door. There was NO "working together" offered but only another ultimatum. First of all Whitey, I listen to myself after I collect the information from various sources. Second, it sounds like an insult to both myself and BB that you're insinuating she is some kind of a bad character that the
  10. Stradail, if this was done right from the start, then we'd be probably seeing some kind of improvements by now. But I have not seen either side find the trained and experienced person or even look for one yet. As Rocky's Mom has said, and you expected what from the lawyers? Doesn't the defendant have the right to do what they are doing as much as the plaitiff? One side files a motion, the other side files a motion to dismiss that motion and it's not going to stop because that is how the courts work and both sides have the right to do that. The taxpayers wouldn't be putting out al
  11. And your suggestion of who should be replacing that company is? Have you tried suggesting that person to those two authorities? And yes, the previous EDD did try. Too bad there is so much drama going on that neither side could let him do his job.
  12. Stop throwing stones and dwelling on what's in the past first and foremost. The airport and movie studio are already built. Stop undermining each other and take a look at the bigger picture for two. The problem with finding someone who is capable of turning both of those facilities into success is that you only yell "off with their heads!" and don't have anyone to replace them with. Do you know of someone who will turn them both around? Do they even want to come in the middle of this mess now? You don't offer any solutions to that problem either except to say "it could be a great Gene
  13. Stop trying to go the commercial route and the lawsuits will go away. That is one of few.
  14. The problem is the ultimatum that is being thrown at the Airport. No real solutions have ever came out from such tactics. And, Whitey, before you start on the "compromise" that Todd Pownall so "tearfully" presented just recently to the PCAA, that was exactly the opposite. Not one thing in that long document that some attorney or such out of the county has drawn up was in the same zipcode as compromise. It was a demand and nothing else.
  15. And you wonder why I wouldn't come to your community meetings still?
  16. I've read up on the history of Pauling and its politics over the last two years I've been coming here so I think I'm caught up. I was there to observe and to see for myself how the atmosphere was, not to get into useless arguments and personal attacks which unfortunately I have come to expect from majority of anti-airport group.
  17. Seriously? What was it again that you were saying about negativity earlier in one of your replies? LPPT is right. That's the majority that I've seen here in the past 2 years. And you still wonder why neither does the airport nor any other businesses are taking off in Pauling county. Who would want to deal with constant snarkiness, put downs, accusations, plain old bitchiness and never being happy with anything? Businesses look at the local politics and the citizens because it's those citizens are who would be the prospective employees. With the attitudes running towards "we don't wan
  18. Oh now we're talking! And call me fat but I'll take those pancakes with a side of their cornbread muffins and some blackberry jelly. For the OP and 5 chickens... What others said: chop, boiling water dunk, pluck and clean. A little messy and time consuming but at least it's only 5 chickens!
  19. I have a client who was one of the first responders that day. After being my client for 5 years, he has only revealed this fact to me last week when a concern for his health has arisen out of nowhere. Last night I mentioned him being a first responder in a content of his health. We started talking a bit about it and he told me that in all the years that NY had the memorial for 9-11, he finally visited it about 6 months ago. His voice was thick with tears as he told me how difficult it was for him to be there and how it almost broke him just standing there. I cannot imaging what he and
  20. I tried all those A & H carpet fresh powder things. It didn't make much of a difference neither to the carpets nor vacuums. So far the only has helped the "stinky" vacuums, bagless and otherwise, is to buy a new one every 6 months. As expensive as that sounds, I've spent more on different products trying to keep the vacuums from reeking and spreading the smell further when used. I will however try the trick LPPT suggested with oil. And you can always put few drops in a bag too!
  21. That one is my favorite. First send the troops over seas, then send money to rebuild foreign countries because just sending troops to fight someone else's war is not enough.
  22. You mean our politicians don't deserve those expensive, heated, plush toilet seats? Or do you mean the money spent because of some idiotic bills they have passed?
  23. It couldn't have rained the week I was away on my vacation. I came home to most of my flowers almost burned to the crisp. Now I want to plant more and it's pouring buckets every time I get my gardening gloves on. Oh well. At least my grass is going to be green again too.
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