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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. I usually have one of each every Christmas, except for this year since my mom have decided to visit for the holidays and she has bad allergies and asthma. I've never had a problem keeping the real tree from drying out by constantly adding water to it.
  2. I'm not an attorney, nor have I talked to the airport attorney about the hold up. I'm sure you have. Hundreds of times. Of course no matter what answer is given to you, it will never be good enough or agreeable with your point of view just as the numerous explanations about Dave Carmichael resigning haven't stopped you from spewing out nonsense and ugliness about the man. As for "transparency and honesty" that you claim David Austin doesn't have, I think you should look in your own circle at the people you support who wouldn't know what that is if it bit them in the ass. And after atte
  3. And I have answered you. Abuse is still abuse whether you get to see your children or not. It's up to you to come to terms with what life deals you and make the best of it. I chose to let go.
  4. Seriously? Who is saying give up the fight? And are you really going to sit here and pick over who had it worse, whose kids suffered more? In the end none of it is right and children and parents both have been hurt and robbed of a better life. Abuse is abuse and one set of circumstances doesn't make it more important than another one, or more damaging and devastating than the next one. Healing yourself through forgiveness has nothing to do with rolling over and giving up. I have a favorite saying that's similar to what stradail said earlier in this thread: "you can't help those wh
  5. I will never forget the day I found it in me to forgive the man whom I hated with every fiber of my being for everything he's done to our children and myself. I had decided to take a half a day off, ran some errands, had lunch with a girlfriend and was on my way home when I stopped at the light only 2 blocks away from my house. I was sitting in my truck looking out the windows and grinning at what a beautiful day that was. Bluest skies, sunshine, beautiful breeze ruffling the leaves in the trees. Suddenly, I realized that for the last 4 hours I haven't once thought of me being stalked, or
  6. Hope you enjoyed Daytona, TP! I'll be going back there this week although I'll be too busy making a Thanksgiving dinner and going to the Turkey Rodrun to visit the beach.
  7. St. Stradail was his usual sweet self and shared with us his experiences and outlook on why should someone seek healing instead of hanging on to negative emotions. It was, I believe, about personal growth and self-improvement. And since healing is what I suggested to DVbP in another thread, we got a spin off here with him confusing forgiveness with being spineless. I really don't see a connection you're trying to make here. Are you saying that people should never forgive those who have done them harm? Or that letting go of pride means you're showing weakness and being passiv
  8. As I have replied in my PM to you, and I'm not going to post the lengthy thing here, I haven't said anything to you that others have pointed out in the past as well. Healing goes a long way and doesn't have to wait until some X amount of time has passed or a resolution has been reached in a conflict. You want to help others? Help yourself first.
  9. The bone I have with you is that you are awfully too quick to blow things out of proportion and think it's alright as long as it benefits your cause. Is the court system perfect? By far it isn't. Is every parent going through a custody battle, be it man or woman, using the system's flaws and alienates their child/children against the other parent? Hell no. Do you have personal knowledge of all those people whose examples you put up? Nope, you twist them for or against your agenda depending on which mood you are today. One day it is perfectly acceptable to accuse a celebrity of being
  10. So now they're increasing their attacks to weekly and Obama still sitting there doing nothing. Note the difference in language between Putin's response about Maui and Obama's. One calls for definite action (lowrider's link) and the other recites empty descriptions of the "new evil" and how they "won't find safe heaven anywhere". http://news.yahoo.com/muslim-majority-malaysia-blasts-evil-terrorists-050515622.html
  11. Wait a minute. This man has a past history of being abusive, which according to your other threads is a pattern and makes him a villain. Yet, all of a sudden you care what broke this father when you don't care one bit about what made the other abusers become the way they are just because he served and was a father??? Hypocrite much?
  12. Oh so you think that because Putin didn't want to engage in another dumb conflict he didn't see that terrorism is a problem? Or maybe he should have pulled more of Russian troops like USA did where they weren't welcomed in the first place and whose presence started this whole BS war. Or maybe he should have forgotten all of the meddling Obama has done in the Ukraine conflict. Before you even jump on that one, you've never lived in Ukraine, you don't have loved ones in Ukraine and you have no idea how much Ukrainians and Russians both have suffered because of Obama's propaganda and how far b
  13. You did not just seriously blame everything bad in NYC on the airports! Pardon me while I :rofl:
  14. Oh don't worry, I do plan on asking them these questions face-to-face. I actually did try to speak to Tony Crowe at the Town Hall but by the time he was done talking to others, he had to leave. I also heard similar questions other have asked him yet no straight answers were received. Why is your little group is so concerned about hiding Todd Pownall's plans after all of you screaming at the top of your lungs how every commissioner should be transparent about everything they do? Afraid of something?
  15. Ok if you put it that way, then I will rephrase my question. What have your 3 commissioners have been the most vocal about? It sure hasn't been the water and sewage. I bet if they spent half the time trying to find ways to get that sped up as they do looking for every possible, impossible, or bogus way to stop the airport including, but not limited to, making the speeches of appeal (that sound more like demands and ultimatums), some people would be much closer to having water and sewage in their posts. I don't have to look at the video. I was there at the meeting. Oh but wait,
  16. Whitey, what's your explanation to crime, bad schools and high taxes in places where there is no airport even close by then? I could mention some big towns I've lived in as well as places a lot more rural than Paulding county and cite the rise of poverty and crime in those places in the last 20 years. But since they didn't have an airport to blame for the worsened living conditions I guess they won't fit into your fantasy list of facts. How could anyone want to punch a guy wearing an "I (heart) Garfunkel and Oates" tee shirt??? I'll look forward to seeing you at more meetings an
  17. I don't recall Tony Crowe replying at the town hall meeting to the woman from the church that has to haul buckets of water that they and the rest of the Post 4 are dependent solely on the Richland Creek Reservoir Project. The way he made it sound it seemed like it's something that can be done before it's completed. This brings on the next question: was there a vote to bring water to Post 2? Or is it also completely dependent of the Richland Creek Project? How many years was that in discussion, 15-16?
  18. Can you show me where did they vote on bringing water to Post 4 since it's so much in need of it?
  19. And there you go again, Whitey, with your propaganda. I guess if the shoe was on the other foot you would be right now typing in an even bigger font of how proud you are of commissioners that you support for resigning so they can run for the chairman's seat in order to save the tax payers unnecessary 100's of thousands of dollars and confusion during the election because of the need to hold special elections. Or did you miss that part during BOC yesterday? You know the one where that lady from elections office (do not recall her name) was explaining what would happen if say for exam
  20. The case of father being sentenced for beating his son to death. Was all over the news today. And what Texture said. They've mentioned something about this case bringing on the changes in DFCS and how they will be handling abuse reports.
  21. Starting tomorrow they are promising a drier weather. At least until the end of this week. And there will be sunshine. Those of you who did the rain dance that brought on the 2 week long rain are now grounded and no longer allowed outside.
  22. Vegetable soup here too. Or maybe I'll throw a turkey breast in the oven. Ugh it's such a bleh day that I don't even feel like cooking. Or working. Or going out. And I already spent last 2 days cleaning my house top to bottom and rearranging my closet for like the hundred's time. Forget crafts right about now, I feel zero creativity and my work depends on me being creative. Can somebody come over and show me how to work a gas fireplace before I blow up the place too? A nice cozy fire sounds so nice...
  23. You have completely missed the entire point of my last post but I did highlight the exact same thing I said earlier about Halle Berry to remind you of it. I know exactly how many of the criteria you must meet in order to be diagnosed with NPD btw. Generally people are aware of most of those. I was following the same logic you have been, at least in this post, to label you same as you and your pattern labeled Halle Berry. Without all the of the facts present, same as you. Your discussions of celebrities simply do NOT provide a good example because of the highlighted no matter how muc
  24. You have been making your case about narcissism and manipulators and stating that physical and sexual abuse is a rule rather than an exception and there will always be a history of previous abusive behavior. I'm going to follow that theory here for a moment along with the one you had earlier up there about the patterns with Halle Berry accusations making her (in your theory) an abuser herself rather than a victim. It has been proposed that narcissism is a result of a mental trauma due to abuse and it can happen at any age to individuals who fall onto the end of the spectrum with some e
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