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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. The Constitution you wingers like to wave around in everyones face guarantees the right for every State to have a well armed militia (today we might call them police or the National Guard) How long have you been in the State Militia Nana ?
  2. I'll make a deal with you I will leave my "stupid" liberal logic at home if you leave your bigoted hypocrite conservative "logic" at home. As the right wing philosopher Joe the Plumber would say Your two dead girls don't trump my rights,
  3. I want to be in the courtroom when you tell that to the judge !
  4. How do you know a finger isn't being lifted ? You got someone in the State Department, got the goods on our Mexico Ambassador ?
  5. By your logic posting speed limits and stop signs are a waste of time, Speeders going to speed. Issuing a drivers is also a waste they gonna be drive'n anyway right ?
  6. I am not opposed to the death penalty but to say it is a deterrent would be to ignore it's 300 year history in America if the death penalty was the deterrent some say it is when is it going to start paying off ? And yes their are those multiple stories of those that sat on death row for years only to have DNA prove we had the wrong man all along. Too many hotshot prosecutors looking to make a name for themselves to say every man in prison is guilty and once you pull the switch theres no going back. Is their ?
  7. It's called the old Conservative two step shuffle. Condemn the poor for their neediness but support the man with the cowboy hat for grazing his cattle without paying the fee. Support inner city law and order while praising these armed farmers ready to gun down federal agents in the name of freedom.
  8. Yeah but will it pick up the dogs poop from the neighbor's yard ?
  9. CitizenCain


    Let me get you prepared for the future. Tomorrow you will begin to tell yourself every twinge in your chest is the "Big One" and every ache and pain must be the onset of the big "C". You will for the first time consider buying a box of Just for Men and get excited when Walmart has support socks on sale. You will start to wonder if "Old people smell" is a real thing and young folks will start to irritate the bejesus out of you. You will for the first time wish you had saved more money and bathing will become less and less frequent. A successful bowel is movement is a thing of joy even thou
  10. Your "roast" if that's what you want to call is in very bad taste. But in your case I'll vote for Simply Bored, Old and Cranky and Has his own agenda.
  11. Microsoft Security is free and works about as good ( at least for me) as any paid service. Avast has a good enough free version for android phones and it comes with a great call block feature.
  12. This just does not make sense I thought "An armed society was a polite society".
  13. There is an inside joke on pcom about alien tunnels under Paulding and I wondered if some pcom veteran could fill me in on the joke. Because if it has anything to do with unexplained sounds I have one to report. A few months back late at night just before bed when the house was silent I heard a strange dripping sound, like water dripping onto a metal vent. It was after a cold spell and I thought a pipe must have burst. I went about checking under every sink and faucet but no signs of water. I went to bed resigned that the next morning I would find a puddle of water in my home and I would h
  14. Having children pledge allegiance to the State is nothing new governments have been indoctrinating their youth for centuries. I'm not opposed to it I just find it a little bit creepy.
  15. It's also a great way to avoid the debate and instantly discredit you opponent. In the 1700's you might instead accuse a person of being a witch, in the 50's you could always scream out Commie to disable your opponent !
  16. Of course the problem is in today's technology driven economy they maybe the only ones that will be able to afford a pair of boots.
  17. I believe the article was referring to the number of people living in each state that had earned a college degree .
  18. Interesting article, yes they are almost all exclusively Red States but that would be insensitive to point that out. Enjoy. The 10 Dumbest States in AmericaNEW YORK (TheStreet) -- When writing an article ranking the "smartest" and "dumbest" states in the Union it is important to explain your methodology. This list is based on the level of education a certain percentage of the residents of each state achieves. Here is a list of the 10 "dumbest" states based on percentage of the population with Bachelor's degrees. http://www.thestreet.com/story/12712489/1/the-10-dumbest-states-in-am
  19. Don't know, maybe his spirit hung around for awhile and followed his attacker before "going into the light".
  20. This just sent chills up my spine 3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life, Identifies Murderer and Location of BodyA village local said the man the boy claimed to be the reincarnation of had gone missing four years earlier. His friends and family thought he may have strayed into hostile territory nearby as sometimes happens. The boy also remembered the full name of his killer. When he confronted this man, the alleged killer’s face turned white, Lasch told Hardo, but he did not admit to murder. The boy then said he could take the elders to where the body was buried. In that very spot, they found
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