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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. He said while beating his chest and dragging a tree limb around the backyard.....
  2. So can we assume you are in full support of invading every county that has one ?
  3. So in the conservative's never ending crusade to save the world who's next on your hit list ? WMD's ? North Korea has wmd's and if you can't find any you always have the "removing an oppressive dictator" to fall back on. Then there's Syria and Pakistan and China and Russia of course who should we start on first ?
  4. So what's your point ? Clinton didn't invade Iraq Bush did. Bush was your "Democracy at all cost" idiot president who thought God had put him on Earth to spread the gospel of democracy throughout the world. Why must conservatives always act like 2 year old's ? "Well Clinton said it to" ! Clinton didn't send 4,000 American soldiers to an early grave Bush did.
  5. Thanks for the post. I have to go and clean all the Bull Squeeze from the soles of my shoes now.
  6. Because putting anything into perspective or "context" is just Ca-ra-zy !
  7. Semantics never, my argument is that your portal that America is always the noble one is Bullcheeze.
  8. I am not dishonoring anyone nor am I calling anyone a terrorist. I am simply pointing out there's two sides to every story.
  9. You know I was never in Iraq or Afghanistan but I was in Vietnam and there we had a policy of burning villages down to the ground if anyone in that village was so much as suspected of collaborating with the VietCong. You can call that military tactics, psychological warfare or whatever you like but if I was one of those dirt poor rice farmers having everything I owned burned to the ground might have been well "Terrifying" . Terror comes in all flavors. I suspect these reporters found this day terrorizing although they did not live to tell about it.
  10. What gets my gall is their is evidence that before Hussein invaded Kuwait, which started all this in the first place he went to the US ambassador and asked what would the US reaction be. He was told the US ambassador April Glaspie the US would not get involved .But was told by the ambassador she would contact Washington and get back with him she never did. Hussein took this as a go. Weeks later he had control of Kuwait's oil fields and Bush was mounting Desert Storm.
  11. Not to change the subject but with the ISIS within miles of Baghdad Iraq is asking for American airstrikes. Which has me wondering does Iraq not have any air capability of it's own ? Seems crazy that they wouldn't.
  12. Thanks for breaking this discussion down to a level that this "common liberal" can understand. So the Tea Party then is a lot like the wiley coyote who drops a safe on the Road Runner to prove his point ?
  13. So after occupying Iraq for ten years what would you have America do ? Another ten years or as some nuts have suggested laying the entire nation in nuclear waste to kill a few thousand enemy combatants ?
  14. Comparing the conservative right to the Crown of England while amusing is unfair, even though the similarities between that of the Tea Party and the Crown is at times frightening.
  15. From what I gather every issue the conservative right has must be elevated to something that is equal to the American Revolution. In a Revolution anarchy is the only solution and compromise is never an option.
  16. A couple of years ago an elderly lady in the neighborhood confronted one of these teenaged terrorist only to have his 300 lb father along with three or four teens show up at the end of her driveway doing their best to frighten and intimidate this 70 year old couple. Police should have been called then and there but the old couple was afraid and didn't want to cause any problems. Since then they periodically parade around the subdivision showing everyone else that lives here who's boss. The kind old lady that only wanted to live in peace and quiet passed away this year and her husband has moved
  17. If this continues you wonder how long it will take before the US starts to look like the Middle East. Just substitute Shiite and Sunni with Conservative and Liberal. Sounds silly until you look at events like what happened at the Cliven Bundy ranch where conservatives have shown they are not above armed violent confrontation to prove a point.
  18. No wait that's not possible victory in Iraq was achieved in 2003.
  19. In our neighborhood they have taken to driving 4 wheelers in peoples yards. In the past people have called the sheriff's office but since they rarely show up until an half hour later it's been deemed a waste of time.
  20. Saying you a drug dealer is one thing. Reporting that to the police and having a SWAT team kick down your door and invade your house in the middle of the night is quite another.
  21. If I were to seek political office in Paulding it would be for the free buffets and potluck dinners. * Oh and to ride in a convertible in the 4th of July parade !
  22. I bet surepip has a tasty recipe for them .
  23. Not the sharpest knife the drawer. PD: Man fired shots at Georgia State Patrol chopperCOLUMBUS, GA (CBS46) - Shots were fired at a Georgia State Patrol (GSP) helicopter in Geneva, GA, on Thursday. Officials in the helicopter heard gunshots, looked down and saw a man in a shooting stance. The chopper's crew took evasive maneuvers and notified law enforcement officials on the ground. They landed shortly thereafter and discovered damage to the helicopter's main rotor blades. http://www.cbs46.com/story/25759843/man-fires-shots-at-georgia-state-patrol-chopper
  24. I'm going to dismiss this as a joke cause I know you are smarter than to believe America using "Nuke-a-lur" weapons wouldn't turn the entire civilized world against us. Set a precedence for all our enemies who have their own nukes and lead the world down the road to mutual annihilation.
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