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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. It's the precedence that this sets that bothers me most. From now on even a private conversation, recorded illegally and published in the media with the express intent to embarrass and damage someone financially is now fair game and open for prosecution. I'm guessing the NSA is loving this.
  2. Snubby I have a 15 year old Weed Eater lawn tractor that still runs fine so I would like put on a mulching kit but it's too old to find one thats made for it. Is this something you could handle ? I also have a power washer that needs repair.
  3. Georgia Rep Congressman that runs on reducing Washington spending has spent 33,000 dollars on a consulting firm to coach him on public speaking. Good use of public funds or more political hypocrisy ? Paul Broun spends $33k in office cash on rhetoric coachU.S. Rep. Paul Broun has spent $33,000 of his congressional office budget over the last two years on a specialist in rhetorical skills, according to the above clip from Justin Gray of Channel 2 Action News. http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2014/03/18/paul-broun-spends-33k-in-office-cash-on-rhetoric-coach/
  4. And 13,999 of them were boring as hell .
  5. This from the man with 14,000 post on pcom.
  6. Just be aware that a lot of the programs you have for XP will be useless once you upgrade. I had to ditch a printer and a windows office program among others when I went from XP to windows 7.
  7. I think it's spelled Tanner-Neck. Which I believe is the new politically correct term for something else.
  8. What the F.....Oh I must have stumbled into the "I'm an adult but I still have the maturity of a 12 year old" thread..... Sorry !
  9. why is there so much back and forth?....People like a good soap opera. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsdLRTvd-Is
  10. Dressing for success in a Republican economy .... http://www.shutterst...%22/search.html
  11. John Connor will save us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLPMGLsf1c0
  12. China's smog now 20 times worse than safe levels. Air pollution in Beijing reached hazardous levels earlier this week. China's problem is becoming a worldwide concern. http://news.yahoo.co...346198-cbs.html
  13. I'm not "biotching" about anything just pointing out a fact to all those complaining about paying for someone else's health care. And by the way as far as me moving Mr. Dis no disrespect but you are free to kiss my ars.
  14. You would think they would at least offer to send one of their rug-rats over to mow the lawn.
  15. I don't think anyone is committing because their scared. Just wanting to know why some idiot is blasting away at 8 o'clock in the morning or in the middle of the night. Does gun rights now trump the peace and quiet of a community ?
  16. Today I gave 3 people a positive for their comments, now I am being told I have reached my quota for positive votes. WHY ? why put a limit on something like that. And while I'm at it just who get's the privilege of casting a negative vote ? I looked in the rules and didn't find an answer. Just curious.
  17. Just means a bunch of Redneck Yahoo's are getting their jollies off.
  18. Do you think free clinics are really free? Someone is paying the bills and guess who that is.
  19. Kind of like the school tax I pay every year ? I do not have or have I ever had a child in a Paulding county school, yet every year for the last 20 years their it is on my property tax statement.
  20. In that case, after posting 400 comments on your insurance woes and blaming everything from your being white to your political views when are you going to stop whining about it ?
  21. Doin your Clint Eastwood thang again ? These people are your neighbors is calling them Bastards really necessary ?
  22. Do you really think because you're white and vote Republican you're being denied a subsidy ? That would make me angry too. When during the application process did they actually ask you your race and voting record ?
  23. What they are hoping for is you will talk to your neighbor and embarrass him into paying the debt which by the way he may not even owe. It is also illegal for a debt collector to disclose this information. If all else fails the collection agency will in 6 months sell the debt to another group and the cycle starts all over again. If someone honestly owes a debt he should pay it but the level these agencies will stoop to is disgusting. And half the time against the law.
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