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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Their was one on hwy 61 next to the Food Depot. Haven't been past it in a while so not sure if it's still there.
  2. And according to the teacher she had done just that. The kid has a record of causing problems and suspensions in the past. I tend to believe the Teacher in this case. But that's JMO. The suspension does not mean he will be denied an education he can always transfer to another school or finish this summer. BTW it wasn't the Teacher that decided his punishment it was the school administration.
  3. I suspect you do a lot of things that might make other people feel uncomfortable. Do you know this kid and teacher if you don't how would you know what he or she had done before ?
  4. And since the teacher didn't have that option she did the next best thing. Teacher's hold a place of authority in a class room you may think it's ok for your kids to put their hands on them I don't. If it had been the other way around and the Teacher was the one grouping the students she would have been fired.
  5. So the next time I see you and stick my tongue in your ear don't get upset because I just "Love" everybody.
  6. I've seen too many enabling parents to believe that simply contacting Mom is always the answer. Mom had 17 years to teach the kid respect for adults and she didn't seem to have done a very good job.
  7. The best argument for having 2 wives is the same reason you get 2 cats. It give them someone else to play with so you can watch the game in a little peace and quite.
  8. And some kids have no respect for adults. Maybe he was just a smart-ass 17 year old teenager that thought humiliating and embarrassing his teacher would be funny.
  9. Innocent ? Trying to give your teacher some tongue innocent ? * Still a entire year suspension is a little harsh.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghex3MkcoJw
  11. Interesting link. I suspect by the age of 60 Conservatives are all out of ammunition due to a life of being p'ed off at everyone.
  12. Theirs plenty enough camel toe to go around. Right PM ?
  13. Is that your dream MD to marry your dog ? Patience dude, patience. * Edited to add smiley face to depict the lighthearted mood of my comment.
  14. How many school shootings does this make for Colorado ? Is this the real life home of "The Children of the Corn". * For God's sake give these children some guns so they can defend themselves !
  15. Stradail posted this 2 weeks ago. Get with the program.
  16. And yet with all that to do you still manage to watch Judge Judy and surf the internet for 14 hours a day ........amazing !
  17. Silly question, everyone is against growth. It's why the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, the Pioneers hit Oregon Trail and Captain Kirk went to where no man had gone before.
  18. Unable to tell if a panda is male or female without DNA testing could explain why they have such a tough time breeding.
  19. So Fox certainly has an odd way of kicking off the holiday season. Kinda takes the Merry out of Christmas, wonder what they have in the pot for the New Year ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdkGA_rgHRY
  20. I wouldn't quit my day job if I were you.
  21. Responsible news reporting or just stirring the pot to drum up ratings ?
  22. Fox news host Megyn Kelly wants everyone to know Santa is a white man and so was Jesus. Fair and balanced ? Fox News host Megyn Kelly says Jesus and Santa are white. "Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change. You know, I mean, Jesus was a white man, too," Kelly said. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XYlJqf4dLI http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/fox-news-host-megyn-kelly-says-jesus-and-santa-are-white-193322244.html
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