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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. Once again, no imagination on offense, no sense of urgency on defense after the first quarter, no confidence in short yardage offense, (first and goal from the 6, and they put in the spread,,, I don't get it). You have to know that all of the sports casters see all of this, understand what it means, and bite their tongues to keep the ratings up. The Falcons are not a championship caliber team at his point, and I don't see them improving in the next five weeks. Fortunately or unfortunately, I will be undergoing another heart procedure next week and will not be allowed to put up with the aggrav
  2. The Falcons are wont to play milk toast, finesse football, while the Saints are wont to play old school, smash mouth, rivalry football. That will make the difference!
  3. Trading Stamps-- 'Top Value' or 'S&H Green stamps.' Getting a dish towel in a box of detergent. Fels Naptha soap.
  4. Full time housekeeper, and a full time gardener. A house with two in-law suites for company. A ten car garage, and ah, and ah, and ah--- Why do I feel like a little kid sitting on Santa's knee?!?!?!?!?
  5. She'll be rich, and you might just be looking for place for your stuff!!!!!!
  6. Actually , my logic is correct. Your statement is such that both conditions must be true to effect the outcome. If you are referring to either condition, you must say "Rainy days OR Mondays always get me down" . That would be the correct choice for any day other than a Monday, when it is raining, such as today, Tuesday. Even at that, I must temper the situation with yet another condition which is whether or not I have any Home Brew. Not having Home Brew definitely gets me down, but doesn't always eliminate the condition when it is present. Note the case when I have Home Brew, but my wife has
  7. Just make sure they get to the front lines a week early, I wouldn't want to drive that personnel carrier!
  8. I just have this feeling that MY broker would call me from Argentina, just to tell me not to bother looking for him! I do believe I'd break it up over many brokers,,, cut down the odds of losing everything.
  9. Not only that, the flight crew and the Fire Department couldn't move her from the wheel chair to the seat! How would she have used a restroom on that long of a flight?? If you don't fit in the plane, you don't fit, it's not the airlines fault. Then when she was in Frankfurt, why didn't she seek medical help there?
  10. After taxes in Georgia, $225,400,000. With money like that, a man could afford to use a new razor blade every day! Someone said that most banks will not take a deposit that large, where would you keep it?
  11. I don't know, it's Tuesday! Ask me again next Monday, (if it's raining), and I'll re-assess the situation at that point.
  12. If the shoplifter had NOT died, would the employees and the rent-a-cop have been charged with assault? Was this really a misdemeanor? I thought anything over $500 is grand theft, and 2 Blu-Rays falls into that category, I believe. Granted, I'm no crime scene expert, but blood from the mouth and nose doesn't seem consistent with a choke hold, which the police only suspected in the first place. Let's wait for the coroners report before we amateur Perry Masons go to trial! Pubby, why does Wally World even have security, if their job is to smile and wave at shoplifters as they walk out of
  13. Now that they mention it, all of the artist's sketches I've seen bear an eerie resemblance to Elanor Roosevelt!!!!
  14. You corral'em, I'll get a burn permit and build the fire!!!!
  15. They look like this years hens. About five of the toms were hanging out at my house this week trying to tear down the bird feeders, then climbing up on our cars and crapping on them. FEELIP, come shoot these dang things!!! (March thru May only of course, when they are in season).
  16. Southern California is a prime candidate. For forty or fifty years they have been talking about the "Big One", as in an earth quake. Many of them are convinced that a 9.0 will cause a large portion of the state to slide into the ocean, and create a massive tsunami. They actually had a company that made life preservers for horses!! Lately the Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel have been competing to see who can come up with the biggest disaster. There are the Hypercanes, Super Volcanoes, Super Tornadoes and Mega Tsunamis. After a while I guess some people believe these thin
  17. I'm thinking that it doesn't have to be a MASSIVE disaster, but a lengthy one. Consider the time line of people whom are partially prepared and begin to run out of supplies. I think at the three or four week point, they become marauders and become dangerous to any small group of people. That was the one thing I took away from "Doomsday Preppers" is the need to have a group of people ready to band together as the time line expands. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst, and at about three or four weeks it will get bad!
  18. Because of exactly what he did on third down, ran up to the line of scrimmage and tried to cut! He's too big to make a cut! He needs to pound straight through any opening he can find, or make IMHO! But you're exactly correct about the play selection,,, what did they hope to accomplish with a TD, and 1:50 left on the clock and Breese needing a FG to tie??? It made absolutely no sense,, Dumbest play call of the year.
  19. Yes and no! It depends on the old philosophical question: "Is a pigs a$$hole pork?"
  20. You've never heard of the comedy team of BURMA & SHAVE?!?!?!? They use to open for Cheech and Chong,,, surely you have heard of them!!!!! (actually, I looked it up) GOOD ONE!
  21. I just had a though,t (pretty scary huh?), why doesn't someone out here that knows a lot of the facts, answer some basic questions, like: What does Colorado consider "Small amounts for personal use"? Where do they plan on people sourcing that product? Doesn't Georgia differentiate "Sell weight" as a felony from "Small amounts" as a misdemeanor? If so, what constitutes "Small amount" and "Sell weight"? It seems to me that Colorado simply removed the misdemeanor possession law, and probably made provision for state regulated public sale, Liquor stores maybe?!?! The rest co
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