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Everything posted by cptlo306

  1. Should we do the same for voting?
  2. Great article. I really agree with it.
  3. Thanks for posting this. Hopefully some of the criminals in the area will read it too and move to states with strict gun laws where they have a better chance of breaking the law without getting shot.
  4. Exactly! If there were armed teachers there perhaps they could have stopped him before so many were killed. The problem isn't too many guns...the problem is not enough guns in the hands of trained law-abiding citizens.
  5. I feel for her and all those impacted by the tragic shootings but I don't expect the country to change rights provided by the constitution based on the wishes of a 10 year old.
  6. So you're saying there's still a chance?
  7. Darn I knew I shouldn't have maxed out my credit cards and quit my job today. :angry2:
  8. True...but it would make many of the parents feel better.
  9. How dare you dispute former member's response? Don't you know she is always right?
  10. I would rather have a trained teacher attempting to stop a madman instead of the madman continuing to shoot innocent children without being confronted. I'm not talking about arming every teacher....only select ones that go through rigorous training. Obviously many aspects of this would have to be worked out (where to store the guns, etc.).
  11. I think arming teachers would be a great idea. Not all teachers would need to be armed. Obviously there would be training and certifications before teachers are allowed to carry in a school. Why do you think these types of things happen at schools so frequently? If you were planning on killing as many people as possible before getting shot yourself, it seems like a place that is pretty much guaranteed to be a gun-free zone would be a good place to start.
  12. Yes, but a society with no guns is not going to happen in the U.S. If guns were banned tomorrow, do you think criminals and crazy people would turn in their guns? Should we allow the govt to search every home in the U.S. and take all guns? No guns, no shootings...yes, a correct statement but also a very silly one.
  13. cptlo306


    I'm going to go all math nerd on you and suggest 4 packs of weenies and 5 packs of buns.
  14. Of course it should assuming no signed contract.
  15. Shouldn't this be in the Politics section?
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