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Everything posted by cptlo306

  1. What if you stop next to a store emergency exit?
  2. Didn't you have an earlier post about due process and rule of law?
  3. Wow, some people in this thread are either simply responding with drivel to be annoying or because they can't understand the simple concept of innocent until proven guilty.
  4. I don't think anyone said death was the best option in this situation regardless of how it turns out....I certainly didn't.
  5. Bullcrap... I never said the employees weren't guilty. I said that nobody here, including YOU, knows for 100% fact that they are guilty so the rush to judgement in this thread is sickening. Death would be warranted if he attacked the employees and they defended themselves. Again, I'm not saying that is what happened. I'm saying I, and NOBODY ELSE HERE ON PCOM, knows for 100% what happened.
  6. Again... Were you there? Are you a witness? You are acting as judge and jury without evening giving the employees the right to a trial. Sure, what is speculated here is possibly what happened and if it is the employees should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But if not, many here are rushing to judgement without knowing all the facts.
  7. I'm not wrong because I didn't make a statement on what really happened like many others here. I simply presented a possibility that could very well have happened. Your inability to understand that shows a lack of concern for the truth and due process as well as a rush to judgement.
  8. Oh please. So I guess you were there and saw the whole thing? You know exactly what happened? You know the Walmart employees killed the guy without just cause? As I've posted earlier in this thread, what if the Walmart employees simply asked him to drop the merchandise (certainly a reasonable request) and he attacked them after which they defended themselves. I'm not saying that is what happened but it's certainly possible. Your rush to judgement to convict the Walmart employees before getting due process is like a third world nation's notion of justice.
  9. This thread has turned into a discussion about how much of an entitlement society we are now. It's simple...you don't like Walmart pay or benefits, go work somewhere else or start your own company.
  10. In my opinion, the value of the item stolen makes no difference. If it doesn't belong to you, don't take it. Simple concept. If the investigation proves that the Walmart employees went beyond reasonable efforts then they should be held accountable.
  11. Were you there? How do you know 3 guys jumped him? It's quite possible that is what happened but it's also quite possible they asked him to drop the merchandise and then he attacked them.
  12. What if there was a struggle after the Walmart employees confronted the man? What if they simply asked him to drop the stolen merchandise and instead he attacked them resulting in them defending themselves? We don't know all the facts at this time so it is possible there is more to this story.
  13. He won't ever shoplift again. Hard to determine who was at fault for his death based on this information. But it's a good guess to assume he wouldn't be dead had he not been allegedly shoplifting.
  14. Wouldn't that 'harsh criticism' fall under 'freedom of speech'?
  15. This has to be one of the dumbest posts on PCOM ever.
  16. Not sure what whistleblower protections have to do in this case. She certainly had the freedom to take and post the picture. However, that doesn't make her immune to the consequences of her actions.
  17. Wow! This is now a special day. I'll remember this day forever. :yahoo: former member and I actually agree on something.
  18. Then she really is an idiot. And now unemployed.
  19. She was fired. Good. Quote from LIFE's Facebook page:
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