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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. I normally don't because there isn't anyone waiting on you. When I worked at Folks, back when it was PoFolks, take out orders were called in, rung up, and handed back to the kitchen. The customer would come in the back door to pick up and the cashier would process the check. No server was involved so no tip was necessary. The kitchen staff gets paid the same whether it's dine-in or take out, they just have to put it in a styrofoam box instead of on a plate.
  2. Craigslist? I found my first job with them and had an interview and offer just a month ago through a job posting. They're legit. Some will have the company name in the job posting but most don't. The hiring company probably doesn't mention their name in the posting to avoid direct phone calls and will screen resumes/applications through Craigslist. Of course, if they ask for money up front then run the other way. If you see a suspicious posting there's a button to report it, everything from misfiled to scam. Go for it and email through them. The employer on the other end isn't getting
  3. Anybody else hear about the 2-year-old who fell at the Pittsburgh Zoo yesterday? His mom put him on the rail to get a better view of the animals below and he slipped, fell off the 4' rail, and somehow went through the mesh enclosure and landed 10' below that in the animal's area. They're hoping that he was already gone when he fell. That poor baby and those poor parents. I can't even imagine. Beyond devastating.
  4. There's more awareness, testing, and diagnosis today than there was even just a few years ago. Some if it is all the environmental factors but some is more awareness. I don't know anything about the disease either, and my prayers are with the family, and hopefully more can be done.
  5. My prayers are with the families of the officers and the APD and the child's family. So thankful the child was found safely, but what a tragic ending. There was one good thing about the crash--there was NOBODY on the street when it crashed and that's usually a busy street according to eyewitnesses. So many lives were saved that way. Still so, so sad though.
  6. Well, then Romney would be the safest president ever as far as assassination attempts--nobody wants Biden in the White House!!
  7. J'smom


    And that's my fear when we ever sell this house. Not the neighbors having unkempt yards (heck, hubby and our neighbor across the street compete to see who has the better yard), but all the vacant lots are seriously overgrown. The houses are great, the homeowner's yards are very well-kept, but the empty lots look like trash. There's building materials stacked up in some of the empty lots and one has a gravel "driveway" to a cleared spot but nothing else was done. As I mentioned earlier, the vacant lots get trimmed twice a year, and by trimmed I mean they get their riding mowers and cut the
  8. J'smom


    NO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!! My hubby bought this house long before we met so I didn't really have a say-so in the HOA deal. The subdivision has been abandoned by the builder and they just sold the model home, so all the vacant lots will be vacant. No, there's no pool, clubhouse, tennis courts, playground, sidewalks, green spaces, or streetlights beyond the entrance. The vacant lots are trimmed (the first 10 feet of the lots are trimmed) twice a year. The guy who lives in the corner house uses his personal mower to cut the grass at the entrance and patched a huge pothole in front of his hou
  9. J'smom


    Just wondering if anyone has had a good experience with their HOA. We pay our dues every year (not too much compared to some, but still extra money we don't have) and don't get anything in return. It's my first experience with a HOA neighborhood. I've heard lots of horror stories, like one community telling residents they can't have a pickup truck or SUV with a bed on it, and they can't have any advertising on their vehicle (regardless if it's a company, church, Mary Kay, etc), not posting signs in your yard, and so on.
  10. Did it interfere with your signal? LOL
  11. Yep. You don't know where it came from, there could have been a bank robbery or it could be drug money. It could be marked or have a dye pack in it and it's pretty hard to declare your innocence if you're covered in orange dye. It could have been ransom money and was photographed and when you use it the serial numbers are flagged and they'll track you down. Okay, that last scenario was a stretch, but you get my point. It could even be counterfeit and you'd get arrested for trying to pass a fake $100 at Wal-Mart.
  12. So we have a goofball apocalypse?
  13. Thank you--that's been my point! And the hot dogs? Probably Ballpark or Oscar Mayer.
  14. Chocolate is best stored at 98.6 degrees and in a dark environment--like my tummy.
  15. No care.com, but there is a job searching website that will email you new job notifications but makes you pay a $35/month subscription to view the job postings. If you're looking for a job, you don't have $35/month to spend looking for one!!
  16. I think they were charged with tampering with evidence. When he looked in the hole in the wall and saw the bags of drugs, he took them out and counted them all before calling the cops. That could easily throw off the chain of custody and evidence if the owners of the drugs were charged. The homeowner's fingerprints are now on the evidence, and the original placement of the drugs can't be photographed to show how it was hidden. I agree they shouldn't have been arrested like that, especially in front of their child, but I'm pretty sure cops don't want people messing around with a large stash
  17. I can't think HO-HO-HO until after Gobble-Gobble-Gobble. Why the rush? It drove me up the wall to see Christmas decorations at Wal-Mart in September, we don't have to follow suit at home too. Give the Halloween sugar rush time to wear off (that's why your tree's up already--you raided the Halloween candy!!) and actually RECOGNIZE Thanksgiving then switch to Christmas. I love Christmas and the feeling that comes with it, but not so soon. It's like Girl Scout cookies--if you can buy them in the store any time, you don't crave them as much and don't buy 18 boxes at a time. If you have Chris
  18. Although, I found out yesterday that a subdivision had a cop sitting at the entrance and was stopping all cars that didn't belong in the neighborhood. Visitors had to park down the street and walk to get into the neighborhood. One homeowner usually goes all-out in his decorations and was wondering where all the kids were and heard from a neighbor about the cop. He asked the cop, who said the HOA had requested it (and showed his badge and verified his ID and everything), but there's no HOA for that neighborhood, so the cop and homeowner are going to see who really asked for it. That's outra
  19. Those that say there's "too many hypocrites in church" do have a point, there are some who act differently on Sunday from 11-12:30 than they do every other day of the week. There's also some that act the same 24/7/365. Oh, and there's hypocrites in Kroger and Wal-Mart, but you still buy groceries.
  20. What is the obsession with zombies and the zombie apocalypse? There's several friends on social media sites that have tons of guides to surviving the zombie apocalypse and survival kit supplies. Why?
  21. By voting yes you're letting an appointed committee, not our elected school board, decide how much money to pull from our local schools to give to a charter school. You're giving them power to take money from the already-struggling schools and put it to a school for a select few. If you're able to get your kid to a charter school, that's great and more power to you. If you're not able to do that (transportation issues, non-understanding employers who won't let you be late to take your kids to school or miss time to volunteer at school or leave early to help, whatever the reason), then what
  22. Let me clarify. My earlier post today was after two hours of sleep (crying baby, dog whining to be let out, other dog threw up--they love to gang up on me like that. The phrase "sleep like a baby" needs to be revised to "sleep like a husband"). If I came across as mean, bitter, or judgemental I apologzie. I am not that person and have been on the receiving end of it so I don't dish it out. I was trying to state that we're open to everyone because some people don't like the idea of having to dress up every Sunday morning, and they can feel comfortable with us. The concept behind the B
  23. Well, this has gotten blown way out of proportion. Some of the comments were on the harsh side, some were reasonable, and one or two actually felt like they weren't attacking me or my church. Pastor Steve came out of Woodstock Baptist under Johnny Hunt and still calls Johnny Hunt his pastor. In fact, his oldest daughter got married just a couple of months ago--they waited for Johnny Hunt to have an opening in his schedule to perform their ceremony. He is a great preacher, very focused on the missionary and evangelical aspect of it. His focus is leading people to Christ and we have several
  24. We never have any here. When we were heading out to go to a different subdivision for TOT, it was about 7:15 and every single porch light was off, as well as many interior lights. We went to a family member's big neighborhood at 8:30 to show off costumes and they were already done where usually they have truckloads until 10:00.
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