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Livin da dream

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Everything posted by Livin da dream

  1. I GOT A JOB!!!!! A perfect one!!! A wonderful one!!! After 6 months of being unemployed....FINALLY!!!! GOD is GOOD!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  2. A dear friend of mines brother is going through a clinical trial with this clinic right now. I am unsure of all the details but I know that it is extreme sodium and it surrounds the cancer and basically swells it until it burst into the body and is flushed out. He has a brain tumor and is still very ill at the moment as he is in the swell/burst stage. I pray that this works for him.
  3. Yes, the 500 calorie a day diet is a strict plan, and you WOULD lose muscle mass if it weren't for the HCG. HCG is the hormone in pregnant women and nursing women that knows the body needs more caloric intake and will use FAT intstead so in essence it tricks your body into thinking its pregnant so that any calories it uses over the 500 a day diet it takes directly from stored fat. (if that makes sense) I also heard that the drops kind of curb your appitite. (I bought them from a friend that did in fact lose a significant amount of weight in just a short time, but have not used them yet) Howeve
  4. They can only be changed every 3 years....I'm pretty sure.
  5. you can still file yourself even if the divorce is contested. I did it just a couple of years ago. You just need to make sure you do the proper paperwork and most of it can be found online. You will then take it to the clerk of courts, file it, ask for a hearing date and a mediation date, when the date comes up if your soon to be ex doesnt show well then, the judge makes the decision. Otherwise, all the details will be handeled in mediation. It is NOT hard to file yourself as long as you stay on top of the paperwork and dates. Good Luck!
  6. It could be that you have a dieveated (spelling...not sure at ALL...lol) septum. That is my problem...Just a little surgery where they basically break your nose and give you a sligh nose job and you will be alllllll better............ Yeah, i still snore too and anyone sleeping with me can just accept it!! LOL
  7. No, really, I am not. He is though and has an incredible sense of entitlement, I did not mean to be rude in your post, and am sorry for that, but my last encounter with him I ended up having to call the police, definitely not someone I would look up to or teach my children to look up to. Same thing with Justin Beiber. Makes you wonder what their parents think of them.
  8. my experience with him was less than favorable. He is a spoiled little mama's boy and has absolutely no class.
  9. Me tooooooo!!! GO VOLS!!! ROCKY TOP!!!!
  10. Just got off the phone with their corporate office. I ordered (by mail) a beautiful new comforter set for my new bedroom set back in March. This was no inexpensive set and I got all the matching euro pillows and throw pillows to go with it. Total cost around 350.00. Well bedroom set didnt arrive until May and from May until now the comforter set has been tearing up piece by piece. Definitely NOT the quality you would expect out of a more expensive set. So last week, I called to complain. I wasn't rude, just simply stated that I would have expected better quality for such a high price. Guess wh
  11. Thank goodness my internal alarm clock went of this morning or the BF would have been late for work. Did anyone else loose power last night/this morning? I live in S.Paulding. Good morning, I think
  12. watch his chest...if it sinks IN while deep breathing then it's pneumonia or asthmatic behavior. Tell them to put him on a steriod dose pack (medrol) and it will help strengthen the lungs and help the antibiotic kick in. Hope he feels better!
  13. I need this help so bad!!! Boyfriends son is moving in this weekend, he is 18 and weighs 425. Plus, my and boyfriend wanna loose a few too! TELL ME HOW!!!!!
  14. Under 18 MUST go to court, can't just pay it. That's what we always encountered anyway.
  15. Have him take the defensive driving course PRIOR to going to court...it takes 2 weekends cost 75.00 and will reduce or cancel out points. MUCH CHEAPER THAN AN ATTY!!! Also, have him write an essay to read to the judge about what he did wrong and why he now realizes what could have happened by him not obeying the rules. Been there done that with all 3 of my nephews and my son. Remember, the driving course is important due to the fact that they can only have 4 points from 16-18 before their license get revoked.
  16. Well the good thing about that is I have known this family for 20+ years. I knew my boyfriend and his ex-wife before they were married, I was married also and we all were kind of family (long story but no incest...promise...lol) Our kids were born together etc...fast forward divorces, re-marriages, divorces....then we reunited 2 years ago and the rest is Anyway, I have known this kid for his entire life and so I am not a stranger to him. His dad and I live a commited life and will eventually get married, it's just not the time right now for many reasons, but we have a wonderful relationship
  17. He graduated in May BARELY (we knew wednesday that he was graduating friday) with those grades and no SAT (as well as lack of funding here), his best bet will be tech school until he can get more motivated (he did really awful in high school) I have already checked into Chat tech and west central...we are looking into these schools now. He also needs a part time job. He has a little gig at his dads work but its very sporadic (1 maybe 2 days a week in the warehouse) He doesnt drive so it kinda makes things difficult on the job situation. Trust in this, I am prepared to put my all into it an
  18. we have discussed this at length. He is a very lazy guy and has not been compelled to be completely honest at times (with his school work etc last year when we were trying to help) He does want the help, he is 18 and realizes where he went wrong and what a predicament he has put himself into. We have promised to help him as long as he is helping himself. I am a complete nurturer....I have raised my own 2 and my sisters 3 (she is blind now and they are 22,21,and 20 all boys) I got them in college and on with their lives. The only issue that I havent had to deal with with all my kids is the weig
  19. He is completely on board, he was limited to what he could do before and has been a wonderful father to him. He has giving me the reins and appreciates my willingness to help. He is the only one working right now so he is gone long hours. My son will go to college Jan 6 (got his acceptance letter last week). My daughter is still in high school. The entire family is on board in helping this young man become a man.
  20. WOW, Heaven has another little angel~prayers said for the family
  21. My boyfriends son is moving in with us due to his mother kicking him out (he is 18 and when the child support stopped, she had no further need for him). This is all fine and good with us as we have my 2 here as well (18 and 14). She was not a good mother, not nurturing and did not prepare him for adulthood. He is 18, weighs 425, doesn't have a drivers license (needs lots of practice), did not do well in school so no hope for a free ride to college, does not have a job, is a video game addict, etc etc. I have known this child since birth and I care deeply about his well being. My boyfriend
  22. Just a garden snake...not venemous. Found one near my Koi pond a couple of weeks ago.
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