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Livin da dream

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Everything posted by Livin da dream

  1. YUMMM...fresh blueberry cobbler...or pancakes...or muffins...OMG I could go on forever!! LOL
  2. PREACH IT SISTA!!!!!!! Mine have learned how to pick the lock in 3 seconds flat!
  3. ABOUT A JOB!!!!! I have been out of work since mid-may. Have filled out countless applications and sent hundereds of resumes. Tonight, I got a call from a very sweet lady and as she told me more and more about the position, it is just PERFECT! Everyone, please pray that if it is the Lord's will, I get this position! Thank you!
  4. Thanks! I would love to meet up with you. I have 4 teenagers here...2 are mine, 2 are my sisters who is blind. 3 are boys and as you can imagine they love to eat. I have never needed assistance however, lost my job in May. I applied for food stamps but was denied. I paid into the system for 21 years, but I guess they think that unemployment is enough. I am barely making it, but am a tough cookie, could just use a little help and someone told me about food banks. I will try to call you in a little while. I don't have a ride today, (car is in the shop) but maybe could meet up with you next Thur
  5. I would like to know if anyone can tell me where the local food ministries are and what their requirements/hours of operation are. Thank you!
  6. "Dog Days" (Latin: diēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, they usually fall between early July and early September. In the southern hemisphere they are usually between January and early March. The actual dates vary greatly from region to region, depending on latitude and climate. Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress. The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather. Y
  7. Not so, (I do not mean any harm ) The General Aviation Industry (FBO's) have definitely taken a hit since the downturn of the economy, but I was there, went through it up until May 2011. I was the Operations Manager at an FBO. They DO still make money. Do I think there should be another commercial airport in Georgia? Not really, however, commercial aviation has still remained sound for the most part. Same thing different industry. The mega-powers are sucking up all the little guys. I just really hate to see the tax dollars for Paulding go to waste on an airport that is not being used. If KPUJ
  8. Just send the team from house to house...I got a BIG list of honey-do's!
  9. y'all are craking me up....LOL as long as there are hot drunk lesbians...my man would be there too!!! Heck, get a team of 'em...the whole house will get re-modeled!
  10. Congrats!! Hope all your Martha-Stewart dreams come true in your new HOME!!! (I too am a closet Martha! LOL)
  11. Don't forget, he too will have to endure lifes curveballs as he matures. Show him how a strong, competient person handles it! Trust me, mistakes will always be made along the way but it is how you handle the situation that will stick with him forever. Now that my children are older, I see glimpses of myself coming out in their ablility to handle different situations with smiles on their faces. Good luck to you and just always let him know that you LOVE him!
  12. Heard today on FB a friend took her little girl to the new dancing fountains at Piedmont. Hope this helps!
  13. I am fairly new here but would like to please ask you all to pray for my father. He has been in Emory midtown for a month now. His illness started in December of last year. After many trips to various doctors and a month stint in the hospital they STILL don't know what is wrong with him. He has some demylenation of the brain matter in his cerebellum. They have drained fluid off his brain by drilling a hole in his skull. He now has a trach and has to be on a venelator as well as a feeding tube running straight into his lower intestines (food will not seem to digest, even liquid) The doctors at
  14. I recently did something for a friend. One of my best friends. In doing so, I put myself completely out, meaning, what I did for her, affected me personally to some degree. I love to help people, and I don't look to receive as much as I give, however...I do believe that gratitude is important whether you say it or show it. Long and short of it, I felt very used after the fact and although my head tells me to let it go, my heart is hurting some. Should I say something or just let it go and let my good karma come around?
  15. yeah, they came home early...went to El Azteca.....now all is quiet in the house
  16. I am aware of the Christian catfish hole in Lithia Springs (if its still there) but does anyone know of a little pond or pay lake that the boys can go fishin tonight...... Really want them outta my hair!!!!
  17. I know, I am wondering if the Art Institute is closer. AND if financial aid is available there. Might as well drive tho to do something I love Kudos to you! I faint at the sight of blood Glad someone can do it though because it is definitely a necessity!
  18. I've done it! Oh yes I have. Not to mention, it was when a big ice storm happened a few years ago. One of the most humiliating times of my life, but yeah, I laugh about it now.
  19. I recently lost my job due to position elimination (a new company took over my location and I was senior manager and highest paid). This is the first time in 21 years that I have not worked as I am a career woman. (2 jobs in the 21 years) I finally am at a place in my life where I have a wonderful supportive man and he suggested tonight that I go back to school and follow my passion. I noticed that Chattahoochee Tech has Interior Design classes and am thinking that may be a whole new career for me. Has anyone been through this program or to Chattahoochee Tech at all that can offer some advice
  20. I have known my boyfriend for 20+ years. We were neighbors. Reconnected with him 2 years ago on FB after not hearing from each other for 8 yrs. I was very cautious in the beginning (2 yrs ago) due to past idiots, so we were friends first. Now, he is the most amazing man I have ever met and I am so lucky to have him in my life! Go to a casual lunch or even for coffee. Become friends first....it's worth the extra time to make sure he is everything that you desire
  21. I am a sunglasses freak!! Now I have been exposed...........
  22. Ya know, I would but,,,,my bed is just too dang cozy
  23. Starbucks sumatra brewed at home with St. Brennans irish Cream and a splash of carnation french vanilla...YUMMMMMM (think I'll go make another cup!)
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