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Everything posted by anjer1

  1. yes, I have seen that and also I seen where Paulding county owns the land at the corner of Ridge and bakers Bridge, they also own the land at Bill Carruth and Nebo. I do not understand why they have bought up land like this with our tax money.
  2. yes Blondie , my friend has been dealing with this since March of this year.Many trips to E.R ,Urgent care, Doctors of all specialties. It has been a rough journey. Greg Page from the Wiggles (yellow suit) has suffered since 2006 and had to stop performing.He just recently returned to Wiggles.
  3. I was just curious if anyone suffers with this.A friend of mine ended up at the E.R. last night, 12 hours of tests of organs and everything was great.He has been suffering since march thinking maybe Panic attacks /Anxiety but after reading the material that the doctor gave him I think we are on the road to a diagnosis. The next challenge is finding a phsician that specializes in this field. SO far the only one we found is in Alpharetta, maybe at St. Joes or Northside. I am doing some research on this new finding.Input will be appreciated.
  4. yea, I heard that from a friend of mine that they will be closing, when she comes down from N.Y. to visit family here in Dallas she takes the kids there. I have seen the Hummer still running around town advertising. I hope that the advertisement was not painted on that Hummer. She will be paying alot to unadvertise her vehicle.
  5. anjer1


    My hubby could not take nothing but Diovan, we were with Kaiser P (real Joke) They would not cover what worked and they had him on 10 different meds in a years time, when open season kicked in we went with BCBS and went back to Diovan. No problems since, That $10.00 copay that Kaiser charged seem cheap at the time but when you add the trips to E.R. and Urgent care because they would not give him the Diovan, it was expensive. I will not ever change insurance again to KP. One of the doctors at West Cobb told him to just stop taking the BP med and he said what do I take then , she said nothing, h
  6. anjer1


    no candycane, he is not a spiritual or natural doctor. he is just primary care but just licensed as a D.O. According to wikipedia it is the same as M.D.
  7. anjer1


    Dr Terry Langford D.O. is a Osteopathic physician
  8. yes definitely patience, 92 might be a better choice ,Hiram , Douglasville, Fairburn, Fayetteville, to Hampton.
  9. It is not a super woman thing, it takes alot of hard work, I raised twins from my hubby's first marriage 8 years old, 2 girls from his second 3 years and 1 year old and we had one. It was hard work. And then the problems that come with it is tough. I commend you for doing it.Do you have family support? That is a must too. Unfortunely I never had that except from friends. Hubby's family was awful, still is and we have been married 26 years. Also I have a friend that was in a similar situation, they took the baby in and never legalized it, now they are in court battling it out. Just make sure yo
  10. happen to me about a month ago, did not accept the call neither. Thanks LR for getting the word out.
  11. update, I was able to stop by the house today and I spoke to the mother and told her what I had seen Friday and it just broke my heart for her lil angel and I told her that I had several people praying for her baby including me and my hubby and she was so happy but anyhoo the baby is fine, and btw she was 4 days old. The mother was grateful for all the prayers and told me to tell you all Thank you.
  12. no, I have been praying for this family all weekend. I think I may stop by tomorrow after I take the grandkids home from school. I want to know that the baby is o.k.
  13. I know what you are saying there. A friend of ours invited the hubby and I to stay with her in her condo at Perdido Key last summer, she sleeps on the balcony so on the last day there I got up and stripped the beds and cleaned the condo before she woke up. She was down there for a month and when she woke up and walked in she was so thankful for what I done but I told her I was Thankful, she let us stay here for a week and that was nothing.We also went out for supper and paid for hers. We had a great time. She is down there now and she asked us to come again, I am just too busy right now , bu
  14. yes, it is upsetting to see something like this. Prayers being said for all involved.
  15. My mother had clutter up until she died. I swore my children would never live like that. Mother did work a full time job but she would go shopping everyday after work and bring the clutter home. She also was famous for not getting rid of anything, she was born in 1939 so therefore she was taught to hold on to everything with her parents going thru the Great Depression. I myself am hired often mostly in Atlanta to organize folks home "Room by Room". I have a dear friend that recently hired me to come into her home and this process took severals weeks( 3 story home) but she did not want her only
  16. It was on Garmon across from Riverstone Sub. where they landscaped a wall with broken concrete I believe. That baby is still on my mind and in my heart at 4:00 a.m.When it was happening all I could see was the baby and fireman.I am still in prayer for that sweet baby.
  17. I lost interest in TT when the signs were put up in front of his house and when Billy Ray blew him away with Achy Breaky Heart and TT made some awful comment about Billy Ray. That has been a long time ago but I would think with them both being singers that he would have supported Billy ray rather than shooting him down. That comment made me not interested in TT and today I am still not interested.
  18. well, speak of the devil , this was on my FB
  19. Thank you all, it just really upset me seeing him carrying that sweet baby down to the road. I pray for the mama and daddy.
  20. I just came from Ridge road when a ambulance came with no siren on thru the 4 way stop at Garmon and Hughes, just a lil ways up the road the fire rescue was bringing what looked like a newborn down to the ambulance, please be in prayer for this baby. It has just tore at my heart seeing this. TIA
  21. I carry the grandkids here and as far as the grandkids they love to go. Now the only issue I have had with them is I have very good dental insurance and they will schedule the appointment and everytime I get there the hygenist will come and get me and say "Johnny was sheduled for quite a bit of work today and the doctor does not like to do so much in 1 visit." my reply " I do believe your office knows what they were doing when they scheduled this appointment and if you thought it was too much at one time then you would not have scheduled it, your office should know this, so therefore do the wo
  22. I voted at Nebo and I am in Paulding. I found it to be a waste of my gas and my time to go and vote for just a Judge whatever and the other. I was also pretty upset that they were the only ones on the ballot. Seems like another waste of our money by the county to have all of those polls open when we could have voted at the courthouse. I ask the pollworker, "how many voters would you say showed up"? She said about 200.No line.
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