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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. LOL. Edgar is the only one who will play with her (but he thinks he is a dog anyway). Night-Night ignores her and Lily is scared of her. It's funny because she weighs a whopping 4lbs. The three of them are each at least 4 times her size. I had to keep them separated when she was a tiny pup because I swear they thought she was a mouse. The way they looked at her was kind of scary .
  2. Since you are obviously trying to bait me into some fruitless, futile argument I refuse to be drawn into... Leaving this with the comment that a homosexual is born with their orientation. I seriously doubt you are born with the urge to have intercourse with your children. But hey, whatever puffs your sails.
  3. My standard is pretty simple. You don't screw your children, or your animals. Simple.
  4. Emma, last Christmas at 6 weeks old. My Christmas present Emma now, at 1 year. Still my little princess. The 3 terrors, my kitties: Midnight (night-Night), Lily and Edgar Winter Night-Night and Lily are brother and sister Edgar is their half brother, and they are all insane. LOL I LOVE seeing all of the furbabies. SO precious .
  5. I'm not 'placing all the blame on the father'. I'm pretty sure the issue isn't her boinking her Mother, right? I also addressed the fact that the girl's head is obviously pretty messed up. But again, in this situation this is her FATHER therefore he, at least should be the more responsible party (if there even can be one in this situation). I mean that is part of being a father?
  6. That was my thought as well, I don't think there is any way this just began when the girl was 21 years old. It takes a sick, sick man to think it's alright...or even be able to be sexually attracted to his offspring. The same goes for her, where is her head at? Some type of inappropriate behavior had to be taking place (imho) long before she was of a consenting age. Just gross.
  7. Apparently you were having a conversation I was not privy to. I have no idea what rudeness you are referring to in the above quote.
  8. "Give yourself a break and try to understand another point of view, whether it fits your agenda or not" Maybe you need to take your own advice. I am also not described as 'impolite'...I merely questioned your post. Since it personally affects me, you better belive I am going to speak up.
  9. Give me a beak. What about the people 'who have struggled so long' for basic 'civil liberties'? No they should NOT be offended, and yes they should be on the side of those who are currently involved in that struggle. You do not choose your sexual orientatiion anymore than you choose you skin pigmentation.
  10. P.S...and on the civil right's issue yes it is. Civil Rights is not limited to racial identity. When 'GLBT' identified people are not allowed the basic rights 'straight' people are allowed in our society it absolutley IS a 'civil rights' issue. Don't even get me started.
  11. Is not about "choosing to talk about your sexual orientation" or not. It's about who you are. Why should you have to choose to be open and honest with who you are, in your essence. Straight people as a general rule just do not understand. It's not that homosexuals run around screaming 'Hey, look at me, I'm gay'. But neither should they have to hide that part of who they are. It should just not be an issue, period. Before "Don't ask Don't tell", they could be discharged, investigated and other less than honorable offenses could be alluded to. Not right. It makes not difference, straigh
  12. The fact that Walmart pledges to do anything that doesn't in the long run benefit Walmart is amusing to me. I apologize but the whole WalMart portion just screams b.s to me. I am saying this from the pov of a 2 year WalMart abstainer, you really wouldn't catch me dead in that place. Overall I find this whole concept kind of silly .
  13. LOL! Yes, I am a little scary. Ray said as much this morning when I commented on some television program and that I couldn't understand what would motivate anyone to even be slightly interested in it. He said "Rhondella, you are not a normal woman". Wasn't quite sure how I was supposed to take that so I choose to believe it was a compliment .
  14. I talked to Brit after I posted. She told me the jackhammer is back today which means they should be finished with it by this evening. That bodes well for it to be all clear for the booksignings tomorrow . The jackhammer is just tremendously annoying btw, not scary .
  15. Yes I did, remember? The jackhammer was Monday, the boom-boom-boom started on Tuesday. Sounds like they were 'shelling' outside the building. You are talking about the sheet of metal they laid across the hole they dug, right? Nothing could be worse than the jackhammer .
  16. O.M.G! I have to tell you the boom, boom, boom- is much better than the jackhammer that they were using literally ALL day on Monday. I got to the store at 9:30am, left after 6:00 and they were still going. My brain was addled and I couldn't hear anything. It's really going to suck when they come to our side of the street and start .
  17. There's an episode of South Park that addresses that very thought .
  18. My tattoo artist, Richie. Electric Body Art on Canton road in Marietta. Bring in a new, unwrapped toy (Toys for Tots) and he will give you tattoo cash towards purchase of a new tattoo.
  19. There are 5 now. The first one is 'Darkly Dreaming Dexter', and I am pretty sure we have it in stock. I know we have a few of the series. I sell them pretty quickly. Too bad I wasn't there when you came in (not there again till Monday, btw). I would definitely have given you the right order . P.S...this will help: Dexter novel order
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