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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Looks pretty boring, and I noticed that Simon is using the same old time worn insults he used in the first season of American Idol, lol. But...SUPERNATURAL and Dexter start back this month...WOOT!!!!!!
  2. Christmas decorations get on my nerves after about 2 days...because I am weird like that, lol. I haven't even had a Christmas tree in more than 15 years . Maybe I should do a Halloween tree? Hmmmmmm....
  3. Naw...the only sweets I eat are on the Medifast program. I will miss the candy corns this year, though . I LOVE the Halloween decorations, the colors, the smells, the sounds...everything about it. It really is never too early for me . Serious awesomeness, lol.
  4. I literally could do Halloween ALL year !!!!!!!!
  5. (((Hugs))) SO sorry for your loss, and for the pain you are feeling because of it.
  6. Oh no, I apologize if I gave the wrong impression. I did not take your post to imply that you had a problem with gender orientation . My friend had to go to court to have her name legally changed (for her license, etc). She is 'female presenting' and lives her life as a woman. She is one of my personal heroes, honestly. It takes a VERY strong person to deal with the social situations implied and the stigma associated with gender and accepted norms. She's an amazing person.
  7. Thank you, girl . One of my dearest friends is transgender. Her gender orientation is female despite the fact that she was born with male genitalia. Most people don't understand gender orientation, and that is unfortunate. I don't watch the show, I've never seen an episode but I am sure Chaz will dance with a woman, unless the producers intend to display complete ignorance regarding gender orientation. Gender orientation is in the mind, and really has very little to do with genitalia. It's all really rather fascinating, actually. Human sexuality I mean, and how we view ourselves
  8. I bought a few pairs of Doc Martens from a friend the other day...I had my (almost 4 year old) grandson with me. One pair is awesome suede, kind of purple another pair has the Union Jack on them, a star on the toe. I was wearing the purple pair. He said" Memaw, I don't like those pink shoes". I said "AJ, these aren't pink they are purple"...He said "Noooooooooo Memaw, I want you to wear the CLOWN shoes," . Yep, the Docs with the star on the toe. Crazy kid.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I think that he thought he was bringing out his 'best' ...don't all men ????
  10. What a load of BS. Double taxation, anyone??????
  11. Yes Ma'am It was the superficial procedure that cause the phlebitis, and a little chunk (pin sized, but left a scar) or my leg to come out from one of the injection sites. I would NOT recommend to anyone the 'Vein Clinic' route, but like your husband a vascular surgeon would be best. I wish I had known in May what I know now. Mine was also medically necessary, I had a huge, icky blood sack behind my right knee, swelling and pain that wouldn't stop, I had been dealing with it for 25 years. It had finally reached the point where it was affecting my everyday life, walking standing, etc.
  12. How awesome, congratulations! She is beautiful, and I LOVE the name, Molly .
  13. I'm glad you didn't get hit. Some people are just too stupid to drive. Seriously they are. P.S...Brit has a book for you at the store to borrow.....ZOMBIES
  14. Yes, I had it. In May actually. That was my first procedure...my second procedure (one week after) was in the form of saline injections (12) for some of the superficial veins. I have chronic vein disease in my right leg. I was supposed to have 4 more of the saline treatments, but I will never go back. My experience was a horror story that cost me several trips to the E.R and caused phlebitis that I am still dealing with, not to mention a nice little scar as a reminder.. I was also off of my leg and out of work for almost 2 months because of this 'minimally invasive, less painful' treatme
  15. Stop it, you people...now I WANT ONE!!! Jason's Deli has a great take on a philly cheese that is to DIE for, it's served with au jus as well...and now I am drooling as I enjoy my medifast bar snack. Damn you, people .
  16. Not those faces... Check this site out, lol. Anti-Duckface
  17. Awesome, how is that? I want to read it and this one... The God Virus
  18. "Duck Face'...FAIL! ALWAYS a fail... I don't have a problem with the 'sign of the horns', though. It does have a rather long history and I think most people don't even have a clue what it really means when they make it. My link Alfred Hitchcock warding off the evil eye .
  19. OMG! How could I forget Addams Family and The Munsters? Oh, and The Avengers...I wanted to BE Emma Peel ,
  20. Oh yes! I forgot about 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents'...another of my all time favorites .
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